To Everyone! from The Shoeboxville Construction Crew

Where is Shoeboxville now?
When is Shoeboxville coming back?
What happened to the Construction Team?
Whoa... what the heck is Shoeboxville?

Been here, read all that. I decided that I'm interested in becoming part of the Construction Crew... but how do I do that?
If you already have the 4-11 on the disappearance of Shoeboxville and want to become part of the team, sign up here!

In the meantime, sign up to become a Shoeboxville member (gain access to members-only areas of Shoeboxville for its return) and check out our new Updates and Help Section.

Click here to become a member of Shoeboxville! Gain access to Members-Only areas of the town, build your own house, shop, and character! Also get a FREE e-mail account for your character through Yahoo!

updates n stuff Check out the updates and help page.

Get a Journal Get a GJ account to access ALL of the features of our new Help Service, and also get your own online journal. =D