
Breathing Lessons


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Life-Breath: Rebirthing

The term "rebirthing" is surrounded by an aura of mystery and confusion for many people. What is it? Does it mean re-experiencing birth? Being reborn? Early rebirthers discovered that trauma connected with birth had profound effects on the way a person dealt with life's issues. Modern rebirthers realize that birth trauma is not the only issue that needs to be dealt with. In actuality the process called Rebirthing is a simple, powerful breathing technique that greatly speeds up the uncovering and clearing of personal issues such as depression, self-worth, childhood abuse, relationship difficulties, mid-life crises, birth trauma--generally speaking-- anything preventing you from having what you truly want in all areas of your life.

Rebirthing is a special way of breathing; deeper and faster than the ordinary resting breath and with no pauses between the inhale and exhale. Ordinarily we breathe automatically, deeper and faster under exertion and slower and more shallow as we rest. In a Rebirth session we consciously breathe in the specified pattern. This brings more oxygen and more energy into the body. Bringing in more energy than our body is expending creates a surplus of energy in the body. This "surplus" energy moves through the
energy meridians of the body (recognized by Oriental medicine) and push against any blocks that prevent clear passage. The energy built up in a session of Rebirthing moves through the body, pushes as these stored experiences and allows them to come up for healing--actually moving them out of the body.

We humans have some very wonderful ways of taking care of ourselves. One of them is blocking from memory an event that we can't deal with at the time. This event might be frightening, or we might feel powerless in the situation. It doesn't take much to make a 2 year old feel powerless and frightened.
So, we put things away and save them for later, emotional charge and all. By the age of 35 there can be quite an accumulation. Now, if these things were just stored there and did no harm, so what? Let sleeping dogs lie! The problem is they don't just lie there. They act like filters for our life experiences.

Have you ever noticed what happens to your breath when you experience a strong emotion--especially fear? The breath usually becomes more shallow--sometimes you even hold your breath completely. That act can lock the experience and the emotion into your body. Breath can also be used to
free emotion. That is one of the basic truths of Rebirthing. Your breath can set you free!

Suppose there were a number of instances in your childhood where you were shouted at by an angry parent for doing something wrong. This programs you subconsciously. "I do things wrong ie: I'm not good enough." Enough of these pile up and there is a pretty strong filter at work (all subconsciously). This filter is like a neon sign of your forehead for everyone to see that says. "I'm Not Good Enough!" This gets in your way. We create our own reality with our conscious thoughts and that's bad enough. We also create our own reality with our subconscious thoughts. That's a very good reason to clear them.

A Rebirthing session typically lasts 2-3 hours. It begins with time to connect and do some in depth sharing with the rebirther, followed by the actual breathing cycle. The breath cycle itself takes about an hour and a half for someone without much Rebirthing experience. In the first half of the cycle the energy builds, about midway a releasing may occur, followed by the gradual waning of the energy and a period of integration. No two sessions are alike because no two people are alike. Releasing of an energy pattern may feel very physical with strong sensations focused in certain parts of the body. The release may be strongly emotional, with or without accompanying memories of a specific event. As the energy begins to wane and the releasing completes there is often a strong sense of loving oneself from the inside, of deep spiritual connection and oneness. This is a time for integration as well--a time for many personal aha's, creative ideas, bliss. After the breath cycle ends there is time to connect and share and sort with the Rebirther.

Rebirthing is offered in private sessions and also in groups. There are advantages to both forms. Choose whichever best fits your needs and considerations. A private session offers total privacy and one-on-one attention. It is often preferred when there are deep abuse issues and the issue of safety is paramount. Private sessions can be scheduled for your convenience, but they are more expensive. Group sessions offer the support and energy of the group and creates a sense of connectedness with the people involved. They are also less expensive. You need to be able to attend when they are offered and you don't receive one-on-one attention for the entire session.

Rebirthing is powerful, transformative process, and one you may want to explore in your personal process of healing and growth. Portland has a number of qualified, competent rebirthers. In choosing a rebirther it is important to interview them, meet them if possible, make sure you feel a connection with this person, that you feel safe with them. Check inside and see if you would feel more comfortable and safe with a man or woman? Feel free to ask questions about their experience, training, fees, length of session and follow up support. Ask them how clear they are on your issues. A good rebirther should be able to offer you knowledge of the Rebirthing process, personal clarity, support, safety and guidance.

© 2001 Sheila King - Last Modified 09-14-01