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Some Other Bands And Sites To Check Out

Once Again I have decided to narrow down my HOME page by making this seperate music links page. Check out these sites for Great bands other than Guster (yes there are SOME) and sites to satisfy all your music loving needs.

This is a great little band that I just recently heard. They have a fabulous acoustic sound and great song writing.


This groups kicks some SERIOUS butt. They have a single on the radio, "What I Didn't Know". I saw them in concert and they were excelent. Check out their site and buy their CD's.

The Pushstars

These Guys are a quality group. They just had a single "Everything Shines" in the movie "There's Something About Mary". Check them out and you won't regret it.

Thanks To Gravity

Another group that's already made it big, but isn't too well known. They have an excelent mixture of rock music incorporating orchestral instruments. CHECK EM OUT!!!

The Samples

This Group Never ceases to amaze me. Although they have undergone a serious overhaul in the last few years, they still play KILLER music. They have over a half-dozen CD's out which are all fantastic.

The Ultimate Band List

Looking for Concert Tickets...try here.

The Co Co Beaux (A Cappella Group)

Photos Of My Group

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