World of Matter

New Foundation to Science 



Discovering the Fundamental Particle- Origin of Force, Gravity, Mass, Field and Charge

New Vision of Force - Discovering Winding and Unwinding Quantum World

Secret Structure of Force Guiding Quantum World - Vital Ratio guiding different types of action and reaction -

  • Two New dimensions to force
  • Mechanical action and reaction 
  • Heat induced action and  reaction- Formation of Matter 
  • Formation of stellar system and the secret of its existence.

Secret of Relative Motion - Putting Planet into Orbit


Humankind in the name of science has set out to conquer material world. He went about splitting matter in  an attempt to isolate the building blocks and thus conquer and mold the very structure of the universe. The advancement in science however broke the very foundation on which he was building his desire. The mechanical world view broke down and gave way to Einsteinian world view. This in turn gave way to another contradicting theory called Uncertainty Theory and Quantum Mechanics. Today science is lost without a firm base. Conclusion of quantum mechanics clearly says that one cannot understand nature without taking into consideration the mind and soul. 

Einstein was not willing to accept that God plays dice. He said  that science has to be restructured on to a new foundation. In his auto biography he even suggested that one has to explore dimensionless constants which are ratio's, for example of one mass to another, one speed to another. He probably was aware of the dead end to which his theory points. In an attempt to save it, he  introduced concepts like Anti-gravity and cosmological constant, to bring up a picture of stable Universe. However, for some unknown reason he retreated. For several decades now science has been recklessly exploiting nature, with out ever to trying find the  relationship and the oneness of nature. Consequently, today we live in a world that is increasingly quaking , erupting, flooding, burning, breaking and where humankind has turned against humankind  much against the instinct of life.

The instinct of life always struggles to maintain life, overcome misery, attain peace, happiness and strengthen life to survive against the death force. In contrast, humanity under the dominant force called science is growing vulnerable and defenseless. The individual, community, and nations are growing restless. Earth is increasingly, quaking, burning,  flooding, erupting and mankind has turned against mankind. His conventional defense has failed and he stands out there unprotected.

Definitely some thing is wrong with human approach to life. The dominant force - science has erred some where at the fundamental level. It is time we look back and discover it

Since science  began its search to understand nature, by attempting to discover the fundamental particle or the building block of nature, I am beginning my exercise to transform science on to a new foundation right from this spot. To all those who come across this site I appeal to explore it with an empty mind and pass your judgment in the end.