Andrew/Drew/Andy Csillag

Please be patient.... God isn't done with me yet.
Before you do anything.... You've got to go take the Good Test.


Yeah, believe it or not, I actually build web sites for a living, but don't do all that much work on my own site (I like having a family life :). If you want to see some of my work, you can buy DVTel's Longitude product and check out it's web interface, or go to My church's website.
  • Speaking of family life: I've got the Best Wife (TM)
  • HEY WEBSITE DESIGNERS!! USE CONTRAST!! Don't set use an equivalent font color like this for main body text and expect anybody to read it, or set the font size to this. I know you want your site to look nice, but I'd rather be able to read it. Yes, I have Ctrl-+ to increase font size, but I'm betting most people don't know about Ctrl-+.
  • A copy of the King James Bible (KJV) as an (A very capable word-processor) master document. Unzip and load master.sxg. For some things you may need the BSTGreek font from
  • We are/have put on the Way of the Master basic training course at my church. Go thou and do likewise :).
  • I've caught the GTD bug and made my own Ductster PDA. I have a card that I print out for my checklists here. I used Inkscape to make it and print them out. For my other cards, I use the templates at DIY Planner.
  • I also have been podcasting items from One Place, notably Grace to You (John MacArthur), Truth for Life (Alistair Begg), Desiring God (John Piper), Bible Answer Man (Hank Hanagraaf) and Jay Sekulow Live. I also podcast Way Of The Master Radio.
  • I'm the author of SkunkWeb a web application server written in python which has been written up in Linux Magazine (December 2001) and O'rielly's OnLamp (September 2001) and is still under active development. Alas, I am not the current maintainer due to my current work situation, see Jacob Smullyan.
  • I wrote a version of the twofish encryption algorithm that is now distributed from the author's site
  • I wrote an editing mode for The mother of all editors (AKA GNU Emacs) to handle M4, a somewhat obscure macro language that is the underpinning (M4, not the editing mode :) of GNU Autoconf and (I think) GNU AutoMake.
  • I also wrote a few bits of the Python Library Reference manual (stuff for popen, et. al.).
  • I got bored and wrote a quasi-scheme interpreter one day. It's rough, but it's here

Keyboarding and RSI Stuff

If you type a lot (say, you are a programmer), consider getting a real keyboard, like one of the cool Kinesis contoured keyboards. Yes, they are a little expensive ($250), but consider it cheap insurance. Also consider changing from the QWERTY layout to the Dvorak layout. An interesting fact: The QWERTY layout was specifically designed to slow down the typists so that the keys in the typewriters of the day wouldn't jam.

Luckily, you don't have to buy a new keyboard to be able to use a Dvorak layout. You can change the layout for Linux in X by using GNOME's interational keyboard applet (no idea how to do it under KDE), or, if you don't use GNOME, you can do it by making use of the the XkbLayout setting in your XF86Config file to say

XkbLayout       "dvorak"
(which usually lives somewhere under /etc. For the regular text terminal, edit the /etc/sysconfig/keyboard file to have the line

You can also change the keymap under Windows by snooping around the keyboard section of the Control Panel.

There are also some Dvorak typing tutors on the web. The one I used is here. Another good resource is here.