Pink Floyd Mp3s
Pink Floyd


Piper at the Gates of Dawn
A Saucerful of Secrets
Atom Heart Mother
Obscured By Clouds
Dark Side of the Moon
Wish You Were Here
The Wall
The Final Cut

GARÇON, Check Please!

Other Resources

Renaming Mp3s
To rename a file you must chage the file extension. The settings on your computer must be set so file extensions appear - so a file will show the file extension, for example, as 'Untitled.doc'(this would be a Word Document). The .doc is the file extension, if you wanted to open it with a mp3 player, you would change '.doc' to '.mp3'. To change it right-click on the file and choose rename. If your computer isn't showing file extensions (in other words, the 'Untitled.doc' is showing up just as 'Untitled'), you must change the setting that hides file extensions. To do this in Windows, double click on my computer. Go to the view option at the top of the page, in the view list, at the bottom should be a 'folder options' choice, click on that. A box will appear (possibly with a few tabs), choose the veiw tab. At the bottom of this box there are a few options, one including 'hide file extensions of known file types' uncheck this choice. Now the file extensions will be shown.

How to Download
To Download a file you must click on the song link with the right mouse button. A set of options will appear, choose 'save link as' or 'save target as'.

How to Play
To play the songs, you need an MP3 player. There are many types. A few are Real Player G2, Windows Media Plaer, and Winamp. Also note that in order to play the songs, you need to change the file extentions (see renaming at the top of the page)

If Downloads Don't work, or are Slow
This can be for a number of reasons. The most common is that your modem is slow (28.8k or slower). If this is the case, it will take a while for the download to start due to file information that has to be recieved first. If a few people are trying to get the same file at once, it may take while to get. Also, most of the songs are on the same server, so if this server is having problems it may effect the downloads.

Random Problems or Problems not Mentioned
If there is a question that you have, or a problem that you have Email me at for an answer (and I do get back to people). I also take requests for songs (and I do try to find them)

Pink Floyd Mp3s
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