New Vision Of Force

The Winding and Unwinding Quantum World - The Secret of Action and Reaction  





In the previous Chapter we visualized the fundamental particle and the action of force in a straight line. We visualized how force generates the properties like gravity, mass, charge, field and energy. But force as visualized classical science has limitations. Hew we are visualizing force as curvature in space

Exploring a New Vision of Force and understanding Quantum Action and Reaction

I am leading you through certain imaginary steps, that could eventually reveal us the nature of reality and how it exist



Force is visualized here as a curved one causing winding or unwinding force on the system.  Unlike in the previous case here the force acts at an angle to the force that is binding the components of the particle. It causes a spiral winding of the component. We note here certain basic characteristics that accounts for what we experience in nature

1] There are two choices, it can wind the system from left to right or right to left.

2] The efficiency of the force is maximum when it acts at any of the three corners [ A,B,C] and decreases as we move towards the center [ O] or away from the corner. What it means in a system is that there is limited number of points on which the system can act most efficiently


Advantage of new vision


In contrast to the previous vision, here the force is acting at an angle to the binding force of the components of the particle system and thus the opposition of the system to the external force is minimal. Here small forces produce small results and the system yields to the external force through several quantum internal steps of action and reaction that culminates in the observed reaction to the outside. The internal actions and reactions go long way explaining the qualitative aspect of systems in nature.  The site notes and explores 9 quantum steps, divisible into 3 major steps, which break down the three left and right frames of the system. 


The force here has two components horizontal component and a vertical component. The following figure expresses it. This means the force is producing compressive winding or unwinding of the system depending on the direction of the force.


The new vision invariably means that all actions could be viewed as the transmission of winding and unwinding force. Since forces are created in pairs it means

1] For every force acting left to right, there exists a pair, which is acting right to left.

2] It also means there should exist three principle systems- One producing the force and the other two being the recipient.  One of these systems  [force producing system] gets unwound and the other is wound vice versa at any given moment of time.   


The component, on which the force is applied, undergoes a twisting displacement to the center. We must note here that every twist has three minor quantum steps. See fig -12 below. When one twist is completed, the system reacts, collapsing into certain new order of existence. I call this First Order of Non-Equilibrium. In the first order of non-equilibrium, the system is compressed by a unit on one plane and is expanded on the other. Here it looses one frame of left and right equilibrium. This system is reversible. The moment the external force is removed the system returns to the original state. 




 Discovering the Relative Equilibrium


When the twisting is further continued, it undergoes another winding as above and reaches the second critical state and collapses into Second Order of Non-Equilibrium. This order is quite stable. [It does not return to the original state if the force is removed]. It is flexible between the first critical and the third critical point.  Here the system loses two left and right frames and comes to exist in one frame of left and right. A new frame is added, that is it can wind and unwind by a unit. It is flexible to the external force pushing it to third critical state and to the external force pushing it to the previous critical state. In other words, it can wind and unwind by a unit. The system can only be returned to the previous state by applying the opposite force. I call them Relative Equilibrium Systems. All the systems we deal in nature are of this type.  

When one more step of winding is done then it reaches the Third Critical Point. Here the system looses all the three left and right frame of existence. The system now inverses, spins and expands on to a new plane [Uncertainty plane. see fig-2 below]. Its left turns right and vice-versa. In the process, it expels the winding force acted upon it back to the system from which it came. In other words the system that produced the winding force now begins to receive the reaction as winding action. One can visualize the whole process as a pulsating one - the beat of the heart.


The three step winding process leading to collapse and return to the original state is shown in the following figure   






The Cyclic process of Quantum Action and Reaction





The above figures explain the process and the steps imagined that leads to action and reaction of a system in nature. The process of action is creation of non-equilibrium in a stepwise process. The whole process is a break down of three basic left and right frames that we imagined on the fundamental particle in the previous page. The process of reaction is a process of gaining back the old order of existence by left turning right and vice versa. [That takes us back to Great Chinese philosophy and should make us review all the ancient knowledge systems]


There is a serious flaw in our imagination that necessitates us to invent a new dimension to force This flaw relates to action on relative equilibrium systems that are formed as the system is wound to second critical state. Let us explore the relative equilibrium system and the new dimensions of force in detail. Before we go further, let us note two important points of our exercise


Two Important Points


1] Taking into consideration charge denoted to the 8 components of the fundamental particle, the process of winding can be achieved by both attractive force and repulsive force.


2] The central system that is producing the force, should in essence be different from the two systems on which force is applied. The cause of action is inherent in the central system, but the cause of action is external for the two-particle system. The particle system works to oppose the non-equilibrium being produced on it, but the central system or force producing system is the producer of non equilibrium and eventual receiver of the reaction of the particle system. At the second critical state, the producer of force and recipient of force reach a relative state of existence.


[Reader should note that we are dealing with two systems, which are opposite. As we go further we will discover that the central system is nothing but life, where humanity investigating into nature takes a pivotal role. The basic opposing nature of life and matter is well proven by applying the second Law of thermodynamics to living system and material systems. This realization tells us humanity is in danger of extinction. In the name of science and with out the knowledge of the oneness, humanity is pushing the material world to its limit and is poised to get the violent reaction. My own struggle for past one and half decades rest on calling the attention of the world to this aspect. You will realize the truth of it when you scan this site completely]


Exploring the Relative Equilibrium System and Inventing New Dimensions of Force


The relative equilibrium system we saw earlier is how the material systems exist in nature. It is independent, stable system that exists flexible to external interaction of forces. In the above exercise we imagined these systems being pushed to the third critical state at which the system collapses producing the reaction, however we overlooked an important aspect


What we Over Looked - And a Vital Break Through


What we overlooked here is the opposition of the Relative Equilibrium System to the external forces. We noted that to push the system to the first and second critical state we used a force applied at an angle to the forces binding the system. However when the system reaches the relative equilibrium status, we reach a state where no more force can be applied on the system to cause the winding The system under stress simply exist flipping through two alternate states. See fig below. 




This necessitates the imagination of another force [Recessive Force], which is opposite and supports the winding. We know that equal and opposite forces cancels out, this invariably means these two forces should exist in a ratio in order for the winding to be effected. The site determines it as 4:3 ratios. This ratio invariably means there is a difference in angle of interaction and they’re by the path of flow of force. This basic idea takes its support from immense observation made in nature and the structure and function of information system in biological system [the existence of Dominant and Recessive genes]. You can imagine here a drill at work. The drill works only if it displaces some matter. Spiral movement of matter in opposite direction accompanies the forward spiral movement of the drill




Let us review it again.

We must note here the cause for the breakdown. When the component is twisted and moved, the component shifts its relative position from directly opposite to vertically opposite. The motion here is always from one plane to the other in zigzag manner. The system now is flexible between two limits, with an uncertainty zone on the left and right.  As it is twitched to the third critical state, the component comes to take directly opposite position to the original position. Here the system collapses into First Order of Non-Equilibrium. The system reverses to initial state if the external pressure is removed.


In contrast if the  winding process is continued  the system collapses to the Second Order of Non-Equilibrium.  This state is stable, any attempt to reverse it to the initial state need application of an equal and opposite force to the previous one. 


Further winding take it to third critical state [Third order of Non-Equilibrium ] and the whole system collapse and goes into reorganization. The process of reorganization left turns right and vive versa. This process causes the the reaction. The whole process has nine steps of movement form left to right and vice versa.


The force applied on the system has two-component directions one; acts left to right or vice versa, the other to the center or away from the center. [The latter causes the unwinding]. What this means is that there are two choices to the action, left winding or right winding.  When we apply force on an absolute system the ratio of force of action to reaction is 1:3. This ratio invariable means the action cannot take place, thus to the assumption of existence of fundamental non-equilibrium. It also means we have to deal with only relative equilibrium systems

The action of force here can be viewed as centripetal or centrifugal force. This means the shifting into first critical state, second critical state, and third critical state is a three-step spiral twisting, which is decreasing [or increasing] by certain unit. Each of these spiral twists in turn is made up of three twisted curves, which are decreasing [Or increasing] by a unit. The movement is such that it always moves from one plane to the opposite plane. The collapse occurs when the component reaches the directly opposite frame. This means the system collapses into left winding or right winding state. [We will see more about it when we deal with the formation of matter particle]

This means absolute systems have in reality 4 paths. The first order of non-equilibrium reduces the path into three, the second into two and the third to one path in which it is forced to move. The fact that there is non-equilibrium invariably means the system we deal with has only three paths the fourth is concealed in the winding. The systems we deal with exist in a stable path comprising of two paths and has an uncertain path shared on either side, with the path in the uncertainty plane. Thus, the first and fourth paths are transition paths to higher or lower level. { To understand How paths are related to motion go to - Paradox of Friction - Relation between quantum motion and the Path]

What this means is that there is qualitative actions before quantum action we witness. When the qualitative quantum action-taking place within, reaches third critical stage the external quantum action is presented to us. The action here could be expressed as winding or unwinding depending on the direction of the external force. Here it becomes important that we understand different types of winding and unwinding. This in return calls for better understanding of force


Click here to go to - Secret Structure of Force and Quantum Action

                                         Vital Ratio Guiding Action and Reaction of the Fundamental Particle.