GSW MCSE Study Notes

Streak Towards Your Goal!


You are probably here because you are studying toward a Microsoft certification. I honestly wish you the best in your endeavor. Studying for MCP / MCSE exams will no doubt cause stress, some frustration and sore, tired eyes. But there are also flashes of understanding, and a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction once you pass your exam and take another step toward your goal.

You'll find sets of notes I used to study for my first exams. I've also made up a  printable zipped version of the notes so you can download the notes and edit them. This is the whole point: to make the knowledge your own so you can know the material, instead merely memorizing meaningless facts.



Networking Essentials Notes

Windows NT Server 4.0 Notes

Windows NT Administration Notes

Search the MSCE Study Notes Site:



Some Background:

My name is Grant S. Wilson. When I began my quest for the Microsoft MCSE certification, I was amazed and gratified to see how much good study material there was available on the net. Now that I've used some of this great stuff and passed the exams, this is my attempt to offer a little back in return.

I copied most of these notes from people who made them available on the web and I'm indebted to them. After collecting some good notes, I set about combining and adding to the different sets of notes while studying the Microsoft Official Curriculum material, trying to get the best of all of them to make a set a notes that would help me understand the concepts.

I welcome you to do the same: take these notes, slice 'em, dice 'em and add to them to your heart's content. If you find any glaring errors, please contact me, so I can fix them up.

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I'm sorry, but I can't answer specific network-related, or exam-related questions.
Last Updated: August 6, 2001 Grant Wilson, Edmonton, Alberta  Canada