Personal - "Life does not revolve around school"

I have a variety of interests that stem outside of school which include sports 
(hockey, baseball, bowling etc.)  In fact I even played in a bowling league for
 many years and often scored a score of over 150 and obtained five trophies. 
 I also like to help out within the community such as volunteering for Rogers 
Community Television which I was camera man for many shows on Rogers.  

I also love to relax and I read a lot of suspense novels and listen to music. 
I have over 800 cd's and counting and I sing on my karaoke machine whenever
 I get a chance.

I became so involved with music that I wanted to be an announcer on the radio 
for a long time and every chance I could I would participate in many contests just 
to hear my voice on the radio! And, I did win many contests! (Approx. $35,000 
in cash and prizes).

One of my greatest personal goals is losing my weight.  

When I was in junior high and high school I weighted over 270 pounds.  Now I weight about
160 pounds after losing the weight.  A great achievement for me.

Here is me when I was 4.  It was taken on picture day at my daycare.

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