Thank You, Bob

I thought of the places I saw.
Beautiful places that my man took me to.
The places I never thought I would see.

I thought of the people I've met.
Good friends and family of my man.
The people I never thought I would meet.

I thought of the moments that happened.
Memorable moments I shared with my man.
The moments I never thought I would experience.

I thought of the things given to me.
Priceless things my man gave me.
The things I never thought I would own.

I thought of the things I've learned.
Taught by my man that widened my horizon.
The things I never thought I could learn.

I thought of the changes in my life.
Changes for a better me, encouraged by my man.
The changes I never thought I could do.

I thought of the joy I've felt and am feeling.
Joy beyond measure caused by my man.
The changes I never thought I would feel.

I looked at the man right beside me.
The man who made all these possible.
The man who gives me his unselfish love.
The man who I never thought would love me.

I smiled at him and kissed him. He knew I said,
"Thank you, Bob"

by Irish

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