Want to move in to Shoeboxville?

It's easy! It won't do any good for awhile, until Shoeboxville is back up & running, except for a free e-mail from yahoo! Just fill out the form below! If you are accepted, you will receive an e-mail with more information.
What is your name?

How old are you, and when is your birthday? (MM/DD/YY)

What is an e-mail address at which you can be reached?

What would you like to name your character?

How old is your character?

Is your character a boy or a girl?
A Boy
A Girl

Which street would you like to move in on?
Shoestring Avenue
Sneaker Street
Penny Loafer Way
Barefoot Pike
Interstate I-90-Shoe
Flip-Flop Freeway

Do you accept and agree to the following?
In order to become a citizen of Shoeboxville, I am always willing to cooperate and learn, be honest and sincere, respect fellow citizens & the SCC, & help to ensure that Shoeboxville continues to be a child-friendly environment.
