
Depression is a debilitating illness and can be fatal - it can cause anything from a mild inconvenience to suicide. I suffer from depression myself and have also cared for someone - and seen them recover from it - so I have experience of both sides of it.

Here are each of the pages in this directory so that you can jump to the ones of most interest, however, it's best that you read through them all because if you know exactly what you're dealing with it makes dealing with it easier.

An introduction
A brief introduction to depression. Includes a list of symptoms to look out for.

A brief guide to the different types of depression
Not sure what the difference between uni-polar and bi-polar depression is? Never heard of dysthymia? You need to check out this page which gives a brief description of each.

Information for family and friends of sufferers of depression
Exactly what it says on the link. Please read this section if you know someone suffering from depression.

Help is at hand... without a trip to the doc's
If your depression is manageable, then there are plenty of things you can do to ease it without having to go to see a doctor. This is my self-help guide.

Seasonal Affective Disorder It's that time of year... A brief guide to what SAD is, what causes it and most importantly how to combat it.

A year in the life of a depressive This kicks off a new part of this section of my site and is called, and intended for, Depressives Only. This first page deals with the year I had in 2004, ignoring my previous years of battling depression, and I hope it will give encouragement to those of you who need it most.

LATEST ADDITION: Counsellors and Doctors
The Medical Profession: How to get the best out of those helping you.

Mind Over Matter

IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: This information is just that - information. This is not intended to be used instead of qualified medical advice. If you think you have moderate to serious depression you must seek medical advice from a qualified professional.

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All graphics and articles in the Mind Over Matter section are copyright © the Steve Clark In Loving Memory website 2002 and beyond. Please leave them here. Thank you.
