Wanna know about planets in the star wars universe? then ur come to the right place!! i dont have much info right now because im only working on it for like 1 hour so im not gonna have very much done ...so come back some other time and ill have lotsa info!!! ;)
Courascant, is the galactic capital of the galaxy. The home planet to many beings but most notably  Ysanne Isard, or better known as Iceheart the director of imperial intelligence.
Courascant is covered completely by one huge city.
When most people think of Corellia they think Han Solo but lots of people from Corellia joined the rebellion: Wedge Antillies, Myn Donos, Corran Horn, Iella Wessiri, and others that have helped the rebellion like Booster and Mirax Terrik.
Corellia is home to Corsec which actually is Corellian Security to which Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri worked together for a time. Corran Horn's father, Hal Horn, and grandfather, Rostek Halcyon,also worked for Corsec along with Corran's astromech droid, Whistler.
Alderaan was a earth like planet until Darth Vader ordered it to be destroyed with the first death star. Preceding the order Vader was interrogating Princess Leia Organa about the whereabouts of the hidden rebel base, she would not give up the real base so instead said Dantooine, an old rebel base. Vader decided that that was not close enough to be a lesson to most planets so Vader chose to destroy Leia's home planet, Alderaan. Other Rebels from Alderaan include Tycho Celchu and Winter.
Yavin and Yavin 4
Yavin 4 is a gas giant unlike one of its moons, Yavin 4 which is covered in tropical foliage. Yavin 4 was the location of the Battle of Yavin (duh) where Luke Skywalker destroyed the first death star.
Endor's moon
Endor is actually a gas giant that is silvery in color. The forest moon is only one of 9 satillites around Endor. The moon was considered to be a nature santuary. The battle of Endor with the second death star was at this moon where the Ewoks helped the rebels. This is the home planet of "Lieutenant Kettch" the made-up character that Wedge Antillies played in the hawk-bats squadron in the fight against Zsinj.
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