Cuts in hospital budgets crisis.

Since the news broke about a surgeon who had his teenage daughter help with an operation, many professionals have been enlisting their relatives to help beat the under-funding crisis.

[Photo of leg with scar.] The widespread crisis had been found out when a patient found that his scars made out the words "I LOVE PAUL". The implicated surgeon was on the defensive when interviewed;

We had to do it. The waiting room was stuffed full of people, we just had to get through some of the people. It was depressing. One evening, my daughter just casually asked me if she could come to work with me. I thought, why not?

It later emerged that the surgeons daughter had in fact operated on at least fifty people in the last year. Asked why no one noticed and put a stop to it, the head administrator said that;

Well... doctors look so young these days. I thought she was just a junior doctor. Besides, I spend all my time in the office doing important and necessary work on my computer with my web browser, ah... I mean spreadsheets.

No one will take responsibility for this. Our political leaders will not take steps to end this crisis. We will keep you informed.

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