Résumé of
Grant Wilson

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Personal Data | Work Experience | Education

Scholastic Awards | Special Skills

Thank you very much for taking the time to peruse my résumé. How does one document a life, when there is an eternity in every moment we live? It's difficult. The same goes for each of our lives. With that in mind, please take these notes as the barest skeleton of facts about my life.  

Here's me in short:

Bluebullet I LIVE for the sparks that fly in my head when concepts and thoughts collide to create new new things and ideas.
bluebullet I LOVE to learn.
bluebullet I LAUGH at how humans act and especially at how I act as I'm trying to understand the world around me.
bluebullet Finally, I haven't lived a perfect life and I'm not really aiming for it. What I am aiming for is living a perfect moment.


Top Personal Data | Work Experience | Education | Scholastic Awards | Special Skills

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