Here you can find a list of all the Scottish characters in one big basket. Around 50 in all, you can search or view, characters by Domain (eg. Edinburgh) Clan (eg. Brujah), or Status held (eg. Primogen).

Click on one of the following headings to view the lists, arranged as stated :

The status total indicates the number of 'titles' which the kindred hold within the Camarilla, such as *bold*, *fearless* and *cunning*. These titles are either earnt by outstanding actions for the Camarilla or by achieving positions within the Camarilla. For some more details on this, click here.

If you want to alter any of the information contained within (or add your own entries to) the character lists then you can do so by changing the SCOTINFO file at the onelist web site ... but you must be a member of the cam_scotland mailing list to do so.

Click to subscribe to cam_scotland

Basically put, here you will find various images and photographs of characters and scenes taken from the numerous Scottish games. Know your enemy.

Lest they ever be forgotten, here you will find the role call of final deaths within Scotland. Tread carefully, lest you too be named.

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