Your place in the world while you are looking for it

1980's & 1990's Stuff








Arguably the BEST period in history...period.

This section is for all the people who had a leather ET doll, a Gizmo doll that squeaked, knew what Today's Special was, wanted to be Jem, thought Michaelangelo was the coolest turtle, ate Pixie Stix for breakfast, wanted Moose to be your older sister, had a sticker book, considered your Speak n Spell high tech, rocked charm necklaces, practiced your Pogo Ball, and wondered how Howard the Duck had sex.



1.How old were you in 1980?

2. How old were you in 1989?

3. Were you a Toys R' US Kid?

4. Did you watch Transformers?

5. Did you see E.T. on the big screen?

6. Did you own a Lite Bright?

7. Who is your Favorite Golden Girl?

8. If you hear " Who you gonna call," you think?

9.What was your favorite toy(s)?

10. Did you have a Pogo Ball?

11. Did you listen to New Kids on the Block?

12. What New Kid did you have a crush on?

13. Did you play M.A.S.H?

14. Did you watch The Care Bears?

15. Did you have Jelly bracelets?

16. Did you have a charm necklace and/or bracelet?

17. Did you have a Glo Worm?

18. Did you ever own a slap bracelet?

19. The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles?

20. Did you have a crazy hair style?

21. What was your first bike?

22. Name one thing you still own from your childhood.

23. Did you have a Cabbage Patch Kid?

24. Did you dress like Madonna?

25. Rainbow Brite or Strawberry Shortcake?

26. Did you watch Miami Vice?

27. Did you own a pair of Jelly Shoes/ parachute pants?

28. Did you own a Trapper Keeper?

29. Atari or Nintendo?

30. Did you play Pac-Man?

31. Which was better: Jem or Barbie and the Rockers?

32. He-Man or She-Ra?

33. What movie scared you the most?

34. Did you try to dance like Michael Jackson?

35. What Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You Hear "Flux Compasitor"?

36. What other colors did Pepsi come in?

37. Roger Rabbit Or Howard The Duck?

38. Did you ever beg your parents to have your school picture taken with the "LAZER" in the background?

39. Do you know what the Ninja Rap is?

40. Do you know why people cringe when they hear the word BUCKNER?

41. Can you name the family members from National Lampoons Vacation ?

42. Wally-World or Europe?

43. What was your favorite movie from the 80s?


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