St. Peter's Anglican Church Toronto Canada
188 Carlton St. Toronto Ontario Canada M5A 2K8 (416) 924-1891

Upcoming Services

Holy Communion 10:30AM


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Groups and Programs

Choir Practice

What talents can you offer to serve Jesus Christ and others in this very diverse neighbourhood? We are looking for individuals to offer their talents, time, interest and skills in the following areas. Experience is not as important as your willingness to participate. Come and join other parish volunteers in accomplishing tasks and exercising your talents. All work for the Lord is important. We need many helping hands to function.


Adult Christian Education:

On Tuesday evening from 7 - 8:30 p.m. From Fall to Spring the Living Embers Bible Study gathers to study the Bible passages for the upcoming Sunday. New participants are enthusiastically encouraged. No experience of the Bible or Bible study is necessary. Entrance is through the east driveway door. Other programs and experiences are offered at different days and times throughout the year. Call the parish office for current opportunities variety of programs and experiences are offered at different days and times throughout the year.

CONTACT: Parish office (416)924-1891

Sunday School:

iAn age-appropriate experience of the Word is offered during Sunday morning worship for those school age children who wish (Fall - Spring). Children rejoin their parents to receive communion."

CONTACT: 416-924-1891



Fudger House Volunteers:

Each Friday morning volunteers assist residents to come to the chapel and attend worship with them, assisting as needed. After the service, residents are escorted back to their rooms.

CONTACT: Lucie Simons (416)696-7217

Resettlement Group

This group sponsors an Iraqi refugee family coming to Canada from Jordan and Syria. Updates on their progress will be posted as they become available. Stay tuned!

CONTACT Peggy Needham (416)
861 8195

Pastoral Care Workers:

These are trained and commissioned parishoners who fulfill the scriptural injunction to contact the sick and lonely as representatives of their parish.

CONTACT: Audrey Hughes (416)924-1891



Parish Life Commitee:

This group plans and presents monthly events to foster fellowship in the congregation and raise fund for the parish.

CONTACT: Paul Mitchell (416)924-1891


Often the first friendly face that we see in the church. These volunteers welcome members and visitors with a smile. They pass out service leaflets, take up the offering, provide security and stand by to offer assistance during the service

CONTACT: Pat Arnold (416)924-1891

Coffee Hour:

Often, it is the fellowship after Sunday worship that binds the congregation together and helps us get to know one another. Volunteers are supplied coffee, tea and some cold drink to serve and generally provide a light snack

CONTACT: Paul Mitchell (416)924-1891



Choir Members:

Sing and provide musical leadership at the Sunday morning service. Choir practice are Sundays at 10am prior to the service and following coffee hour. No experience is necessary - just a love of music and a desire to sing.

CONTACT: John Terauds(416)924-1891

Servers (Crucifers and Acolytes):

Carry the cross, torches, serve at the altar and assist before and after worship. They wear vestments and participate ceremonially in the liturgy. Servers have reached grade 5 and receive full training for this work.

CONTACT: Paul Mitchell (416)924-1891

Chalice Administrators:

Assist with the administration of the chalice at main services. They are invited by the Rector.

CONTACT: Paul Mitchell (416)924-1891


Scripture readers are always needed. If you are a good reader and love the scriptures then give us a call. Training is available if required.

CONTACT: Pat Arnold(416) 924-1891.

Prayers of the People:

At our main services we look for volunteers to prepare and lead us in the Prayers of the People. A good speaking voice is necessary and some training is available if required.

CONTACT: (416)924-1891

Healing Team:

These people assist at the monthly Sacrament of Healing. They are members chosen from the congregation who are known for their gifts of intercessory prayer, sensitivity to others and confidentiality.

CONTACT: Rev. Judy Herron-Graham (416)924-1891

Prayer Partners:

Anybody can pray, anywhere and anytime. If you have time to be still and quiet then please pray for us, intentionally and daily. Let us know that you are doing this. It helps far beyond all imagining.

CONTACT: (416)924-1891



In the spring and summer we have a lot of green grass and flower beds that can use a 'green thumb.' If you enjoy working with plants and growing things, here's your opportunity.

CONTACT: Gary Irvine (416)924-1891

Altar Guild

This group is responsible for anything to do with maintaining the beauty of the church. Cleaning, polishing, washing, ironing, flower arranging, decorating for special services and preparing the chancel for worship are some of the activities.

CONTACT: Marjorie Philip (416)924-1891

Patchers and Repairers:

If you are handy or want to be; experienced in or willing to do small repairs and can participate in special projects, please let us know.

CONTACT: Everton Morris, Betty Scantlebury or Rogers Beyongera (416)924-1891

Image by R. Brown 2001

Worship Schedule

Sunday Service: 10:30AM
Holy Eucharist
Sacrament of Healing 3rd Sunday of the Month
Morning Prayer on occasion


(order of services may vary depending on the season i.e Easter, Palm Sunday)

Weekday Services

Wednesday Service 9 AM
Holy Eucharist

Fudger House Nursing Home 10AM
Every 2nd Friday of the month 439 Sherbourne St

Rekai Nursing Home 10AM
1st Thursday of the month 345 Sherbourne St.





All third party materials, registered trademarks,and copyrighted materaial are property of their respective holders ©St Peter's Anglican Church 2009
188 Carlton St. Toronto Ontario M5A 2K8 (416)924-1891

This page last updated: June 2009, Contact webmaster at
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