
Do you get mad at the drop of a hat? Does your kids do everything that upsets you? Do you get angery easily? You can help control you anger with the following steps. Here we can show you why anger comes on and how to help.

People that suffer from panic attacks are easily irritated. They tend to overreact to everything, even the smallest of things. People with server anxiety often harbor feelings of anger and resentment that can lead to hours, days, and evern weeks of bitterness. If you recognize yourself as someone who is easily irritated, there are several items you should consider about your anger before you react...

1. Stop and think before you react. What outcome do you really want from the situation? Are you wanting to make someone else feel bad? Or are you simply wanting them to realize that you are hurting and need to talk about what is going on inside.

2. Is this anger useful? Is it going to help you achieve a productive result? Or is this going to make you feel bad or negative and not help the situation at hand?

3. Was the person who hurt you doing it out of some inner problems themselves or were they really angry with you?

4. Are you angered at a situation you can't change. If so, wouldn't it be better to just ignore it and not to be so affected by it?

5. If you are staying mad at someone hoping that they will feel bad, are you really affecting them? The majority of the time they forget about it or just brush it off and we continue to hold the anger.

Next time you are starting to feel mad at someone or something, stop and think about what is going on. There could be more to this than what you think. When you are at this point, stop and think about the about questions and rethink about how you should feel.

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