
Wayne Conrad

Sun Certified Java Programmer

Sun Certified Java Programmer Certificate Score

In April, 1998 I passed the test to become a Sun Certified Java Programmer 1.1. Here you can see my certificate, and the report showing that I scored an embarassing 50% on miscellaneous (what is that?), and a dismal 60% on the catagory which includes "Object Orientation." Ouch! I consider myself a strong object oriented programmer, so that hurt my pride. On the balance, though, I'm proud of my score. This was a hard test.

At least half of the 60 questions were "multiple checkbox" style, where you have to choose all of the correct answers, and one wrong choice causes the entire question to be counted wrong. This was a hard enough test that when I clicked on "Done," I wasn't sure I had passed. It was a big relief to find that I had passed after all.

It would have been much harder to pass without the help of the AG Communciations study group that was kind enough to invite me as a guest participant. We studied from this book, which was very good for helping me to prepare for the test:

Java 1.1 Certification Study Guide

Java 1.1 Certification Study Guide
by Simon Roberts, Philip Heller

Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Wayne E. Conrad, All Rights Reserved
Last Updated May 13, 1998
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