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Lovely trip~ xP

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Canberra. =)


6th May 'o4

Lookies, I dedicated a pagii to this. How totalli cool am i? xDD

Heyoooz~ Imma backers from camp! xDD Camberra camp...how nice. It was fun...AT NITE. xDD But the rest of it sucked like shit. Who the hell goes on camp for HISTORY? Like, wtf?? I didn't learn a SINGLE thing. [[cept that canberra is a bigger hole than i imagined. =___="]] We spent like..1% of the time in the actual "sites" and the other time on the bus. [[My bum is getting REALLI big]]. Oh,,, the sound and screen placy was funni tho! We gotsa see funni adds, black and white moovies and play dress ups~!!

Nehooz, enough of da rantingz. Ladididida...the motel placey was oki. I think we were in the same place as when i went to canberra in yr 6. Well, moving oon...we were SOO luckii to fit get a 6-ppl cabin~!! [[x3]]It had tv and bathroom....

we played cards for like agggess...+ pigged out while we were at it. And OMG I FULLI VOMITTED COZ I ATE LIKE...3 PIECES OF LIQUORICE DAMMIT! I AM SO NEVER TOUCHING THAT SHIAT EVER AGAIN! [[note: If you lose a card game, u have to eat a piece of liquorice...]]

After like...what seemed like forever of cards...we watched Cruel Intentions!! Its a really good movie!! And its also realli sweet [[minus all da slut talk]] We kinda watched grudge...cept it wasn't really all that scarii da second time around. Laterz on...dana n aolly went to sleepys..and da rest of us played MORE CARDS!! [[We learnt this new weirdo game...fun..but it totalli used up my brain power]] After a bit of chit chat, me, bello and jello ditched annie and slept for like..3 hrs? z____Z;;; Woke up at 6 [[FREEZING!!]] and had brekkie. x3

Laterz we went to High Court, Old parliament House, Parliament house~! They were...really boring. [[what do i expect]]. Highlight of the day: LUNCH!! It was actually DECENT FOOD! Omglikewtf? Blahblahblah...oh, and then..DUNDUNDUN...we went home. -woot woot- Highlight of the bustrip: The mAcCAS pitt stop~! x3

Nehooz, its time for me to go now. Im really tired for sleeping 7 hours in 2 days. And tmoroz i need to go tu PreUNI. How fun!
Well, bbai for now. x3. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend...[[and do all their mudda-effin assignments =___=;;]]

Piccies from Canberra!! =)

From left tu right: Janet, Aolli, Bello, Dana, Veino + Labby, Annie + ..tomato? lolz.
This is us in da morning. Man. 6am is too much for us. And LOOK at my bags. =____=;;

This was our..hmm, 2nd stop? The war memorial. ^^;; I mainly took the picture for the view...but look at the little suprisies i picked along the wai!! Can u guess hu they are? x3

Janet and Me. And the parliament house. How...interesting....

Yes annie...i see the parliament house as well. ^^

Love chuu! =3 This was taken in our "motel" on the second day. Now..dont they look cheerful?? And doesn't this pose look oh-so familiar?