
Oh my gosh! CAUGHT!
Hour one

Two weeks of Bondage...

This page is about the very absolutely most scariest part of bondage... Getting
This is a STRONG example of bondage, because it's so complete!

This is why you won't hear much from me

for two weeks...

School is still in break

It worked pretty good the other day
using a letter written to a friend,
but i can't do that again today.

It's a different day...
after last night...

Night one - of the capture!

i had managed to elude capture for two days. It had been a fun game, but it had taken it's toll. i was tired when i got to work at three in the afternoon and by the time the shift was over at ten i was wiped! i supose there were the usual problems at work and the usual spats, i don't know. i did what i was suposed to do and i guess i got through just on the thought that out there somewhere was my boyfriend and he was having fun hunting me down! If he had his way i was going to be very tied up and for a really long time!

Several times during the shift i looked up and saw Rob posing as a customer. He was keeping an eye on me and being sure that i knew it at the same time. When i got off of work i would be on 'safe time' until four the next morning. Still i went all weak in the knees everytime i saw Rob come in. The anticipation of continuing the game made me excited - and in more ways than one.

Rob had about worn me thin with his making me go into 'hidding' by four every morning or face more bondage for a longer time than i ever had before. Really, it was almost too much. i supose once it started i could live it a day at a time or an hour at a time until i was given my freedom again. Being captured was something to look forward to and something to almost dread. Being the fugitive was fun and it was taxing too.

i sound like i wasn't looking forward to finally getting caight and that's true and not so true at the same time. i love being tied up, it really gets my motor running, and i love playing the slave because it answers something deep inside of me. That's fine, i had asked for just as much time as possible before school starts back. The thought of being a slave for that long made me hot and all mushy inside!

i'm not explaining this well at all! One side of me couldn't wait to get started on some hot bondage for a whole two weeks and another part of me was almost dreading it. Just having my hands handcuffed in front of me for two weeks would be an almost unbelievable, right? i would be tied for two weeks and i didn't think it would stop with just my hands in front of me. i would be hog tied, spread-eagled, suspended, mummifed, bagged, and anything else that Rob would care to do with me! Some bondage positions can only be taken for minutes at a time!

Still not doing this well, describing my mind set...

i can remember one birthday when i was a little girl. i guess i was about eight. i had gotten up early to ejoy the day to it's fullest. It was my birthday and therefore My day! Back then it took forever for a year to roll around so i was going to make the most of My one day out of the year! i went to breakfast and got all of the expected 'Happy Birthdays' and that was good, but dad had to go do some work and even though mom was busy making a cake for me i just felt out of it. Things just weren't happening fast enough! The anticipation had far exceeded the reality.

A party was planned and i knew all my friends were coming over and i'd get a heap of presents, still that didn't satisfy me. Everybody was busy getting ready except for me - because i was the Birthday Girl. i think i went for a walk, just to be alone - and take advantage of the fact that i had the day to myself.

i made it home for lunch, late. Again, things were in a rush. Everyone was doing something FOR me, but not WITH me. After lunch i had to help mom set up the dinning room for my party and by the time people started showing up i dreaded the whole afair. i think we have all had at least one birthday like that. i was being melodramatic, at least i think that's what it is called... Some people call it being a spoiled brat!

Rob was doing everything to make this a great two weeks of bondage and i was dreading it. i felt very bratish and very melodramatic. i wanted the two weeks to start and i didn't. i wanted the two weeks to be over with and i didn't... The anticipation was overwhelming.

A night in a motel to catch up on my rest seemed like a good plan, but i knew something would probably happen to prevent me from getting to a nice safe place to catch some Z's when i got off of work. Rob couldn't capture me until four in the morning, but he'd have some kind of plan under way. i knew it. Sure enough, when i got off and went outside to go to my car it was blocked in by a police car. The patrolman motioned me over to him. Buterflies danced in my belly as i walked over to the open window of his patrol car. i was given a simple message, "I was asked to tell you that your boyfriend is waiting for you at his place." The implied threat was there. "Go home or be arrested!" My heart sank as it sunk in. He had even asked if my name was "shevette" before giving me the message. He knew my slave name!

i got in my car and the patrol car left never to be seen again. i was tempted to high-tail it to a motel anyway. That's when i noticed a big new car tailing me. Around here that's a sure sign of an unmarked patrol car. Not many people here drive big cars, especially new big cars! i was thankful of one thing, i had left my gun at home today. After being stopped by the other patrol car yesterday i wasn't anxious to be pulled over again, especially with a gun in the car! i found myself amazed at how many patrolmen Rob seemed to know - and how willing they were to help him.

The ride to Rob's was almost a misery. The big new car followed me the whole way to Rob's driveway. i got out of my car in the yard and forced a smile onto my face before i went in. My mood remained... odd, for me. i was awake now after driving the whole way to Rob's place while being super careful to obey each and every traffic regulation and waiting to be stopped anyway. i was tired and wired. Rob greated me warmly. He had the TV going and was poping some pop corn in the microwave. He gave me some hot chocolate as there was a knock on the door. i tensed back up again and wondered if it had been the cop who had followed me home. It was j. She was all smiles and Rob had a cup of hot chocolate for her too. We were suposed to watch a movie together.

i knew it was a trick. Already it was eleven at night and the both of them knew i hadn't gotten but a few hours of sleep the night before. i was wired though and knew i wouldn't be getting to sleep very soon so i opted to stay up and snuggle with Rob until i got sleepy. It was odd for j to be at Rob's especially so late at night. i didn't worry though because i knew she was probably there to help Rob keep me from getting any sleep.

They were scheming just as hard as they could go. i smiled at that, i'd get them both back later! Needless to say the movie had some bondage in it (don't they all?). Well, this one had a lot. We were watching "The Big Hit" which i like so much that i did a review of it on the site. Rob and j both seemed like they were more tired than me. We stopped the movie so Rob could go to the bathroom and while he was gone j and i traded quips about how she and Rob were plotting against me and how i was going to get them back for it.

When Rob got back j had to use the potty.

While she was indisposed Rob went and got some handcuffs he had taken from my place so he'd have them to use on me in the weeks to come. He saw me looking at him suspicously and told me not to worry, that i was still safe until four in the morning. i decided that the best thing for me to do was to go to bed. i only had three hours left to get some sleep. In the morning, Saturday, i could get to a motel and get that sleep i needed so much. i would have left right then, but when i got out of the bathroom from freshening up and changing into some shorts and a halter top i found that j was showing Rob how to better use handcuffs. i decided to stay...

i was sitting in a seat across from Rob and j on the couch. They were playing with the handcuffs and j was telling Rob all of my dark little secrets.

For example; i hate to be tied up unequal, that is, with one hand handcuffed with one type of handcuff and the other hand in a different kind. This is kind of a universal truth among slaves. We all seem to hate that.

Something else she told him about is how i hate to have one wrist handcuffed to a door knob. There's just something about that which goes right to the core of me. It's like being tied up and not really being able to enjoy it.

Mostly they were teasing me some more, but then j mentioned something about how she wished she could find handcuffs in women's sizes. Regular handcuffs are made way too big for women. Even when clamped down as far as they will go a woman can still turn her wrist around in them. We miss part of the sensation of having them put on us really tight. She put a handcuff around one of her wrists and demonstrated. When she was about to put the other cuff around Rob's wrist i decided i needed to interject something...

i remembered something i had seen on Wim Rumpling's site that i really liked. He had handcuffed two girls together using one pair of handcuffs. What he did was put both of one girl's wrists through one cuff and the other girl on the other cuff. j hadn't seen that so i decided to show her. i'd much rather be wearing handcuffs in front of Rob than having her wear them in front of him. Usually i'm a whole lot more trusting than that, but i already explained that i was in an odd mood for me.

To me, a woman who let's other women arouse her mate or is content to let her mate get aroused by other women has no right to complain if her lover strays. It is the job of every woman to keep her lover hppy, just as is for a lover of mine to keep me happy - if he expects me to stay. The events of the prevous days had put me in a state of arousal. i wanted Rob and i don't believe in sharing lovers.

i got my handcuffs out of my purse and asked for some help getting both of my wrists into one side. Rob and j both claimed that since i was under Safe Time that niether of them could help, i'd have to figure out a way to do it myself!

Ok, it took awhile, but i found that i could lock the one cuff around both of my wrists by squeezing the cuff shut with my knees. Just to prove the point i made them good and tight and held up my hands for both of Rob and j to see. j liked it and wanted to know if she could share the other cuff with me. Rob invoked the Safe Time rule again so she didn't get to do it. i think j was enjoying this as much as me and i knew she wanted to get tied up just as much as i did. The time just wasn't right.

What have i done to myself???

If you have ever worn hinged handcuffs you will know that it is next to impossible to free yourself even if you have the key. Let it be known that if you have both hands in one cuff and the key part is facing down then it seems like it IS impossible! That was the situation i found myself in! i had slipped up! i asked both Rob or j to free me and they told me that since i was in Safe Time they could niether tie me up NOR release me. They laughed at my predicament. i had goofed up!

They had done what they had set out to do, make it so Rob could capture me in the morning! They had done even better, they had tricked me into losing my own freedom! i was still walking around saying, "but.... but... but...!" It was time for j to go home and just like that the 'party' broke up.

j went outside and Rob and i followed her to wave goodnight. i had resigned myself to my fate and i was about to wave goodnight to her when noticed she was getting into a big new car. i realized that j had been the one following me home! Rob and she had used cellular phones to keep tabs on me and that was why Rob had been able to have the popcorn poping and the hot chocolate hot when i got to his place! That was how he knew to have the third cup ready for j!

i won't say that i got mad, just very very very determined!

i've got to get loose! Once before i had handcuffed myself using hinged handcuffs in front of me and gone to sleep. When i woke up i realized, to my horror, that i had handcuffed myself with the keyholes facing my chest and not outward. It should have been impossible to get loose but i got the key and stuck a piece of wire with the key on it in my mouth and managed to get the key in one of the keyholes and finally turn it. It took 45 minutes of sweat to do it, but i did.

i went back into Rob's got my keys and another piece of wire and i began. Rob watched for awhile on the couch before falling off to sleep. i don't know how many times i started for the door even though i was cuffed. i have driven wearing handcuffs before, but the way my hands were held using just the single cuff i knew better than to attempt it.

On driving while handcuffed: i don't recommend it! i'll make you a deal sweet reader, you don't try it and i promise that i won't do it ever again, ok?
How can you work yourself into a sweat fiddeling with a key? It's not all that hard. i worked for a long while then i paced for a bit before sitting back down and trying to thinking how get myself free. i think i may have dozed off because i nearly jumped out of my skin when the three o'clock alarm went off. i was still a prisoner of my own doing! Rob woke up and got some coffee. He gave me a cup and i drank some between frantically trying to get my hands free. i had 45 minutes of Safe Time left when i got the idea that in order to use the wire in my mouth i needed to be upside down.

i was really in earnest. i wanted to get that cuff off of my wrists! i was ready for Rob to effect his capture on me, but i sure didn't want to fall into his hands just because i had been so stupid to handcuff myself so that i couldn't get loose! i tried leaning over the arm of the chair with my hands held down, but it just didn't quite work so i went into the kitchen and got up on the table and held myself upside down using my hands to keep myself from falling. Rob watched with his interest piqued. He stood by to made sure that i didn't fall off of the table and hurt myself.

Please don't let me fall!

It took forever to get the key to fall into the keyhole but finally i had it. i still couldn't turn it though, not enough to unlock the cuff. i couldn't reach the key with my fingers and the wire in my mouth wasn't strong enough to turn the key. i did manage to turn the key so that the tong on it was hooked enough so i could let the wire fall to the floor where i grabbed it with one hand and applied enough tension so that it would, again, keep the key from falling out. i let myself slide off of the table and landed reasonably gracefully on the floor.

i needed something to stick in the back of the key to turn it with. Nothing had come to mind yet. Hoping for an insperation i pulled open the junk drawer beside the sink. Everyone has one and Rob was no exception. Nothing seemed to fit the bill! i hazzarded a glance at the clock to find i only had five minutes left before i was "fair game" again. My stomach did a flip-flop as i dashed into the front room searching for something to use to turn the key with.

Rob sat down and relaxed as he watched. That made me nervious so i tried the bedroom next. i needed something long that would reach from my mouth to the end of the key sticking out of the cuff. What would work? A coat hanger? Too short, but i could stretch it out and then use it. No, it would probably pull the key back out of the cuff and i didn't have enough time left to get it back in the keyhole again...

"Nesessity is the mother of invention" i read once.
The edge of the dresser! Use it to push the key around! i tried it and immediately saw that i was onto a good idea! The key turned and i felt the cuff loosen on my wrists! Then it stopped! i had done it, but not enough! If the idea had worked once then it should work again. Carefully, with full concentration, i tried it again. Slowly the key turned. This wasn't as easy as the first time. It acted like the pressure the cuff had been under earlier had helped. Should i tighten the cuff again and this time hold the key turned until the cuff had fully released?

No, i didn't trust that. i had to do it the way i was going! i applied more pressure and then it felt like the locking mechanism had released, but there was nothing to push the cuff up. If i let the key turn back the cuff would lock again. i couldn't use my teeth because the single cuff wouldn't let me have enough freedom of movement to get my head close to the metal monster.

"Just seperate your wrists, dummy!" i told myself.

i did and felt the blessed relief of freedom. i felt like i just wanted to collapse to the floor, but another look at the clock told me that i was down to a minute. Enough time to dash outside, get the car started and drive away quickly?

i knew what i had to do and there wasn't much time to do it in before the alarm beside Rob's bed would go off. i did what i knew i wanted.

The alarm went off and a second later Rob came into the bedroom. He saw that i had freed my hands and he stood stock still in amazement as he uttered one simple question, "How'd you do that?"

i smiled at him. i felt good. i had freed myself. The air felt fresh and crisp on my damp naked body as i pushed backwards into the wall behind me and the single cuff closed and locked on both of my wrists behind my back.

He hadn't collected some air head who had gotten herself locked into a set of handcuffs because of her own stupidity. He didn't even have a chance to capture me, he never had. Instead i gave myself in sweet surrender to him - and he accepted! Enough of the games had been played. It was time to get down to serious bondage, serious loving!

Safe Sane and Consensual!

ps: i will TRY to keep a diary of the event. i already know that i will not come out of this singing like a medowlark. i know because i've been able to do this before...

My buds!

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