Chieni's Secret Garden

A Garden of childhood dreams, lifetime treasures, growing pains, laughter and S-E-C-R-E-T-S.

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Hi, welcome to visit our class web pages. Take a look at What's New in our web.

What's New    Updated Date: 06/24/2000   

Boston, MA
Sunny as my mood, 77°F
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  • What's New about Chieni? I am just engaged (June 21, 2000 WED. I am afraid I will not remember exactly the date so I write it down here, but I am sure that I will never forget the lovely and interesting process at that night in Boston , which is the best moment that I and my intelligent, thoughtful, caring, adventurous, respectful and creative fiancé Damon together have ever had and could never forget. xoxoxo Love you, Damon, my Iron Giant.) There surely will be some challenges and traps in out life, but we will work together as we always did. Best wishes to our relationships, families, friendships with true friends and goals of the life. 

  • It has been long time not having the chance to update the website. I worked 10-10 so hard and got so many things to concern. Before July 4th, I have a break and am enjoying the sweetness around me. I am also speeding up on preparing to open my little shop by Oct. 1 as well as the online store. Everything is interesting and worthy to learn. Hopefully I can settle down most of it down before the fall semester starts. The year 2000 is sure a very significant year in my short life (I am so energetic whenever I think about how many years left for my legs to move, for my ears to hear, for my mouth to talk, for my eyes to see, for my memory to store, for my teeth to chew, for my arms to lift, and for my heart to try something new....not much, live in this moment and makes it memorable) I certainly very much wish your Year 2000 is the most fruitful one than ever.

  • Happy Birthday to Chien-ning Yu. His birthday is around the corner. On 6/26, please do not forget to send him your warmest wishes to brighten his big day. :)

  • (animated picture contributed by sina)

The following is a list of recent additions to our web. The most recent changes are listed first, and each item is linked to the page with the updated content. For the near future improvement of the site, see Schedule

  • What no one else ever tells are very important to the benefits of Taiwanese community in the North America...... Please see the Shared  Thoughts.
  • The news below is contributed from Lycos (has only Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea localized sites)
  • I added the resource on Chinese and English search engines. You could just search "Chinese search engine" in the main search engines to find out, or save your time from here.(Chinese Viewer required), But the list didn't include the as one of the small search resource...p.s. personally, MSN Taiwan, Yahoo Taiwan, and Sina (order Chinese magazine and books, chatting with local friends, etc.) will be useful for multi-function needs...but Globepage (Globe),, also offers plenty of well-categorized URLs on Searching functions. 

April. 5, 2000 

 Web a safety net for late tax filers
By Greg Sandoval Staff Writer, CNET
April 3, 2000, 1:10 p.m. PT

Procrastinators take heart: Online tax firms are beefing up their Web sites to prepare for the expected onslaught of last-minute filers.

More Americans than ever have filed taxes online this year, according to IRS figures, and that's put pressure on online tax-preparation companies to prove their sites are fast, secure and easy to use. A crush of late filers is expected between now and the April 17 deadline.
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"This is the defining year for this industry," Punishill said. "With 2 percent of the U.S. population expected to file online this year, this is going to put online tax preparation on the map."

 Industry leaders H&R Block and software maker Intuit offer and Turbotax for people to log on and do their own taxes.

Mar. 19, 2000 EST 12pm

Taiwan's Chen Declared Presidential Winner

Saturday, March 18, 2000   I put the English report from Reuters frist

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Pro-independence candidate Chen Shui-bian was officially declared the winner of Taiwan's presidential elections on Saturday, ending more than half a century of Nationalist rule.

"The trend cannot be reversed. Chen Shui-bian has been elected," Yu Ming-hsien, director of the Central Election Commission, told reporters.

Tens of thousands of jubilant supporters thronged Chen's campaign headquarters in central Taipei, setting off firecrackers and honking horns.

There was no immediate response from China, which has threatened to invade if Taiwan declared independence and has issued dire threats aimed at Chen's Democratic Progressive Party.

Chen has softpedalled the independence issue, promising that if elected he would not hold a referendum declaring a separate state or change the flag and constitution.

Mar 18, 2000 Taiwan Election 2000


36.84 %
23.10 %
0.13 %
0.63 %
39.30 %
详讯:台湾地区领导人选举揭晓 200031820:30 中新社网站

  中新社台北三月十八日电 (本社记者刘北宪发自台北)台湾地区领导人的选举活动今晚揭晓。民进党候选人陈水扁得票领先。


MSN Taiwan
第十任總統大選開票作業已經結束,陳水扁以接近 500 萬張的得票數,成為中華民國第十屆總統,中選會已經發布正式公告,同時陳水扁也發布了當選感言。
到 MSN 社群來聊天吧,談談你對新總統的期許

Yahoo Taiwan

候選人全國總票數 每分鐘更新‧資訊提供: 華視
直播及票數統計與中選會開票同步展開(約為下午3:50)。要獲知最新票數,請按"重新整理"(reload, refresh)。開票結果以中選會為準。
分區票數 〈每分鐘更新〉

宋楚瑜將組新政黨 -  中時 (3月19日 星期日, 01:31)
柯林頓賀阿扁當選,促兩岸展開對話 -  中時 (3月19日 星期日, 01:21)
李總統官邸外 選民抗議 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
陳呂配當選 國軍宣誓效忠 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
台灣大選揭曉 北京緊急開會 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
宋楚瑜落選 支持者要求組黨 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
連戰談敗選:來日方長後會有期 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
連蕭故鄉得票率屈居第三 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
陳呂配當選 台南鄉親欣喜若狂 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
大選開票 幾家歡樂幾家愁 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
政黨輪替獲肯定 扁勝出主因 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
高雄市眷村票 宋獲七成支持 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
中部開票 宋楚瑜第一贏家 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
陳呂配當選 善意邀中國對話 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)
眷村票一面倒 宋楚瑜桃竹開高票 -  民視 (3月19日 星期日, 01:00)


Mar.15, 2000 Add New Stuff at Life Is Beautiful (check out the new site.)

 Chess Web site launch will feature Kasparov, Becker in match                      

    Becker is one of three my favorite tennis players; and I can play chess whole day, never being bored. My friend Markus is very good at it. Chris, Damon, James like it too. Yahoo has the online chess and other games..

Mar.14, 2000 Add Mona's fabulous wedding picture

Please visit at MEMBERS/#21 Mona Lou

Mar.14, 2000  Special announcement!! Attention!

We are going to move the class web site to, for complete components (forms, search, discussions) functions. Enjoy it, use it to communicate with others, so all of you  will be the gardeners, and please seed for the spring. IF you search Jennifer(#40) then you can get three results from the entire site and link you to those pages. If you post any comments or articles, then it will be shown in Table of Contents of discussion-knowledge base. For instance, I have posted my opinion in the category of Taiwan Politics.

Please send me your comments. Thank you very much. Thank (#11)Volleyball Boy for your message in the prior temp guest book. *


Mar.18, 2000  台灣三月十八日舉行總統直選

(中央社渥太華十三日專電) 溫哥華太陽報今天的報導指出,台灣三月十八日舉行的總統直選,勢將導引大中國邁向新領域。如果台灣初熟的民主政治經此考驗出現了亂局,中共將會幸災樂禍,且將振振有詞的繼續鎮壓統治(鎮壓統治??Very Funny, just don't know how other people could believe Taiwan is part of current People's Republic China without Taiwan all citizens' and the government's agreement, any attack from Mainland China, or attack from Taiwan to mainland China is 100% offense, not protection, not oppression, they have no law and any authority practiced in each other's land)。

溫哥華太陽報特派員曼索普發自台北的報導指出,台灣選出李登輝的繼任總統,等於完成民主傳承,不過黑金政治的改革尚待努力。台灣從列寧式的一黨獨大,快速發展成多黨民主政治,再一次證明與全面抵制多黨政治發展的中國大陸形成強烈對比。(Mainland people are smart, hardworking, and friendly, but their Government are losers, are treating their people unfairly, this kind of government should be reformed, Mainland government, before you want to take over Taiwan, just ask any neighbor, or any of your alliance, who wants to be ruled by such a lousy government like you? HEY, SIZE DOES NOT MATTER. People admire China by its history, culture, and beautiful landscape and resources, as well as the huge market...however, none of these is contributed by the People's Republic of China) ~Sunny, Mar. 14, 2000









Mar.14, 2000油價飆高 加深通脹隱憂




首先,此次的石油價格在飆漲前是先處於油價的曆史低檔。1999年初石油實際價格(未考慮通脹的因素)是1972年以後的曆史新低,即使油價最近屢創新高,但石油實際價格仍只有 1981年的一半水准。














Mar.09, 2000

  • I add something about Boston in this site today, because I wish my friends feel free to come to visit me and explore more about the city I love very very much. Taipei has so many singers, actresses, free concerts, local and international arts performances, galleries (I personally like ET Park, Elite, ShaMen and A-Po-Lo Da-Sha, tons of stimulating or experimental visual or multi-media works out there; the best hair saloon and real world-class SPA, and so many delicious food and creative food stands and night markets, "we-have everything from Japan, HK, Europe, America, and Australia" department store (frankly, I can't stand Macy's and Filine's called themselves Department store, in my "narrow" impression, Department Store has Huge Arcade or Game center, has neat B1 B2 Food Courts, Beautiful elevator service girls, Many many floors, very very bright, has gallery, pop concerts or exhibitions on the top floor, whole floor of audio and recods sold there, has Mechanical Cat Ding Dang displayed), and supermarket (I do miss the taste of some snacks available there, Americans seem only eat and produce candy, chips, nuts, dry fruit, and chocolate) native TV programs are lousy, Radio programs are funny, energetic, and soothing)...however, if I can not just stay indoors or suburbs, then I appreciate the fresh air, the wide blue sky, the nearby seashore and harbor activities, the Charles River banks as your open bed and reading desk, the clean streets, and wide (only few few motorcycles) sidewalk.  I feel so rich just by walking along the Charles River, see the sailing boats and skaters. I feel so young and pretty just by breathing in the chilly wind and dustless neighborhood. Just saying no matter where I am I will remember both, and will cherish what I can have now, think positively, and live happily and richly in the place I finally belong to.
  • The temperature here hits new record of today, 75 degree, and Mar.11, or 12, we might have snow shower again. :)  #$%@&*# New England's weather is really like women unpredictable/unstable? But anyway, I love it, so fun to have surprises, and to wear 4 season cloth in one week. Yay Yay Yay.
  • And about myself, I drive very well and comfortably. This is one thing exciting and a progress to me. You know, I am always lazy and afraid of driving, even I got my license last June, I never drove after June:) till now. 

Mar.03, 2000

  • Taiwan News: Will the U.S. sell advanced weapon to Taiwan?
  • 陽明山花季揭幕 花卉大展相競豔 (from Taiwan Yahoo)

Mar.02, 2000

  • I found some of your pictures taken at the 6th grade! I just don't know if you mind that I post them in the site or not??? We will get the time stamp, counter appeared without frontpage server extension...Have a wonderful weekend and the Spring break. See spring is around the corner.

Mar.01, 2000

  • Hay, Today is National Pig Day. Have you heard about it? ^_^Anyway, pigs are cute and they contribute us a lot! Let Chieni's Secret Garden honor all of Piggy Friends, who were born in 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995. 
  • 2.26 ~ 3.1 I was preparing my paper and just finish a mid-term exam. I wish I will be back working on these flowers, trees, pond, and "Ting-Tai-Lou-Ge" soon. 
  • Thanks Andrea and Dacan for those sharing emails. I will post them as soon as I make the scroll text box for articles. You take care. < >

Feb.25, 2000

  • Fixed the snoopy cartoon (image\friend.gif -> friend.gif )within the homepage, so hopefully it can be seen with both IE and Netscape  on windows as well on the unix system.
  • Thank you, Liu.  I am sorry, #16 Liu's email is or in case you just join the email users. I just corrected it in the Members page.
  • Ah, not getting any individual's recent pic yet. Please send me again if you did. I could not save these pic earlier, but I think they are lovely, really, Chuan, Jennifer, Teng, Mona...please...when you get time, thanks a lot.
  • And the heart bullet was bumping...but they are sleeping now...will ask Gioying..then fix it soon.
  • Also let you know that the search form, discussion, and guest book, even the hit counter will be fixed by Mar. 12. Thanks 

Feb.23-24, 2000

  • Inform friends and classmates about the site and have got response from Milton, Gwai Mei, Damon.  Thank you. 
  • Fix the table with Wine Opener under the Archive>Tools.

Feb.22, 2000

  • Chieni's Secret Garden was born. Chieni just bought the Frontpage2000 for her home PC, so she could try to maintain the pages better in the future, as a caring gardener.

Feb.19, 2000

  • Chieni attended her senior friend Ray's funeral service in VT. And she wants to build something for her friendship and people who have had long relationship with her before she dies.

Feb 6-12, 2000

  • The previous version of the classweb was built with the theme travel from FrontPage98 in the BU's lab. But Chieni had not come out a good idea about how to make the best use of the website for our classmates. Basically, we certainly will post the contact list, and some shared emails for classmates who have the internet access but haven't set up any e-mail account.
  • Suggestion: set up the worldwide free email account with hotmail, yahoo, excite or collegeclub. There are a lot of free email account providers now. 

Jan 2000


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Last updated: June 24, 2000.