
Top Tens

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Alright! So! I am working at Sears Hardware now! I have been for a few
months. I am working in the paint and hardware departments and will soon
become the department manager, I believe. I really like working there, and I
get all kinds of fun tools on clearance, so that's nice too. I am getting
better on the trumpet. I got a bench grinder, so I'm trying to make a sword,
but it is taking a long time, I'll put a picture up when I'm done though. I
know I havent been updating much lately, but I just haven't been motivated.
However, to anybody that is reading this, I'm flattered to have your interest,
and as always, I'll try to update more often.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Hey people, so it's been a while! I hope you are all
doing well. I'm doing alright myself. A lot has happened since my last
update! I had a job at Walgreens, but I got fired cuz I kept on oversleeping.
I'm working with my mom now handing out samples at grocery stores, but I dont
intend to do it for long. I have one class left that I need to make up for
highschool so I am going to do that this month and next, then I will have my
diploma. My step dad is still living with his aunt in michigan and is still
trying to fuck with my mom and I whenever he gets the chance, so we lost our
electricity for a day or so and our gas is shut off currently, which means no
hot showers for me :(. Also, our air conditioning isnt working too well so yeah
... blah. I have a great new friend named Jenny and I love her very much
and I miss her right now cuz she is at Purdue with a soccer scholarship, but
I'm really proud of her and I'm glad that she is getting that chance! I started
cleaning things at some point so I no longer get chip crumbs and popcorn
kernels stuck to my feet as I walk through the basement, and the bugs have been
in much lower numbers lately. I had a BBQ recently that went very well, though
I burnt the first batch of hotdogs rather badly. I have stopped writing poetry
almost completely since school is out and I am actually free to do things when
I want to. However, I have picked back up the trumpet and am doing quite well,
I believe. school is out and starting anew, though many of my friends I expect
I will never see again, I am hopeful that they will live wonderful lives. good
luck to everybody with everything that you may wish to accomplish.


Friday, December 17, 2004


I'm sitting here in the school library during study hall, and I am bored off my
ass, so I am here adding to my news to share my boring ass experience with you
all! Yesterday the army recruiter came over and I found out that I am not
eligible to join the the army due to my medication. also, last week I believe
it was, I didn't get my car insurance paid right away, so I had to either walk
home from school, or get a ride from somebody all week, until I went and paid
it only to find out that because I was still within the grace period, I was
safe to drive the whole time. Also, Dana came over, and we watched Secret
and Walking Tall. We had a good time, she's really sweet.
Oh yeah! and after all this time of playing Rainbow Six 3 online, I
finally got ranked for sharp shooter! I'm like #3515, but hey, a rank is a
rank! not everybody GETS ranked! so FUCK OFF!!! I'M FUCKING SPECIAL!!!!! ANY
poo... I'm going to go for now... bye everybody!


Monday, November 29, 2004


bulletAdded "Tribute"

I got a black eye Friday, yes, from a girl. I'm not embarrassed or upset about it though.
I might put a picture of it up soon. I am very frustrated, however. Every time I find a
girl that could potentially serve as a girlfriend, she turns out to be either a druggie, or
she drinks. I have not lost hope that there are good girls out there, because I know
some of them, but only from a distance. I have simply lost hope that there are any within
my grasp. None of them are here! So I suppose I must simply wait. and I shall...
however aggravating it may be.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

 bulletAdded "Oh Loving Hate"

I swear, no matter how many applications I turn in, nobody seems to want to
give me a job... I'm going to be poor forever... but oh well. not too many visible
changes to this update, mostly just reorganizing.

Friday, November 19, 2004

bulletadded "Lovely She"
bulletadded "The One I Adore"

Sitting in Technical Communications. I am bored out of my mind, but luckily I
don't have to be in here too much longer. I have just a few minutes left, then
I have English Literature. We have a substitute in there, and a quiz. It is
supposed to be really hard. I wish I could go home, and just do nothing. an
army recruiter called me the other day, and yesterday I was supposed to go and
see him, but I couldn't find him after driving around for an hour, so I came
back home. I'm going to go try again Monday or something, but this weekend, my
brother Brian needs my car. OH! and I am going to see Carah this weekend which
should be cool! I haven't seen her in a while and I'm looking forward to it.
Also, Kristin is going to come down from Canada on my spring break in early
April. So, despite the general problems, life isn't turning out to be that bad,
I guess.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

bulletMade top tens slightly more politically correct
bulletRemade scroll bar menu
bulletGeneral maintenance of site

ok, I got a really bad taste in my mouth. I need to brush again. but first I
must update! I'm listening to some of Iced earth's more "elderly friendly"
music. I really wish more people took the time to find the deeper meaning in
their music... it really is beautiful. incredibly deep and passionate songs.
but I'm not here to preach. Pepsi rules... I'm on the verge of a break down
this week, I believe. My stress levels are very high for an, as of yet,
unknown reason. I am trying to find ways to relax though, so maybe I will feel
better soon.

Sunday, October 17, 2004


picture of my stitches


"My Life in My Hands"


"The Costs of Joy"


"Vocal Vibrations"

Hello everybody! I finally was able to look under the bandage, and I don't
have 6 OR 7 stitches, only 5 :(. oh well... Something good is happening
between Ashley and I, and I am soooooo glad! I've been waiting three years for
this opportunity, and I don't want to mess it up! She is sooooo sweet and
cute! :) I feel all warm and fuzzy! she even called me Friday to see why I
wasn't at school! lets end this while I'm in a good mood and just say, I also
got a new set of throwing knives yesterday! ok, I'm gonna go now, BYE!

Friday, October 15, 2004
So last night I sliced my hand open playing with my knife while talking on the
phone and had to go to the emergency room. I was stabbing the underside of the
bar counter and my hand slipped off the handle. up the combo edged blade, but
I don't think I made it to the plain part. I cant see how many stitches I got,
because its all bandaged up. Though, I think it is 6... maybe 7. I also had
to get a tetanus shot. I was scared to death and collapsed on the kitchen
floor. I started sweating like crazy and couldn't stop shaking. then I started
hyperventilating while my mom tried to calm me down wiping my forehead with a
damp cloth. In the end though, the stitches weren't bad. I was just really
really scared... I hate blood.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Well the Jennifer thing, as I knew from the start it would be, was a horrible
idea. It's over now, and I'm back on the market! I've been looking harder
than I ever have been before for a girlfriend, or at least somebody that I can
share my intimate feelings with. So all you giddy little school girls, feel
free to hook me up.

Tuesday, September 7, 2004
I'm sitting in "Web Page Design" ironically enough, and I already have
everything done, so I'm talking to you all! I am in a great mood today, and I
know I'm going to crash before I get home, so I'll just lay on the couch all night
and be depressed. After a year or so, I'm no longer entertained by my
balisongs. I wish I could learn some new tricks, but I think I'm at a point
where all I can do is variations of old tricks. I'm still getting better
though, and maybe I'll put another movie or two on here some time. I probably
want to wait until I get a better quality digital recorder. I applied for a job
at Hall and House Lumber, so I'm hoping that I get the job. Jennifer and I
have broken up repeatedly, and it is the most unstable relationship I have ever
been in. but we are still together, and I love her.
I'm 18 now too!

Thursday, August 19, 2004
Just got back from the metallica concert! It was AWSOME!!! Starts out with
godsmack... I'm not a big fan, but even they were good in concert. they play
for an hour, then there is a half hour before metallica comes on, they play for
an hour and a half, then they all leave... come back, and every song after that
seems like the grand finally! they play some song I don't know, that I am
POSITIVE is the finally, because the whole fucking stage is blowing up!
pyrotechnics up the ass! it was SWEEEEEEET! but after that, the whole place
is filled with smoke, and they turn on the lights and you can see the beams all
over the place while they play "enter sandman" as the final song! I think I
popped a fucking vein in my neck from screaming so loud (I can taste blood).
anyways, I dont think I'm sleeping tonight.

Thursday, August 5, 2004


Added Jennifer's Live Journal to Menu


"Fear" added to poetry section.

So I guess I'm going out with Jennifer now. A lot of you are probably
confused by that. I met her online, and she lives in California. I know it
is going to be difficult, but she is really amazing and I don't want to miss
an opportunity. Also, I got a 36 pack of Pepsi today at Sam's Club! A 36 PACK!
I didn't know they existed! I'm happy! Anyways, having Jennifer will
definitely help keep me out of trouble! so that's good, right? Ok, well I love
you Jenny! That's all for this update!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

bulletadded "philias" section

I talked to Carah today. 3 years ago, she broke my heart, and I blamed her
for everything that went wrong in my life. I stopped talking to her before
but I always came back. It was no different this time. I stopped talking to
her a year ago or so, when I found out she smoked weed. Then, on the
last day of school, she was graduating and I saw her walking to her car, and
I stopped her, and we talked a little. I forgave her, after really thinking
I don't think it was her fault at all, what happened. All my problems 3
years ago were family related. At least, that is what I am telling myself
now. I don't want to hate her. I don't want to hate anybody, but Valerie
will probably always hate me. Oh well, can't win them all, right?

Saturday, June 12, 2004
 can never seem to get over anything. For some reason, I always force myself
to be unhappy. I regret every decision I make, and I always wish that I had
something better, but I'm too afraid to risk losing what I already have, to get
it. Nothing lasts forever though. Some day, I WILL lose what I have, and then
where will I be? I am going to end up in the same place either way, so why
delay the inevitable? lose it now, and trade up while I got the chance! That's
what I have to do! But I know that I will never do it. Pity me...

Friday, June 11, 2004

I don't know what happened, I was in such a good mood today, but all of a
sudden, I just feel completely abandoned by the world. I am not angry at
anybody, nor do I have a reason to be. People have a right to live their lives
however they choose, and should not be restricted in their actions by the
feelings of others, such as me. Maybe, I need to stop living my life so that I
can be there for others. I often times think about doing things and then
decide against them, because I worry that somebody may call for me and need me,
and I won't be there for them. When I was little I was always so afraid to be
abandoned, and although I still am, not so much. But I will always remember
the way it felt, and go to the extent of my ability in order to prevent a loved
one from feeling that way.

Saturday, June 5, 2004

HIYA EVERYBODY! I'm whistling the Mario theme, and I'm home alone, and I'm not
wearing pants! everybody join me! its wonderful! I need a massage though... so
yesterday, I was really low on gas, so I went to the gas station and only had
$10. Because of that, I decided to fill up my tank to just before $10 worth of
gas. I got it up to $9.90, or something, then tried to stop it. I pulled it
out, and sprayed $0.44 worth of gas all over my pants and car and shoes. What's
that? a quarter of a gallon? fun stuff... so I was over my limit, and I owed
34 cents... OH NO! NOT 34 FUCKING CENTS! Christ! ok, I'll walk out to my car
and find that much on the ground! but whatever, I smelled like gasoline all
day... but I'm still stinky 'cuz I still haven't taken a shower... so I'm gonna
go do that... strip down to nothing and rub soap all over my glistening naked
body... oh god YESSSSSSSSSS! bye everybody!

Sunday, May 16, 2004

BORED AS HELL! somebody wake up! there is nothing on TV... I was going to
watch "Me Myself & Irene" but I cant find it... I got attacked by a piece of
wood Friday! I was cutting a piece of flooring on the table saw and it kicked
back! scared the crap out of me! if you haven't noticed, I'm going to start
keeping these news updates, I'm thinking I'll keep the most recent 20. ya
know, since I don't update regularly... I'm going to try to update more though...
so check back! bye!

Sunday, May 9, 2004
I'm up early today, got up at 7:00. going to go work on the VBT house. Don't
forget! open house free to anyone who wants to go on Wednesday, may 26, at
7:00pm! 1562 Quail Glen Ct. but I've got to go if I want to make it on time, so talk
to all of you later!

Wednesday, April 7, 2004
I guess I'm going to keep my internet, so that's good. But I feel really bad,
because the girl that I devoted 14 of the greatest months of my life to is mad
at me. I'm talking of course about Valerie. I still love her, and I always
want to be best friends with her, but she doesn't even want to talk to me now.
of course I know why, its because I asked her sister to go out with me. I know
I know, I'm an idiot, pig, piece of shit, class A ass hole, but what should I
do? do I have to be alone in order to keep a good friend? is that what I
deserve? please, somebody give me some feed back. email me at: