
Pre Galilean Knowledge System and Grand Unification



After the discovery of uncertainty principle and fall of foundation of science, there has been an increased interest in ancient knowledge systems. Acknowledged scientists have tried to visualize a unity in the conclusions of modern developments in science and ancient knowledge system. Flushes of new age books have hit the bookstall, especially after a classic book Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra. Even the walls between the different knowledge systems also have started weakening with many people coming out showing the unity in them. So let me not waste my limited energy and resources on reviewing it. 

I am limiting myself to discuss some of the important aspect of these philosophies in relation to the light I saw. I am not a great student any of these ancient knowledge systems, yet after my own enquiry into nature and after that point where in I felt I transformed through the Central Reality, I have been able to comprehend the unity of these ancient knowledge systems.

The Base of Ancient Knowledge System

The foundation of the all-ancient knowledge system exists in a journey to the center, using the senses that are the gift of the Father and Mother. In essence it is unifying and tends from disorder to order. In contrast to this, science is a path to the outside and tends from order to disorder. Human mind is at the center of both these journeys. In other words ancient knowledge systems, both of the east and the west, is an exploration of internal aspects of the universal system and the modern is an exploration of the external aspect. The former made a basic conclusion that, motion and change originates from inside, from ones own “self” and the latter assumed that it comes from outside. The dispute as to which is the superior can be settled with a single sentence “With out Galileo, the ball would not have gone to the top of the table for him to role it and show that free fall acceleration is independent of weight of the body”.  Here Galileo, his mind and its intent become vital to the analysis of the whole.

Explore the following articles

1] The Fundamental Structure of Realization and Conclusion of Ancient Knowledge Systems

2] The Gem of the East on the Crown of the West - The Truth of Veda enacted in Calvary

3] Science of Veda and Unity of East and West 

4] Parallels between Ancient Knowledge System and the Secret of  Family 

5] Secret of Life and the Present world



The Fundamental Structure of Realization and Conclusion of all the Ancient Knowledge System


There are many ancient knowledge systems both of the east and the west. Superficially they appear different but at the deeper level they present a unity.  Prominent aspects that stand among them are

1] The existence of a Central Reality from which everything comes to which everything goes. This Central Reality is known by many names, Brahman, Shiva, Rama, Krishna, Jesus, and Allah---

2] All religion gives a call to transform or transcends through this Reality. This is known by various names, Moksha, Nirvana, salvation, birth in spirit and so on. All these religious systems are the product of the experience of the individuals who transcended the Central Reality.

3] All these philosophies tells us that this Central Reality can only be known by faith. It is beyond our mind and its grasp.

One must note two points here

1] Depending on the path one takes and how close one transcends the Central Reality, there are some qualitative differences in perception of the Central Reality. But the one who transcended the Central Reality stands out by his actions and is a source of force to lead more to the center. He is a source of order to humanity. Religion is not their creation. He turns out to be a messenger or Guru

2] The multitude of religion and sects is the product of the followers. Who were influenced by the teaching to form groups, but never once transcended the Central Reality. The difference between the first and the second is enormous. The former could be compared to one who lives in light, the other who lives in darkness. The knowledge source of the latter is the description given by the person residing in light. Most of us fall into the second category. We get trapped in the vortex of description created out of parts. It all amounts to one intelligent blind leading the other.  Like a child whose desire for sweets is exploited to make him do things, most of the religious leaders handle human inherent desire to see light and kingdom of God, as a tool for their existence. They form a barrier between individuals and their realization of God. Unlike ancient Guru’s who lead  their people to liberation and bring his unity with the whole, modern guru’s tend to form force of their own. Thus religion has become a tool for destruction in modern world.

The Worldview of all Ancient Knowledge System

The worldview of all ancient system is very much similar to one another. [There is a tendency to differentiate east and west, but I see unity in them] It presents to us a dynamic system view of nature that has time and change as its essential property. The ancient seers visualized unity in diversity and diversity in unity. They visualized this universal system as the product of the union of two polar opposite which forms one and differentiates in to two. Thus Hindu Philosophy describe their God Shiva as Ardha Narishwara [half male half female], Chinese Philosophy understands the Central Reality by Yin and Yang [Male and female]. Jesus Christ tells he is the Flesh and the Blood of the New –World.  

The Gems of Ancient Knowledge systems

[I respect all religion and its content, but look with disgrace on how the communities follow these religions. Though I see unity among all the ancient knowledge systems, the one, which appeared appealing to me, was the Vedas, Upanishad and the Chinese philosophy.  May be because it fell in line with my own enquiry into nature and what nature revealed to me. I read very casually Bible and few books on Vedas, Upanishad, Buddhism, Bhagavad-Gita, Chinese philosophy and many more religious philosophies as I left my research career. I chose to read them because I felt some parallels between what nature was speaking to me and these ancient philosophies. The real comprehension of depth of these philosophies and their unity came very much later, when in a moment of quest for knowledge, I happened to stand in prayer submitting my whole being to unknown force guiding the whole and experienced a transformation. To experience is one thing but communicating to others was entirely different aspect. I have experienced the difficulties involved with it and I am still experiencing it.

The truth revealed to me by nature, the new foundation to science and the models I developed and its implications showed many similarities with Vedic thoughts, the writing of the Upanishad and the interpretation of Chinese philosophy. When I read Veda, Upanishad and Taoism a second time I could not but help appreciate the lucid way they have tried to communicate the truth to the people on the other side. I could not help but call it gems of ancient knowledge system that is ever written.]

All religious knowledge system has three basic steps

1] Faith

2] Understanding

3] Experiencing

Faith puts you in the right path [to the center], right understanding helps you swim towards the center evading the sharks that lurks to engulf you. By experiencing you take a New Life.

Human mind with all its disturbance gets caught in the middle of the ocean loosing the sense of direction and fail to reach the target. Vedas, Upanishad, Bhagavad-Gita tell us the art of swimming in the disturbed waters to that center. In  the battlefield of Kurukshetra, when Arjuna seeing his own kith and kin’s on the other side, hesitate to take his weapon, Lord Krishna tells, 

“Kill therefore with sword of wisdom [Upanishad] the doubt born out of ignorance that lies in thy heart. Be one in self harmony, in yoga, and arise great warrior, arise”

The central theme of Vedic advice to the humanity says

Taking as a bow, the great weapon of the Upanishad,

One should put upon it an arrow sharpened by meditation

Stretching it with a thought directed to essence of that

Penetrate the imperishable as the mark, my friend.

Faith is the instinct that comes to your help in disastrous situations. It is life, it brings order. Faith is a call that keeps knocking at your door. Only those who can hear it will open the door for Him to lead you. There are two paths one to the center and the other to the periphery or death. One of these paths is always dominant. These are two vortexes one directed to the center the other to the periphery. As one peaks it gives way for the other. This is beautifully expressed in the Chinese philosophy in terms of Yin and Yang [the male and female]. It clearly tells us that the seed of the one exist in the other and as the vortex reaches the dead end the seed of the new vortex develops in it. Those who hear the call will jump from one vortex to another and save themselves. We humans cannot escape but being in one of these vortexes. It is the Breath [His Reality] that Lord Krishna revealed to Arjuna.  The Central Reality exhales only to inhale.

Thus the essence of all religion is a call to silence the mind, using the real knowledge and to look to once own soul, know it and be with it. This projects as the only way to find peace order and happiness for individual, community, society and the whole

The beauty of Veda and Upanishad lies in the fact that it pictures the whole universe as living one that has a soul a mind and a body. Unlike other souls this soul and mind is incomparable. Motion originates from this mind, all life and matter originates from this motion and nature is simply an extensions of this one Living Entity. It holds the key to death and life of all other living system. It presents us a quantum world picture that involves both life and matter as unity. [It is this picture that I have tried to present to the scientific world, in an attempt to save my brothers and sisters, who by the ignorance of conquering motive and corruption, powered by partial knowledge of matter is leading the whole to destruction].

This Central Soul is referred as “ Brahman”. It is the Central Reality. Brahman is visualized as the Embryo that differentiates to form a soul and mind and develops a body. We the human beings are visualized as individuated system born out of the Central Reality to form the body. The soul of human beings is referred as “Atman”.  Brahman as a unity of male and female.  He is described as

He who is dwelling in all things,

Yet is other than all things,

Who all things do not know,

Whose body all things are,

Who controls all things from with in-

He is your Soul, The inner Controller,

The Immortal.

The essence of Veda, Upanishad revolves round two aspects

1] The creation of the world by the self sacrifice of God, where by God becomes the world and in the end it becomes again God. The creative activity of the Lord is called LILA; the play of God and the world is seen as the stage of the Divine Play.

2] The force behind the creation is Karma [Actions - Good and Bad ]. In revealing the secrets of existence to the warrior Arjuna, Lord Krishna Clearly tells that Karma is not His creation it is beyond Him. It comes from Humanity, the body of the Brahman. Christ tells He is sent by His Father as a Sacrificial Lamb for the Bad Karma [Sins] of the whole world

The Gem of the East on the Crown of the West – The Truth of Veda enacted in Calvary

Self sacrifice invariably means accepting death. God accepting death is the concept of creation that Vedas teach us. Upanishad speaks elaborately on the concept of death as the secret of life. The question now comes is this gem of Veda of the East held in the Crown of the west [ The Jesus Christ]. Bible tells us Jesus the Lord Sacrificed His life at the Calvary in order to give life to humanity as a whole. He was the sacrificial Lamb for the bad Karma [sins or Negative actions] of the whole of Humanity. It tells us that He did it at a time when not one human being, whom He could call righteous, was left on this world, . He had to act to save this world, to set the seed for a New world. He said He would come again in the form of Spirit [ Knowledge], to defeat the unrighteous or evil force to save humanity and initialize and return the kingdom to His Father. 

Is these two moments, the moments at which the breath turns around? [Inhaling and exhaling] - The truth of Central Reality that Lord Krishna revealed to Warrior Arjuna? 

  My answer with out doubt is yes. The Gem of the East is placed on the crown of the West so that in end times, humanity can open its eyes to the truth. The west forever will be longing to find the secret of light but it will remain elusive to them, it reveals to the opposite the recessive. West will realize the truth only when mirror is placed in front of it.  In Bible Lord Jesus tells us that He will rise in the East and Israel will repent when he sees HIM.  No wonder all along Old Testament of the Bible Lord favors the younger son.

The Vedas tells us that the universe goes in four phases. Satya Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Kali Yuga. These yugas are characterized by a scale of light [knowledge] and its deterioration [Deterioration of faith, truth and justice].  In the first moment the knowledge shines maximum and initializes the whole in justice and truth, this is followed by the first phase. At the end of the first phase truth and knowledge deteriorates by ¼, the second by 2/4, the third by 3/4th, the fourth forms the complete deterioration of the truth and justice.  Those of you who have gone through the “New Vision of Force – The world of Quantum Action and Reaction” discussed in the site, these three points forms the first critical point, second critical point, third critical point that leads to the collapse of the system and the beginning of the reaction and change of phase.

 The whole action is visualized as the product of two forces one gravitational and the other anti-gravitational they act in two different paths in space. One of these forces is dominant at any time. The force of gravity is centripetal and comes from the matter and force of anti- gravity was located in the living system. For the whole system one of this force is dominant at any moment of time. In other words the whole system exist either in a contracting or expanding phase. These phases are vortexes in which everybody gets caught. Each of these phase is characterized by three critical points at which the system breaks down and left turns right. When the system is falling or contracting [gravitational collapse], unless it is supported from inside the system can collapse like twin towers at the ground zero.  Answer to this support came from the incarnation of the Central Reality. The first being Lord Rama [The central Theme of Ramayana] who leads the war against Rakshas [Evil]. The army that he leads is figured as Monkey.  The next is the Lord Krishna who is the central theme of Mahabharat. The army he now leads is figured as evolved humans. The war is between the elder and the younger members of the family. He comes to picture as a father figure, philosopher and a friend of the whole family. Then leads the battle in favor of younger and the deprived, fully aware of the out come. He stands by justice and truth. Central Reality thus saves the collapse of the system but the system is still directed to the center. The third critical point is the most important point. It is the point at which the whole system breaks down

What followed Calvary was an expansion or the exhaling period. The instinct of the universal soul was a call to maintain equilibrium, but the universal soul also was quite aware that humanity would fail to perceive the call. Having caught in the expanding vortex, it will push the whole system to another limit where he would be forced to breath in. Calvary was truth of Vedas enacted for humanity. Calvary showed humanity that the way to life is submission of your Mind [I] and discovering soul that exist beyond it. The real Mind is enclosed with in the soul and the real soul is enclosed with in the mind [The Dance of Unity].  It was a call to humanity to be a part of Him in the New World and New-Cycle. Calvary is conception and The Second Coming is Birth. The Birth is accompanied by Pain, what is conceived will be delivered, the question left is, with what amount of pain, where each of us will find ourselves in the New Body and New Flesh.

Why does all Religion give so much importance to transform through the Central Reality?

Matter is neither created nor destroyed and this means creation of the New Flesh and New Blood should come from the existing matter.  New -World should come from the Old-World; this is the secret of the call of Upanishad, Bible, Buddhism, Zen and so on. The event of conception was a singular act. But the pains of birth are related to the whole body. Happy are those who become a part of New flesh and New blood for they rule the New world

The Science of Veda – The Unity of East and West

The Veda and all the ancient philosophies view the universe as a living soul. Matter is visualized as simply an essential part of this organic world. However science has a contradictory foundation. This foundation was shaken and broken with the development of quantum mechanics and its implications. Yet neither science, nor the ancient system could find a basal plat form for the unity. We today exist very much in the grip of materialistic and scientific thinking. Being lost in self-survival, hardly few think about where the vortex is leading humanity and the whole world. I realized that no amount of philosophical explanation could make any change in the situation. The only way out is to present the truth by reviewing the foundation of science. The foundation of science essentially exists on a fundamental assumption, that there exists a non-equilibrium. Analysis of this assumption led me to develop models. Non-equilibrium is a necessary for the flow and motion. Let us start here.

The Central Reality can be visualized as Number 8, with two arms existing in the ratio 4:3, one dominant the other recessive. The flow begins from the dominant and is quantum in its nature. As one quantum flow moves from left to right to the recessive, the recessive turns dominant and the dominant turns recessive. Now a new flow begins from right to left and thus a continuous flow exists in it.  It gives us the dancing picture of the Realty. If you expand the same to space we get the spatial pulsating picture of the Central Reality. See the fig below

The dominant is visualized as the mind and the recessive is visualized as the heart. Flow starts from the mind to heart and then from heart to mind is the essence of the Reality. How this mind and soul co exists with matter and results in the body is explained in the site.  This created world is protected by dynamic information system and thus His creation never breaks down. It survives by renewing the information systems and when the criticality is reached it differentiates its recessive and dominant information in absolute manner. Calvary is the differentiation and expression of the absolute recessive information; the second coming is differentiation and expression of the absolute dominant information. This completes the one cycle of His pulse and thus in the secret of Biological system and its functioning lies the secret of the world. When the knowledge of Central Reality strikes peace and order pervades this universe. In time the knowledge deteriorates and the cycle of creation is continued


The Parallels between the Secret of Ancient Knowledge system and the Secrets of Family

The central aim of Upanishad is to make an individual, family, community, nations and the whole stand on its feet in knowledge and thus one with Universal System. All the ancient knowledge system revolves around stressing our relationship and oneness with God. Every religion thus present a Mother and Father. What the ancient knowledge system speaks to us is the importance of the family relation ship and how individuality and relationship should co-exist to bring harmony to the individual and the whole.  An individual can attain no harmony, no peace, no order and no happiness unless he cares for the happiness of the family, community, society and vice-versa. Thus all ancient religious philosophies, includes elaborately written family drama.

Before we go further to discuss the truth of God and family let us define life and the living universe – Life works on an instinct to maintain equilibrium on its left and right. 

We all have forgotten that we have come from one root and form His left or right. In pursuing our “self”, establishing our individuality we have forgotten our relationship to one whole. The root of all problems, the misery, disorder, violence, unhappiness, etc., lies in this single truth. 

When time takes its toll, naturally the power is transferred from the father to the elder brother. It becomes the duty of the elder to care for the whole as the father and mother cared for the family. But the “self” of the Elder brother comes into play. This self is the cause of the deterioration and friction. The call of the father and the mother to restore justice and truth fails to fall on the ears of the elder brother, the process is continued as a chain and deterioration and disorder grips the community and the whole. Slowly the balance of the whole system gets upset. Thus religion is a call from the Father in whom Mother  exists. Creation is the sacrifice from the Father and the Mother to gain back Their children. The way to return to the root is given in the story of the Prodigal Son, in the Bible.

When the elder fails in his duties, the Lord, the Father and Mother favors the weak. This reality is reflected in the stories of Ramayana, Mahabharat, Old–Testament of the Bible and almost all the religion in one form or the other. It is not that the younger is justified, in fact in many of the stories younger is projected as cunning and the father is projected as blind. [ Blind in the sense He closes His eyes to sins of Younger] This favor of the father and mother to the younger son is to maintain the equilibrium, bring justice and truth to effect. In it exist the secret of life.  

Secret of Life and the Present World

Unity of the opposite is the secret of the world. The instinct of the living universe is to balance left and right of its body thus maintain equilibrium. Thus when the dominant [right] makes unilateral approach to conquer the recessive [the left] the instinct makes the recessive revolt, in opposition. When it reaches the critical point, then the instinct favors the recessive and the recessive turns dominant and the dominant turns recessive. Does this have any relevance to the present world?

When Christ gave New Life to the World. He Knew he has turned left into right and there will be a day when He has to do the opposite, turn right in to left to complete one cycle and restore the Kingdom of God – The body in which His father exist and rules.  Thus He said He would come again. Christianity believes that His spirit will come again to rescue them. 

The Apostles of Christ carried the message of the Christ, the importance of the path He traveled and the need for us to travel in it. But the Christianity made Him an idol, imprisoned Him in the Church. They started to rule the world in His Name. The instinct of the Lord perceived it, sent a messenger to remind the Judgment day. This messenger, I feel was Prophet Mohammed, a Community which stressed very much on judgment developed under him.  Muslim and  Christianity has a relationship is well established in both Bible and Koran.

Around the same time Galileo and science came into existence as an opposition to Church. God was controlling the elder brother and at the same time executing His plan, to take the cream out of His old body to Create New Flesh and New blood and restore this world to order. Science was his tool in this Plan. Bible tells us that it is the Word of God that takes the form of Flesh and Blood.

This world was in equilibrium when two opposing forces existed. It became unstable when the East collapsed and the West began to flourish with a negative intent. The balance began to upset when west out of greed, ignorance and negative intent set out on a Third World War to conquer the whole world. Unlike the first and second world war, where weapons of mass destruction were used for war, the Third World War was concealed one. It was let loose in the name of globalization. It is apparent that if the economy of the whole world can be conquered it was as good as conquering the whole. The situation was precipitated when the East specially the land of Vedas under the grip of Corruption gave in to this conquering motive of the West.

Terrorism is natural extension of the conquering intention of the humanity. War and terrorism are the two sides of the same coin called evil. Terrorism is self-justified by the war and conquering motive of the West. Terrorism can never be conquered by war. All the weapons in the Armory of America cannot defeat one soul that thinks that it is dieing for Lords sake. This knowledge made me write and plead with President Bush, Secretary of U.N.O. Koffi Annan, and PM of U.K., Mr.Blair and many temples of science that form the centers that provide the material force to west, to review my work before waging a war, thus creating more and more self destruction. I cautioned disastrous reaction not only from the hurt souls but also from mother nature. Since then we have witnesses very drastic climatic changes, disturbed patterns in climate and natural calamities. Thousands of innocents have paid the price for ignorance.  I do my duty to spread the light. Rest is left to His will.

If only we the individuals hold the lit candle will the darkness of the leaders disappear.