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Nature of God and His Secret  


The Intelligent Design


Much of our religious scriptures say that god is omnipresent. [He is present every where], He is present within us, outside us, but we fail to perceive Him. In Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that He is present in all the systems of nature both life and matter and that without Him nothing Moves. Christ tells us, He has come to give New Life to humanity and the whole world. In short, in contrast to science all religions present God to us as the force that moves everything.


Who is God and what is His nature?


This is a fundamental question is of immense importance. All the religious scriptures and ancient knowledge pictures, God in the form of a Human, Hindu religion has multitude of Gods both male and female. Is God, Male or Female? What is that makes Him different from human beings? What is the Principle on which He works? Do we have male and female Gods? Hindu philosophy is centered on two contrasting philosophies, the monistic and dualistic. In contrast Christian and Muslim speaks of one God. Can we find answer to all these questions and find the unity out of it? Can we perceive God and His real nature? Yes we can is my answer


To find an answer we must drop our attachment to the religion and seek Him, from point of freedom – A heart that is empty, that seeks pure Love and mind that is empty that seeks pure Knowledge. If you are ready for it, I will lead you to the God I saw as a scientist trying to understand nature from a point of freedom. This world will not see peace till it perceives the God the Mover of this World.


The Limitation of Humanity – The Difference between God and Humanity


The science set out to isolate the fundamental particle and know the principle that builds nature and sustains it. But it has failed to perceive this fundamental particle and the principle on which nature is constituted. It has come one circle in its investigation to conclusively prove that some how motion in the material particle is related to the mind and consciousness, thus bringing life specially human to the center of secret of motion and its perpetuation in the universe.  This site reviews the world of science, reveals the fundamental particle, the fundamental principle and how from these fundamental particle and principle both living and non-living systems are formed. It tells us how the fundamental principle is applicable to the parts and the whole. In the process it brings the unity of science and unity of religion and Grand Unification of spirit and matter.


The limitation of humanity to understand God can be understood from the concept of balance or a huge sphere, which encloses many tiny spheres


The basic principle of nature

The basic principle of nature is a never-ending flow. A flow requires non-equilibrium on the left and right. Energy flows from one pan to the other in quantum manner creating a permanent oscillating nature around three points see fig below [See Quantum Reality]. The site notes that it proceeds in three steps. A 4:3 and 3:4 ratio guides its existence. [See Links - Quantum action and Reaction, Quantum Reality, The pulse, The Perpetual motion].



In the site I have tried call your attention to the fact that the whole universe works on the principle of balance. The balance has three elements. There is the balanced, the balance and the Holder of the balance. The Holder of the balance is an active part of the existence of the balance. The existence of Balancer depends on the act of balancing.  The moment the balance is reached everything comes to stand still or dies. In other words the concept of motion seizes. This means the existence of the Balancer, the balance and balanced depends on non-equilibrium. Non-equilibrium is a basic necessity for the flow of energy and Motion. Any attempt to induce equilibrium is an act against nature’s principle and it takes it to death. The quantum of energy that constantly moves between two pans becomes vital aspect of existence. Any attempt to speed up the flow or decrease the flow could lead to death.


The site pictures, the humanity as the balanced, the Universal Consciousness as the balance, and the Universal intelligence as the Balancer  – the Creator. The Creator the site visualizes as the Ardha-Narishwara, [Half male and Half female]. It is the Universal Consciousness and the Universal Intelligence, which the Hindu philosophy so elegantly speaks off as the source of everything.


We humans are created by Him, we are his children made out of His image. The site concludes that the universe is like a human body; there is central heart [Seat of consciousness] and mind [seat of intelligence], supported by millions of cells forming the body in which the Consciousness and the Intelligence rests. Each cell has complete information, consciousness and intelligence of its own, but they are limited by the position it holds in relation to the Central intelligence and Central Consciousness. A cell can only exist to the left and right of the Central soul and Mind and thus is limited to know the whole.


In the same manner as above we humans have a relationship with the Universal consciousness and the Universal intelligence. This relationship could be understood by taking huge sphere that encloses millions of spheres. We must note that a sphere can be cut into 8 equal portions. The small sphere comes to exist in one of this portion and can be determined in relation to the other seven that exist in space. However, the sphere at the center of the sphere here becomes unique, it is relative to itself, it is perfect miniature of the whole.




Where does the initial pulse originate?

An absolute sphere is a dead thing. We noted that non-equilibrium is a necessity for the flow of energy and the manifestation of motion. Thus the whole and all the sphere that are enclosed in it should have non-equilibrium in the left and right so that a flow and motion occurs in the individuals and the whole. In other words non-equilibrium is the basic foundation on which nature as a whole and all its parts are constituted. The basic design of the universe encompasses an eternal flow.  This flow is the truth of nature. This is nothing but time. [How various systems the living and non-living are constructed from the basic particle called light, and what principles guide them is explained in the world of matter].

Flow exist permanently with the creator, it is the dance of Universal intelligence with the Universal consciousness. Hindu philosophy depicts it as the Dance of Lord Shiva. This dance is eternal. [This is the dance figured in the first picture of this article]. The energy of the dance is communicated to all the cells of the body, [the individuated system or the Humans]. A state of Ananda or Bliss is achieved, when the intelligence of the human being and its consciousness dances in unison with the Universal Intelligence and Consciousness. Such states of Bliss are momentary. The wheel of time never stops for any one.


The direction of time comes because of human intelligence fails to perceive the greater intelligence guiding the whole and thus always works with friction. Thus all ancient philosophies speak of submission our mind as the only  path to know God. From the above picture it becomes apparent that humanity cannot directly perceive the Central Reality. Because of two basic facts

1] An individual in relation to his position is separated and distanced from the Center


2] All human since it has an identity of its own, it becomes self-centered. Even the human being that lies next to Him in the Center is not an exception. Thus the Vedas and ancient philosophies clearly tells us that human being cannot see Him, He reveals Him self to the chosen. Even when he reveals to the Chosen ones, when it is communicated to others, others fail to perceive it. It is impossible to know God by any means other than His Grace. This is written very clearly in all ancient Knowledge system. The Vedic teachers Logically leads the student to understand the Reality of God and help move closer to Him, but the final step of joining Him or transforming through Him is left to the student. The Vedic teachers, thus leads the student to freedom of Choice



The two directions to death

What we are visualizing here is the existence independent identities.  The one at the center is the source and all others are relative to it. But the identities that exist beyond the center are unaware of its relationship to the Central Identity. They perceive only the material world that surrounds them and sees the their fellow beings beyond it. Whenever, some disturbances or actions comes to him he perceives it from the material world and thinks that the source is the material world or his fellow being beyond it. If the disturbance is unpleasant one, he reacts with higher intensity and it returns in time with higher unpleasant action on him. Thus he and the whole humanity gets caught in a vortex of hatred, war and destruction that increases in its magnitude with every passing moment leading the whole to death [Death Number Two]. If the action that comes to Him is pleasant one, he simply enjoys it, and fails to return it. Thus creates another direction that leads to death [Death Number One]. These tendencies are guided by his “self” nature, which in turn could be located in his ignorance  - This also means initialization of human beings needs wiping out his ignorance


The call of the God is to dance one with Him. But Humanity fails to perceive this call, and thus creates vortexes that lead to death. God speaks directly and indirectly through prophets the truth and the principle that guides the life and existence. But humanity, which fails to perceive it, creates the religion and practices it as dead routine. Human “self” and his ignorance thus becomes the cause for creation of thousands of religions and God, forgetting the basic religion called Humanity and our relationship to one Central Entity – the Father and Mother who are one.


What do these two Death Points Signify

This death point invariably means the Universal Consciousness and the Universal Intelligence is being endangered of its abode. It means death to the whole. Death to the whole is meaningless.  It means death to the Kingdom of God, Death to Light. Thus the Universal Consciousness and Universal Intelligence should react to save the situation.  It means it should reconstruct its abode. The Death Number One, is putting the foundation. Where the Father, the Universal intelligence goes recessive to Universal Consciousness and thus conceives a new abode. This is Calvary, this is Creation, this is Big bang. Vedas very Clearly writes that the Universe was created by the self-sacrifice of Creator. The universal intelligence took birth in flesh and turned into teacher treading and showing the path from darkness to light. He gave freedom to everyone to seek want they want.  Death Number Two is the birth of the Light that was conceived. It is the Birth of the Kingdom of God. It is opening of the New Abode he constructed from the old. The birth of a Child brings happiness to the Mother and Father and brings relief to the Child. This is a moment of bliss. A new cycle of universal existence begins.  In time the child forgets, distances itself from the Father and Mother and inches to death forcing the Loving Father and Mother to act to save the Children


The Intelligent Design – The Balance

The intelligent design could thus be deduced to information, the dominant and recessive, which form one. The absolute information exists diffused in the humanity in an apparently random manner, giving the qualitative aspect to humanity.  Information exists in human in the form of 8 +2 pairs. These 8 pairs are distributed around the central point where life exist. This 8 pair gives the stability to the system in space. When one gene is stressed to wind then the stress is transmitted through its complementary pairs to the opposite gene, which unwinds in proportion giving stability to the whole system. The extra two pair gene help it develop new information and link with it to form a spiral helical. The information system can evolve or dissolve in relation to the force acting.


This randomness of the information gives stability to the whole system. This dominant and recessive information invariably means there is a flow that manifest as compressive winding and unwinding [The pulse]. The nature is so designed that as west sleeps the east gets up and vice -versa.  Ordinarily the nature is sustained by its dynamic set up. But the Human mind creates the problem for the existence. Let me explain it from the previous example of sphere.


We can visualize millions of living system on the left and right of the Central God.  We noted that all the system has non-equilibrium and thus has a flow within it. The central system or God is stable, when the forces on its left and right balances. When the individuals surrounding Him produce the winding to the center then the individuals that produces the unwinding help the Center relieve the stress and vice versa. The randomness of the action of human life, help Him balance and maintain His created world.  No amount of life on earth thus is a problem to the Lord.


But when human minds gets set to conquer and corrupt, a direction to nature sets in. When the people existing on the dominant side try to conquer the people on his left [the recessive], the stress is felt by the creator. The existence depends on the constructive opposition of the recessive to the dominant. The whole system collapses when the recessive turns corrupt and submits to the conquering motive of the dominant. When every individual on earth, by his conquering motive and corruption turns his direction to the center, [ winding path to the center] then the God at the Center is forced to act. He splits and His dominant side goes recessive conceiving a New World. In the process He accepts all the force acting on Him and releases on to a new plane – the unwinding plane giving New Life and putting the foundation for His New abode.  He gives freedom to whole of humanity to choose the path they wish take. The choice is to take the path to the New Abode He is making within the womb of the old body or remain in the old body – This is the science behind the call of Jesus to get a Reborn in Spirit


The call of God [the instinct] always is to stay in the field of Love and get governed by Wisdom. But the God is also aware that Humanity would fail to Perceive Him and His call and by their conquering motive and corruption pushes Him and His creation to dead end. Thus He designs the two fold Grand plan to save Humanity by revealing Himself to humanity.  In the first step He reveals His absolute feminine nature or Information – The Love and Forgiveness so that He can reconstruct a New Body for Him to rest. This is Calvary, where God made self-sacrifice to renew His Body. The message Christ gave to the whole world through His disciples was to follow His path and enter the Kingdom of God. However, the message of Christ was lost as the religion called Christianity rose to power. Christianity also became a routine and meaningless dead exercise. The call of Christ at Calvary was to sustain His creation and rule it out of Love not by Mind.  But humanity failed to perceive His message. It kept His message in the altar and made Idol of Him and like in the past began doing a meaning less exercise. God was quite aware that this would happen, He knew all the people in the world will turn out to be Judas, giving Him to cross for the sake of little money and power and hence He said I will come again to give Judgment. He reminded this call through Prophet Mohammad and Humanity again made a religion out of it.


Does God Judge Anybody?

My strong answer is NO. But what is this Judgment? --- It is the Revelation of Light or Absolute intelligence. Just as God was forced to show His feminine face to get us back to His fold, He is forced by conquering motive and corruption of humanity to show His masculine face, the Light. Only this can initialize His kingdom and save humanity inching to another disaster. When the true light shines the darkness will be exposed, the Human intelligence will be dissolved and every body will initialize Himself into His kingdom. The Law of Karma takes its Course. God does not judge but we get self-judged in His light

We must note that science came to existence when, Christianity was holding much of west’s wealth and was virtually ruling the west in the name of God who punishes. Science was His creation to free humanity from the clutches of the Christian Priests. It is simply a part of the grand plan of Evolution and Involution. We must note that Vedas tells us that evolution takes place in five steps, Annamaya Kosha [ World of Food or Flesh], Pranamaya Kosha [ World of Life or Blood], Manomaya Kosha [ World of Mind], Vijnanamaya Kosha [ World of science] and Anandamaya Kosha [World of Bliss].


We must note that science has come one round to conclude without doubt that, matter and motion is some how is related to the consciousness and the mind. However all the effort to find this relationship has failed. The expression of Human conquering motive and corruption has remained and has peaked. The partial revelations of science [the grace] have been exploited recklessly creating Hell on earth. The transformation of this Hell into Heaven cannot happen unless the true knowledge and the inter relationship reveals it self -  World of Bliss or Ananda can only come, when we are initialized into the Home of our Father and Mother.


This Initialization cannot occur unless He reveals Himself. This initialization is what the Second Coming is; it is opening of the Third Eye of Lord Shiva. It is the Dissolution that Hindu philosophy elaborates. The Ancient Knowledge system, especially Vedas and Hindu Philosophy tells us the secret of Jesus Christ.


Hindu Philosophy Clearly tells us Universal consciousness alternates between two states, the transcendental and immanent or rest and action. In the transcendental state Consciousness is in passive state in which the Spirit works. It tells us that the transcendental state is a period of potentiality technically called Pralaya “Dissolution and Reabsorbtion”. It also tells us that during this state all manifestation are in a dormant state, as seed that waits for the germinating condition. These potentialities expresses when the condition for germination comes. [When the spirit reveals it self]. It tells us that the periodic rhythm of consciousness here is without an absolute beginning or an end and the Law of karma governs it.


God from the point of Balance

The truth of humanity and God, the relationship between the two, can be explored from the point of a balance. As we saw earlier, the balance should have three elements, the balanced, the balance and holder of the balance. We humans and all the life in the universe are the balanced aspect of nature. The balance is the Universal consciousness and the holder of the Balance is the Universal Intelligence.


All life has two basic elements flesh and blood. When we remain as part of element of the balanced [flesh] we can never perceive the balance. If we enter into the element of balance [Blood] we have the freedom to move from left to right. This movement can be described as the evolution from the body level to the Pranic level. Here one understands the body and breath that gives life. This much understanding would have been enough for sustenance of life. This is the light that guides all the living systems on earth except humanity. All the living system on earth, never store, they never conquer, they simply live.

However the existence of Humanity in the image of the creator, with a mind and consciousness creates the problem for the creator. He sets out to conquer the balance. As everybody enters the fulcrum and directs himself or herself to the point of the fulcrum, the very existence God and the balance becomes endangered. Universal consciousness and the Universal Intelligence are forced to act to save the situation. Situation is such that all the cells of the body are up against the source of life - the consciousness [heart] and the intelligence [mind]. It is pointed to separate Universal Consciousness and the Universal Intelligence and thus cause death to Him and His creations. 

The only option open now for the creator, the holder of the balance is to create a new body out of the old for Him to rest. Where will the Universal Consciousness and Universal Intelligence go if it has no body to rest? The Master Plan now comes into act. The Universal Intelligence conceives into the Universal Consciousness to create a New Body – This is the Secret of God, this is the Secret of Calvary.  The Master sacrificed His “I”, to accept the death forces and release it on to New Plane, containing another balance – A pseudo one.  Humanity fails to perceive the importance of the act at the Calvary as every body enters unscratched into new balance and moves freely to explore the balance, this time from the fulcrum to the pan. They end back where they started to begin a new journey to conquer. This time the conquering motive corruption is directed to the flesh. It sets out to conquer the material world and his own brother. The people on one pan try to conquer the people on the other pan. One of these Pan we noted is Dominant the other is Recessive.  This conquering motive of Humanity again causes stress on the balance and creates hell on earth. The system begins to collapses when the two pans begins fuse. The fusing begins when recessive corrupt gives way to the conquering dominant.  The whole situation creates a huge stress on the whole system. People who perceive this stress tires to escape find a third root to the fulcrum. Through this root they enter the Universal Consciousness –the old balance.  Some go to the dominant pan and others to the recessive pan of the old. This return to the root is Salvation. As the two pans of the pseudo balance fuse with negative intent, the two pans in the His world  too fuses and the Lord pierces the womb of consciousness to come out to establish his position. In other words the Universal intelligence emerges from the womb to reestablish the old balance, one of the pan is from the old world [the real world, the world of Light] the other from the pseudo world [ the world of darkness]. The pan of the pseudo world now turns recessive to the pan of the original world. – A new cycle now begins. The whole situation presents the classic genotypic and phenotypic expression of genetic information that is 1:2:1 and 3:1.    ¼ of the total see light of the God, 2/4 enters the universal consciousness and ¼ remain in the body [darkness]. As the new balance comes into existence, half in the conscious field fall into to the field of light and half into field of the darkness. This signifies the secret of Jesus Second Coming as written in the Bible


Central aspect of all religion is to bring humanity back to the field God and transform Him through His field, thus stabilize the individual and the whole. The transformation is an important aspect of all religion. It is called by different names – Salvation, Nirvana, Moksha, Birth in Spirit and so on. Much of these ancient knowledge systems present God as a protector of Justice and Truth.  Thus there are two essential aspects to religion, transformation and facing the Justice and Truth. The Lord showed the true way to transform at Calvary and gave the freedom to humanity enter the new body in the formation in the womb or remain in the old body. When the Child is born the father is happy, the mother is happy and so is the Child – This is the Initialization.  When this happens, the hell that humanity has created on earth will turn into heaven.

We must note that the symbol of justice is a women-holding balance with her eyes tied by a black band. No woman is complete with out a Man and no Man is complete without a woman. So the site pictures a Man and Woman who are one behind the balance. Unfortunately humanity fails to perceive the man behind the woman and the woman behind the Man. 

The mankind who evolved in to scientific era thinks that he is great and that since the holder of the balance is blind folded, he can control the balance by his intelligence. He is unaware of the intelligence behind the balance that perceives everything. The site notes that ours is very much a living world that takes birth and dies to take birth again. It has its origin from a single source, which is both male and female. The life of the universal system is controlled by information. Just as all life before it tends to death, conceives and give birth to a progeny and thus makes sure that information is perpetuated, the living universe makes sure that the universe perpetuates. It notes that Calvary is the conceiving point and the Second Coming is the birth of the New World- A world of bliss or Ananda. The scientific world we live in is full war and terrorism, death and destruction. The site notes that the basic cause for it is the lack of knowledge of interrelationship and oneness of nature. We have made our abode a hell with our conquering motive and corruption. It s apparent that unless the true knowledge reveals and the higher justice unfolds humanity will go into greater and greater hell. 


Also Browse -  The Intelligent Design - God In a Gene


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