THEME 11. A collection of Sylphs

Angels of the sunrise and sunset

Viewing the Sylphs

When I visited the gardens in earlier days I often would rest back on the grass to stare at the clouds. Since it was hard to attune to the devas of the gardens for sharp details, I instead gained broad images. To my surprise once, I saw the clouds rearrange into the shape of the deva I was trying to see on the ground. As I looked hard at the clouds I saw orange sylphs finely sculpt them into shape so I more easily could make out the traits. These Angels were helping my vision.

Later when I told a spiritual confidante she joked, “I always knew those devas were dead bored with no better to do!” Soon I learned that to the deva hierarchy I was a chance to forge links to join humans and Angels; not a saintly messenger perhaps, but a poetic one. Any help was free, and to sculpt clouds for my visual aid was a minor task for them.

Among the helpful roles of sylphs in the gardens are:-
  1. Messengers from Main Angels,
  2. Sprinkler Angels,
  3. Wind Angels in Autumn,
  4. Rain Angels,
  5. Guardians of the foliage.

Messengers from Main Angels

The Angel of Princes Lawn probably qualifies in this category, whilst also being itself a main angel. The work of messengers can also be seen in the description of the Angel of the New Norfolk Pine tree.

Sprinkler Angel

I noted the ensuing account in 1986 on Tennyson Lawn near Eastern Lawn.

Today a brilliant sylph hovers a few metres above the grass. Concentric circles radiate white, yellow, then red from the blinding white of its heart centre. It appears male and regards me in part as it concentrates on linking itself with energy to the sprinklers. As spray emerges from the nozzle, concentric circles of Angel light vitalise the water. The sylph meditates steadily upon the word-picture:

“I use-know part of the light,
I see it enter the shadows like rain.”

Here ‘shadows’ means the etheric double or health aura of the plants being watered. I sense this means far more to the deva, who seems to penetrate to the core of the growths it is tending. The devas of the shadows are also called the "violet devas". They are on the evolutionary path, which means they evolve to higher consciousness over time, as do humans ultimately.

Wind Angels

Wind Angels vary in looks and stage of evolution. Many of them flock together like birds. An interesting exercise in attunement is to psychically follow the wind gusts. Here a special class of sylph swoops in unison as the force that drives the air’s motion. On one occasion in the Botanic Gardens I observed a wind deva at work on the Oak Lawn. It hovered on the outside of an oak, then made a sudden shake of wings. It created a wind gust so a cluster of dried leaves fell from the nearby branch. This process recurred hour after hour; the devas very patient and attentive for as long as I stayed. Such service to the oak trees seemed to go on through the autumn months, and was governed by a few responsible sylphs who hovered close by. I have no doubt these sylphs were free to return to the skies anytime they wished, but their desire to help outweighed this.
Three Sylphs

Gardener Sylphs

Viewing the gardens from high on Hopetoun Lawn, I see many small sylphs hover and visit flowerbeds below in the distance. They remind me of bees as they go from one flower to the next, on a larger scale. Sylphs, each about 1.5 metres high, are ‘watering’ the plants with a vital energy that flows out of their auras much as water flows from a watering can. The essence they bring is golden prana; the vitality basic to all physical life. Sylphs collect this life force from the Main Angels of the Gardens, and this depends on how much sunlight is available on the day. In winter all move quite slowly.

Cloud Sylphs

Always at work in the sky are sylphs large and small. The greatest have wings span up to 100 metres. The smaller flocks of 30 or 40 have individuals one third metre across. Most often groups venture to the ground and work in the gardens briefly, before moving on. The electric energy patterns in the clouds are the main attraction for them, and the gardens’ electric growth archetypes hold only fleeting interest. When they stop by the Main Devas on the ground they bring assorted energies from the skies. Angels use this in their own special ways; for tree expanses, floral growth, soil health, water charge, or even to heal humans.

Angels of the sunrise and sunset

These Angels appear each dawn and dusk. They are unlike sylphs in the sense that they are always a golden colour and sometimes reddish or pink as dictated by the colours of the sunset or sunrise. I often wonder at these beautiful female bodied creatures whose wings are bright streamers. Why should they appear only at the bounds of daylight? They bring encouragement for every new day and strength to meet each night. Ever present, by day they fly in the higher atmosphere to absorb golden prana from the sunlight. They serve a protective purpose for the whole Earth, and are also extremely beautiful devas. They absorb harmful cosmic rays plus the helpful prana. The latter brings vitality into the atmosphere for the use of the myriad Angels, whilst the former goes back into space. These Angels are about four metres tall, and act as reservoirs of golden light; beacons of power and grace.


1. What are Angels, Fairies and Gnomes? | 2. The Angel Hierarchy in the Botanic Gardens | 3. The Main Angel of the Gardens | 4. The Angel of Princes Lawn | 5. The Angel of Southern Lawn | 6. The Angel of Eastern Lawn | 7. The Angel of Ornamental Lake | 8. The Angel of Central Lawn | 9. An Out of Body Experience in the Gardens | 10. Angels of the Skies | 11. A collection of Sylphs | 12. Messengers and Handmaidens | 13. The world of Fairies | 14. Lights in the foliage | References | Images of Botanic Gardens Angels | Angels slideshow with pix by Peter F Christiansen
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