This is the online cho of the Kitatate Shiro of Clan Genji. We are a household re-enacting medieval Japan in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Located in the Kingdom of the Midrealm, fighting under the Principality of Northshield and dwelling withing the dominion of the Barony of Nordskogen.

We are Genji
    We follow the path of Bushido
        The path of heroes
            Our way is to serve
                  ONLY the honourable need apply.


  The Genji Clan started as a household in the Society for CreativeAnacronism 
(SCA) many years ago in the Kingdom of the Outlands. It was created by Sir 
Minamoto no Akiranaga (Akira-sama) and the honorable lord Minamoto no Takashige 
(Takashi-sama). They built the clan into a formidable force on the field.
  The Genji clan also started growing in a barony to the south. In time the clan
allowed Arashinaga to create a chapter of the Genji in that next barony. We now 
had the Unser Haffen Genji and the Shiro Genji in Caerthe. Then time went on and
there were four Genji chapters. Many of the origional Unser Haffen Genji lost 
contact as they went on with their mundane lives so a Bakufu was created to help
administer the clan. From this came the rank system and the Goban council and 
finally Arashinaga was made Daimyoden.
  The Genji held many honors and were recognised as a force on the battle field.
They were chosen as the first unit to engage and hold enemy troops at one 
Estrella War. This allowed the kingdom and her allies a chance to get on the
field and the battle was a victory for our side. Genji bushi were the first line
shock troops sent into many skirmishes and on one published SCA video you can
hear the enemy general complaining that an entire flank fell to these noble 
warriors. A song about the "Genji at the Gully" followed our victory against an
entire army, vastly outnumbered but standing on favorable terrain, the Genji cut
down large numbers of enemy units and the general of our main forces called a
charge.  In his words "if I hadn't there wouldn't be anything left for us".
  Clan Genji was decided THE Skirmishing unit for its kingdom by His Majesty 
Himself after another clan victory. The Genji Mon can be seen on several banners
of award for baronial champions. We have Knights in the SCA and Dukes and Knight
alike in other clubs. 
  These are stories of glory and honor, stories of the Genji. We are a modest,
humble and noble house and these deeds are recounted here to fire up the new-
comer and let all know the metal of the house you are looking at. These are the 
kind of stories YOU will soon be a part of if you choose to follow the Genji

The first path: getting into the clan.

  When you join a household, it becomes part of your identity in the SCA. The 
reputation of the household reflects on you, and your conduct will reflect on
the household. In other words, you're trusting the household and its membership 
with a part of your honor and in turn a part of its/their honor is entrusted to

  To join the Genji clan you simply ask. You will not get an answer right away
but this is the beginning. It is the way it is done. We recommend you get to
know the people first. Offer to help out and let them know you want to join.
  In time you will speak to your Daimyo or joshu or highest ranking Genji (this
is the Clan Master of your shiro) and have a chance to tell them why you wish to
join. Once you are accepted your first goal will be to get your Ichiban rank as
soon as possible. Ichiban and higher ranks are considered truly Genji.

  The Genji Clan reserves the right to not accept a member or to later dismiss a
member. Members are dismissed only for extreme conditions and only by the 
Daimyoden or by vote of the GoBan council.
	Here are a few tips on what we are looking for:


In Japan the warrior class was known as samurai, generically called bushi (hence bushido). They formed a class in and of themselves during the 9th and 12th centuries. They emerged from the provinces of Japan to become the ruling class until their decline and later total abolition in 1876 during the Meiji Era. The samurai were fighting men, skilled in martial arts. Samurai had extensive skills in the use of the bow and arrow as well as the sword. They could just as likely have killed you with their bare hands. Samurai were also great horsemen. These warriors were men who lived by the code of Bushido; it was their way of life. The samurai's loyalty to the Emperor and his Daimyo were unsurpassed. They were trustworthy and honest. They lived frugal lives with no interest in riches and material things, but rather honor and pride. They were men of true valor. Samurai had no fear of death, they would enter any battle no matter the odds. To die in battle would only bring honor to one's family and one's lord. When the samurai has killed his opponent he severs the head. After battle he takes the heads of his enemies back to show proof of his victory. Heads of generals and those of high ranks were transported back to the capital and displayed for the officials and others of the court. The only way for a defeated samurai was death or ritual suicide: seppuku.


From "The Zent Way to the Martial Arts." Bushido, the way of the samurai, grew out of the fusion of Buddhims and Shintoism. This way can be summarized in seven essential principles: These are the seven principles underlying the spirit of Bushido, Bu—martial arts; shi—warrior; do—the way. The way of the samurai is imperetive and absolute. Practice, in the body, through the unconscious, is fundamental to it, thus the enourmous importance attached to the learning of right action or behavior.


The road of Bushido is a road we pursue. Be modest in your endeavors, do not brag about your kills or days battle, though stories of bravery and deeds are welcome. Be sure your victories are real, an opponent forced to fight from the ground should not have to look into the sun to fight you. Do not cause an opponent to circle continuouslu on his or her knees. Further points of battlefield bushido will be learned at the practices and battles.

Structure of the Clans

The purpose of the structure is to give stability as well as provide the atmosphere of a feudal Japanese group. Keep in mind the game is just that...a game, a hobby, its for fun ! If you are Daiyoden or Ashigaru we are all still brothers and sisters allied by the Genji mon. Note that in creating the structure we took into account a few things. 1 Historical authenticicty 2. Playability 3. That there be no conflicts with SCA structure. A note about samurai : According to the SCA "all members are concidered nobles unless they prove themselves otherwise." Historically the Samurai caste was one you were born into if you were Noble. It is with this reasoning that we are allowed to have a Samurai caste within the Genji and we remind our European commrades that to be Samurai was NOT the same as to be Knight. _________________________________________________________________ DAIMYO GENJI BAKUFU/GoBan Council JOSHU HATAMOTO YOJINBO * KUGE * (not in order) * BUKE * (in order) Tsukai Taicho Kumon-jo Gunso Metsuke Kanjo Gosoku Toji _________________________________________________________________ DAIMYODEN: Master of the Clan chapter. Chapter Coordinator. Worthy of the title because they WORK for it. A lot of behind the scenes and mundane work is involved in running a succesful chapter. JOSHU : Appointed by Daimyoden. Genji chapter coordinator.


(Officers of the Clan)

TSUKAI : Herald, Messenger. They may have to relay messages around the camp.

METSUKE: They meet and greet and help the newcomer
fit in. When someone is interested in joining the Clan you should get them
to see the Metsuke.

KUMON-JO : Chronicler. If the chapter has a newsletter
or a way of communication the Kumon-Jo is involved. 

KANJO : Tax Collector, Treasurer. If the chapter has
expenses the Kanjo keeps track. Expenses should be discussed by the group
and taxes should NEVER be high.

GUSOKU: Armor Master. Runs the armorers guild, Not
always the most skilled but may be the one who owns the garage :-)

TOJI : . Makes sure camp setup goes well, plans the
kitchen or feasts or fire if any. 

-Suke : any officer may need a deputy, these are the -suke. A deputy Metsuke for
 example, would be a Metsuke-suke


  Most Genji units are attached to the Barony or Kingdom or other group they 
fight with inside the club they are attached to ( SCA, IMPERIUM ETC...). This is 
acceptable, not all groups will have a command or they will be placed under the
command of an outside leader.

TAICHO: Similar to a Captain.

GUNSO: Similar to a squad leader. Some of the larger chapters have a Gunso who 
commands a Lance of about 5 Genji. Some chapters award this for anyone bringing 
in 5 new members and form their own Lance (hey theres a lot of work involved!) 


YOJINBO: Personal Guard. This is the personal bodyguard of the Daimyoden or 
other Clan Master. It is up to the chapter to decide how to award this title but
it is usualy won in a Clan tournament.

HATAMOTO: "The first among equals" . This person oversees that everything runs 
smoothly. Makes sure the Daimyoden is fed and comfortable and that guests are 
attended to. A Genji host from camp to merchant's row to the battle field.


  Clan Genji has a rank system. One of the reasons for this rank system is to 
encourage newcomers and provide motivation and help to get truly involved and 
become a member of both the Clan and the Society.
  There are five ranks. Inspired by the Five Rings. These are represented by an 
adorned circle on a Mon or favor worn by the Genji. The ranks and how to obtain
them is as follows:


ICHIBAN: Also known as the student rank. It is represented by a single circle 
much like the "rising sun" of later Japan. There are two ways to obtain the 
first rank; You may become a student to a sensei who is a Genji of a higher 
rank. This sensei will become your mentor and your honor or dishonor is his or 
hers to bear as well. OR you must have your personae name registered in the 
scrolls of the clan (see your clan elders, You can register this via E mail to 
Ukyo-samahere), have your own Garb AND 
attend at least one official event and one Clan gathering. In addition to those 
requirements you must have at least ONE clan participation. ( A Clan 
participation is a class or hosting a feast etc for the Genji.) The Ichiban has 
camp duties (helping around the camp)


NIBAN: The two circles. Must have 3 Clan participations AND... 
 If you are a fighter you must : Be authorized to fight, Own your own gear, 
participate in two official fight events ( tournaments or melees). 
 If you are a non fighter you must : have 2 Outside participations ( an Outside 
participation is participation outside of the Genji such as waterbearing, Arts 
and Science, Bardic etc). And 1 Clan participation. 


SANBAN: Three circles: +3 Clan participations. +3 Outside participations . +3 
Great Wars (Lillies, Armorgeddon, Great Western War, Estrella, Gulf War, WW, 
Banner War, Pennsic) Fight or participations at these wars.


SHIBAN: Four Circles: +6 Clan participations. +6 Great Wars.


GOBAN: Five Rings Voted in by the Goban Council. +6 Clan Participations. +3 
Great Wars. Hold office one year. 


Clan Genji operates as a household within another club. A medieval club made up primarily of personas from western europe. These are the Nanbanjin. They accept us and we play as visitors in their lands. We bring our ways, and our cerimonies such as the Tea ceremony or the Fertility Ritual as seen at Pennsic War by our allies, Clan Yama Kaminari. There is Taiko drumming and Japanese court dance, there is shogi and Go, sake and plum wines. The nanbanjin club we primarily play in is the Society for Creative Anachronism it is a historical reenactment society. It is not fantasy. You will not find magic users or elves here. No Shugenja and while Shinobi were historical, they did not run around in black pajamas during the daylight hours and no honorable samurai would be seen with them. Likewise we are not Ronin. A Ronin's goal in life is to not be a ronin and find a house to serve... we are such a house. We strive to do Japanese personas and do them well while at the same time keeping our focus on having fun. We follow the old saying "when in Rome...", while portraying Japonese samurai, bushi, monks or whatever persona you wish to choose to persue, we comply with the rules of the club we are in. Historically he may not be YOUR King... but in the SCA we still bow and give respect. We are Genji and we have a reputation for EXTREME respect and loyalty. Our unit is so unique it really stands out and people notice us more than if you showed up as a Celt standing amidst the hundreds of SCA Celts.


Page updated on April 09, 2002