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Alicia Speaks...

Question was submitted on 8/20 by K.K. from Pennsylvania
I really like this boy, and when school starts I'd like to ask him out. Should I go for it? I tried this before with someone else and it turned into heartache.

Everyone is different. In my case, I've tried it a lot of times - and sometimes been totally humiliated but , I'd say give it a shot, if you're willing to accept the philosophy of 'who cares - he doesn't really know me,' so, if I'm rejected it's nothing personal - cause he doesn't really know my person anyway.

Question was submitted on 8/19 by D. Farias from Hawaii
Don't you get tired of answering so many questions?

Yes. I get really bored talking about myself. It's pretty boring.

Question was submitted on 8/18 by A. Sanchez from Pennsylvania
Do you sometimes feel that animals are better friends than humans? (I do)

Absolutely. I've never been so happy to see someone as when I saw Samson (my dog) after a month's separation. As an animal lover, it would be wonderful for you to teach people to protect all creatures and you can start by telling people that they're truly a friend to an animal when they get a dog or a cat from a rescue organization or the pound and, never breeders or pet stores.

Question was submitted on 8/18 by T. Moore from British Columbia
What does the T stand for in Emily's name?


Question was submitted on 8/16
Will you marry me?? PLEASE!!!! No, well will you tell me how to get a date when I'm a nerd?

Embrace the nerd inside of you. I like to think that in my proudest moments, I am a nerd. If you concentrate on what you're interested in and are interested in what other people have to offer, then chances are you will be interesting to others and to yourself. You will also find yourself amused and sometimes possibly disappointed in what you see around you.

Question submitted 8/13 by C. DeLucia from New York
What is your favorite piece of clothing that you own?

I don't really have one.

Question submitted 8/13 by E. Fosforo
What is your favorite time of the day and why?

12 am - 4am, but it may not be's the only time I can think, alone.

Question submitted 8/13 by S. Maiti from Manitoba
Do you agree with the phrase "nice guys always finish last"?

No. Nice guys definitely aren't welcome into society or given fair shakes - but they will never come in last. They always finish on top in my book.

Question submitted 8/12 by C. McPartland from South Carolina
Hey! I was watching Batman and Robin in the theaters (nice high kick) & I saw your preview for Excess Baggage. I noticed that not only were you wearing the same outfit through the entire preview but also that there was a shot of you beside your costar's car. You were smoking! I have been a fan of yours since "Clueless" but I will say on behalf of most people I know that I was appalled. You as a teen star are a role model to millions of girls worldwide. Would you please reconsider doing actions such as this on camera because they can only harm the minds of your young viewers. Thank you.

I appreciate your concern. Obviously you didn't see the movie. My character, Emily, has no guidance and uses smoking as a crutch (along with many other negative behaviors). By the end of the film, when Emily becomes a more whole person, she no longer needs her crutch and puts the cigarette down.

I don't advocate smoking to anyone, but again, I appreciate your concern.

Question submitted 8/07 by J. Dutton from Oklahoma
What personality traits do you look for in friends???

Somebody that I can feel comfortable with. Somebody that I don’t feel I have to monitor my actions or behavior with. Someone who’s funny and inspiring. Someone who you can have a blast with and trust at the end of the day.

Question submitted 8/06 by B. Cowan
This probably won't get answered but, I belong to a mailing list in which we discuss our favorite actress.....yourself (and it's not like a smutty place it's just a whole lotta friends who like to get together and discuss your films, your personality, your passions, and, well - you. (By the way, just recently we got onto the subject of animal rights and you have swayed many people on our list about eating meat - myself included) To the question: Recently a man joined and claimed he knew you! That's cool - one more person on the list but, unfortunately, it is very hard to trust a person you have never seen and only know by a few words. So I was wondering if you could verify his existence for us, or non-existence as the case may be. He said his name was Bryan and that he worked in your building at Sony. He claimed you got a kick out of reading the funny postings left on our group. Does he exist? Thank you very much. Can't wait for Excess Baggage!

Not that I’m aware of, at all.
Thank you so much for supporting my work. I hope you guys like Excess Baggage.

Question submitted 8/06
What kind of films would you like to make Alicia? And what would have to be in the script to attract you to the film?"

I think the answer to that question changes with every moment in my life. Right now, I lean towards stories that are real in one way or another. I also look for characters that are real. Whether the role is scary, funny or just a moment out of life ... I want to be challenged.

Question submitted 8/05 by J. Hudson from Connecticut
Hi Alicia! First if all, I wanted to say that you are a very talented actress. Next, I wanted to ask what it was like to both star in and produce a film at the same time. That is quite an accomplishment!

Thank you....I’m shy. It was hard, challenging and great! It was really fun.


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