This was written on June 19,1998

AIDS Day of Compassion


ribbons on

lapels signal

passionate need

to end the terror

of disease that

steals away

our hearts.

Red ribbons

to remind us

Aids does not


It may claim


you love

if we don't

stomp it out!


Speak to me of your childhood,

Tell me what brought you such pain.

Whisper your sad secrets softly

Without fear of anger or shame.

Trust me to love you quite simply,

To judge not, nor ever to blame.

Consider my arms a safe haven

In which you may rest from the games.

Then together we'll journey to freedom

No longer bound by their lies.

Find peace from the battlefield's fury;

In dignity we will survive.

There was a moment in my life

When the secret was told

And I was taken

From all that I knew.

Falling into a pit of loneliness,

Visions of terror spinning round my mind

Panic tapping at the door of sanity

I was lost.

In that moment I found sanctuary

In your care.

You believed

And in your believing

I began to heal.

Quiet moments; quiet voices

Gentle comfort slowly changed

Nights of despair

Into hope for bright tomorrows.

Perhaps in time my silenced spirit

Would emerge and sing once more

Because you gave me refuge in trust.

Did I ever thank you?


death approaches

as the fist of hatred

squeezes life from your heart..

tombstone's epitaph to read

"His heart was blind."

choking on fear

you slowly die

the death of bigotry


escape the straight-jacket

of intolerance

cough up prejudice

let the expectorant

of wisdom and insight

force hatred out..

and gasp for life....

for hope..

breathe in tolerance

and live


You wrap wounds of childhood

Bound with gauze of guilt

And hide from their pain.

Yet they fester

Until, having enough,

You pull the ribbon

That looses that box of pain,

And confronting the ugliness,

You dip your soul

Into cleansing truth.

In time

You see the world

And all the stars above


As you swing free

From the chains

Of the past.



While sitting on a hilltop all alone,

I gaze on lemon fields of loveliness,

And memory sweeps back in time to see

Chronology of journey's path repressed.

I count the words they drilled into my head,

The proof of my stupidity impressed...

My self-esteem fell lower 'til I left

And walked through years in silent loneliness.

Yet life has changed since I discovered me.

At times I still fight demons who depress,

But now the fight between the dark and light

Is won by faith and love of self possessed.

New memories are being made in love,

And peace and comfort are my welcome guests

While sitting on my hilltop all alone

Enjoying lemon fields of loveliness.


Polly Klaas
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