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"Influences of Theory on Educational Technology"

-By Bruce Jones







Welcome to AEC Newsletter.

This newletter is a join effort by educators and technology instructors to bring you the latest in educators using information technology for learning and teaching.We also will deliver information on distance learning,multimedia for educators and student as well .

The uniqueness of this newsletter is that it include a section called memory technique ,where we will discuss the advance memorizing techniques.

How does our newsletter works ?

Firstly,our AEC Friends Network members (you can join too) who wish to become a contributor to oue newsletter will write a content regarding education using information technology or issue mentioned above.Your content can be in a form of essay, analysis with copyright information.Then ,you can submit them via E-mail to our editor (webmaster),for publishing.Please not that ,the editor is not responsible for the content of the the newsletter,he just merely  compile them into a newsletter .This newsletter is delivered to the AEC ICQ network members via E-mail twice a month with HTML inclusion or you can visit our newletter section for further information. So, come and join in as a content writer so we can share knowledge together  and build a better world.

To become a content writer for our newsletter ,please complete this registration below and submit to our webmaster.Thank You.


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