What is SEEDS?

                        SEEDS stands for Schoolwide E nglish E nrichment & Development S trategies. It was designed in response to the need to overcome the declining standard of English among MRSM (MARA Junior Science Colleges). It is modeled on the principles of  Schoolwide Enrichment Model by Joseph Renzulli and IRP (Intensive Revision Programme) by Matias Francisco de Menezes while the programme content is  the work of the  English Language staff of the SEEDS  team.

                 SEEDS  is a comprehensive programme that takes into account every facet of language learning and the unique problems faced by these students. Since learning English should not be confined only to the classroom, SEEDS  involves the whole school population, that is, administrators, academic and non-academic staff and, of course, the students.

                        The three major principles underlying SEEDS  are:

            #     Vocabulary forms the basis of all language learning. Therefore, the first task of
                    language teachers is to build a stable foundation of words, thus enabling students
                    to communicate in the target language.

            #    Language learning involves the major components of acquisition, retention, practice
                    and reinforcement. Therefore, the language learning environment should provide
                    maximum opportunities for students to acquire and practise/use the target

     #    Maximum commitment and support from the entire school community is important
                   in order to provide the most conducive climate for learning the target language.


 Simple and easy to implement

    Resources used are cheap and easily available

Duration of the programme is short

Specific behavioural targets are easily quantifiable


Accumulate a minimum of 1500 words

Listen to and understand spoken English

Communicate meaningfully in local and international contexts

Read and understand prose and poetry

Write effectively for different purposes

Components of SEEDS
Implementation of SEEDS
Proposed Schedule of SEEDS
Articles for PIES
Word List 
Enrichment List
Word List Table
SEEDS in Pictures
Germinating Ideas