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Jedi Mind Trick
Another Mind Trick
A Math Mind Trick
Math Limerick

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Jedi Mind Trick

This little Jedi mind trick is kinda freaky, until you think about it a little while. Then it's even more weird. I got it from a Humor List that I subscribe to. If you would like to join it, see the information at the bottom of the page.

Just follow the instructions below:

DON'T scroll down too fast. Do it slowly and follow the instructions below exactly, do the math in your head as fast as you can. It may help to say the answers aloud quietly.

FOLLOW these instructions one at a time and as QUICKLY as you can!

What is:





Quick! Pick a number between 12 and 5.

Got it?

Now scroll down...

The number you picked was 7, right?

Julie's Note: Did you figure out why the number was 7?
You should have gotten the number 7 if you chose it quickly.

If you still dont get how it happened that you picked 7, then
email me and I will let you know. It took me a while, but I
finally figured it out :)

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Another Mind Trick

Check out the following exercise, guaranteed to freak you out. There's no trick or surprise. Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can!

Again, as quickly as you can but don't advance until you've done each of them...really. Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you might miss something).........

What is:






QUICK!!! THINK OF A VEGETABLE! Then scroll down.

Keep going.

You're thinking of a carrot right? If not, you're among the 2% of the population whose minds are warped enough to think of something else! :) 98% of people will answer with carrot when given this exercise.

Freaky, huh?

If you have any comments or anything, email me and I will get back to you right away :)

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A Math Mind Trick

All you need to do this is yourself, and maybe a calculator if you're not good at math

PICK A NUMBER from 10 to 100 (but don't tell anybody what it is!)


Now ADD 12.

then DIVIDE BY 2.

Finally... SUBTRACT YOUR ORIGINAL NUMBER. (do you still remember it?)

And here's the weird part:

YOUR ANSWER IS 6. (Creepy, isn't it?)

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Math Limerick

A dozen, a gross and a score,
Plus three times the square root of four,
    Divided by seven,
    Plus five times eleven,
Equals nine squared and not a bit more!

12 + 144 + 20 + 3(sqr(4))            2
------------------------- + 5(11) = 9 + 0

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Last [Updated] April 8, 1999
email: KozlowskiJ@email.msn.com

© Julie Kozlowski 1996-2001