Water     Fire

Can you hear the soft murmurs of a small creek flowing; touching, caressing the stones and the boulders in its path? Can you see the majesty of a river; swollen because of the snow and ice melting in the mountains? Can you feel the droplets of water tickling your face as you admire the beauty of a waterfall? Take the time to contemplate on your feelings of love for the waters...

Do not underestimate good, thinking it will not effect you. Dripping water can fill a pitcher, drop...by ...drop! One who is wise is filled with good, even if one accumulates it little by little.
(Dhammapada 9.7)

The essence of life
The cornerstone of life
The one element life sprouted out of
The one element of life's creation

Flowing, streaming, gurgling...
Splashing, falling, dripping...
Pouring, filling, splattering...
Flooding,crashing, quenching...

Waterfall, droplet, river...
Creek, pond, sea...
Lake, ocean, stream...
Wave, maelstrom, .......


Cleansing, healing, freshness...
Emotions within each of us...
Creating, feeling, experience...


Copyright Beltane 2000

  • Lawns require less water then you might think, on average 1 inch of water a week.

  • Tropical rain forests are a vital part of our hydrological cycle. Protecting the rain forests means protecting our water supplies.

  • A human can live around two weeks without food, but only 2 to 3 days without water...think about it!

  • By the year 2010, some countries will only have just enough water for drinking and industry....wars shall be fought over water.

  • We don't drink the bulk of our processed "drinking water". Only 10% is used in the kitchen.  Most of it goes in to lawns, washing machines and drains. We are litteraly "flushing" away a scarce and valuable commodity.

  • 40% of the earth's population depends on rivers shared by two countries or more. So let us all take care of our rivers.

  • Polluting water, endangers our lives...for instance: estimates say that 50% of all diseases in India are related to water pollution.

  • All the water we use has to be cleaned.  Cleaning and distributing water costs energy. So the more water we use, the more energy we use, the more pollution we cause as well...Vicious circle, that needs to be broken....NOW !!

  • If we are not carefull and willing to do something about water pollution right now, in a few years time, the only clean and clear water left to us on this beautiful and amazing planet earth will be ....TEARS .