Nothing is in the Second Quadrant!

The market will be saturated soon with all those crappy products. Their products cant even compete with divisoria merchandise. Kung maganda yung product mo, hindi na dapat i-network yan. Dapat dyan nasa mall. Imagine buying your own products just for the sake of keeping your downlines? You are joking me. Only stupid people will join this piece of crap.
- Anonymous 1

Whether ALL MLM companies have been declared legal or illegal by DTI, they should All be made to present this warning to their members at the start of every business presentation:

WARNING: The MLM scheme to be presented guarantees atleast 90% of its downlines/members will NOT be able to get back all their monetary investments --if they depend only on recruiting/referring other people into the scheme as downlines/members.

Top 10 Big Lies of MLMs

The multi-level marketing (MLM) field grows and its member companies multiply. Solicitations to join the movement seem to be everywhere. The impression accordingly grows that it is indeed the "wave of the future", a business model that is gaining momentum, growing in acceptance and legitimacy and, as its promoters claim, will eventually replace most other forms of marketing and sales. more 


If you know somebody who has become a downline/victim, please email the proper authorities at...

What's wrong with MLMs?

"Let me tell you about an incredible ground-level business opportunity," and you are invited to a house or to lunch for "a discussion." Funny enough, you feel sick in your gut that there is some hidden agenda or deception. "Probably a multi-level marketing (MLM) organization," you think. Suppose it is? Should you trust your instincts? Is there anything wrong with MLM?. more 


Please do not join any MLM scheme if you think you will get any financial gain by recruiting other people to join it as your downlines/members.

If you dont believe that MLM's are pyramids, please join any legal MLM nearest you now. As in right now.

After sometime, please dont forget to return to this website and post your horror stories here after you lose your money... and a lot of your friends.


The Dark Side of MLMs

Why would I want to publish an interview that criticizes multi-level marketing? Many of my dear personal friends and family members are hoping to attain, or have attained, what they call "financial freedom" and "time freedom" through a multi-level marketing scheme (MLM) or a network marketing system (they are pretty much the same). more 




Our Business Plans

MLM companies in the Philippines, and around the World, attract members primarily because of their "business plans"

1.Stairstep/Breakaway - unlimited width, limited depth
2.Matrix - limited width, limited depth

3.Binary - limited width, unlimited depth

4.Uni-level - unlimited width, limited depth

5.Hybrid - combination of above

NOT because of the "quality" of the product that they are supposedly selling.

Even AMWAY was warned by the FTC to sell their products and NOT their compensation scheme to the unsuspecting public. To do so is to commit fraud.

In the US, failure to warn your downlines or members that almost all of them will not get back their initial investment based on any MLM scheme is against the law (The FTC act). That's because all MLM schemes, compensation or business plans, are based on MONEY PYRAMIDS.

In the Philippines, the DTI will come up with a similar rule very soon

(C) 2004 Second Quadrant Philippines
