Secret of Heart [soul] and Consciousness, Brain and Mind, its relationship with Matter and Information to form the Living Universe and its Perpetual Existence  

The secret of Mind / Brain and Consciousness / Heart, its relationship with Matter is very simple. To understand this secret all one has to do is to silence once own mind and observe once own self and the surrounding nature from a point freedom. Some fundamental aspect very clearly stands out when we observe nature from a point of freedom and put some fundamental questions

Observation and Questions

1] All life is struggling constantly to maintain some order within it. In the process it takes some input form the environment gives some out put to the environment thus creating constant flux. This fundamental reality is true for a single cell, as well as multi-celled complex organism with highly differentiated brain and heart like that of human beings. It is true for a family, community, states, nations and the whole.

Question here is - What is it the life striving to maintain?

2] All organisms have its origin from a single cell. In the multi-cellular highly differentiated systems, the cells still posses all the fundamental characteristics. This means what we visualize as Brain, heart, digestive and excretory system and so on are simply a developed parts in time that came out of some root parts that exist in a single cell. In other words some rudimentary heart, brain, inhalatory, excretory systems exist in a single cell.

Question here isWhere lies the Heart and Consciousness, Brain and Mind in a cell? What is its nature? Will the structure and function of living cell expose the secret of the whole organism and the nature?

3] In spite of knowing that this information can only manifest, by the existence of a heart, mind, inhalation, exhalation principles, biologist have concentrated their effort on the information system. They attribute everything to this information and have overlooked the factor that life and information always exist in a cell and needs an environment to communicate with. They have failed to perceive the importance of heart, consciousness, brain mind etc., and its interaction with information system.

The question here is is information the ultimate of life or some other factor exist behind this information, its evolution and perpetuation?

4] Information we know exists in pairs one dominant and other recessive. Information we know is not static. The cycle of information is known to have dualistic phase [2n] and Monistic phase [n]. The dualistic phase [2n] is quite extrapolated but the monistic phase [n] is very short. Information is constantly mixed.  

The question here is - Why information exists as dominant and recessive? Why should it exist in two phases monistic and dualistic? Why should it mix its information? What advantage does it give the living system?



Question -1: - What is it the life striving to maintain?

The Answer

Non-equilibrium is the foundation of nature. We must note Newton built his world on it. Without non-equilibrium one cannot account flow. And flow is the essence of nature. Flow cannot be perpetuated unless there is a system that returns it. Life fits the role here. The foundation of life then should be opposite to non-equilibrium. Yet it should adhere to overall non-equilibrium. In other words this means

1] It should have certain form of equilibrium, which it constantly works to protect.  In the process it creates and maintains the non equilibrium in the out side world


2] Since two opposing forces cannot account a flow, life should exist working as a sink and a pump in an alternate manner. Life does this function; it breathes in and throws out producing a constant flux. It does it to protect and maintain its equilibrium and maintain the non-equilibrium in the whole.  Information in biological system is built to facilitate this function. The dominant and recessive genes are fashioned for this soul purpose. Information thus will control the existence by controlling the sinking phase and expanding phase. The secret of Big bang and Big Collapse could be zeroed to information collapse and information explosion

Question –2: -Where exists the heart and consciousness, Brain and Mind in a cell? What is its nature? Will the structure and function of living cell expose the secret of the whole organism and the nature?

The Answer

The heart should exist behind the information, still behind it exists the consciousness or the instinct to maintain the equilibrium or the cause that makes the pump work as sucking one and pumping one in an alternate manner to maintain the equilibrium with init and non equilibrium outside it. The pump or heart/soul is designed by the instinct/consciousness to carry out the essential function of life [maintain equilibrium by retaining the non equilibrium in the outside world].  The information is built to facilitate this essential function.

[I am tempted to point out that at the cellular level the function of the heart/soul is carried out by the Centromere].

The mind lies out side information, behind the brain, as a control of information and its flow. Like information, it is created one. Thus mind cannot know true nature of information or the heart and the consciousness from which everything originated. Thus all ancient wisdom, specially the religious one calls for the submission of the Mind to know the truth. Mind holds the information and Consciousness controls it. When mind does not cooperates with consciousness the flow is obstructed.

[At the fundamental level I am tempted to locate brain to Centrioles that gives raise to Asters to which Centromere attaches it self through spindle fibers during separation stage of cell division].

Let us elucidate it in respect to the fundamental particle and the flow we visualized in the site. The following figure explains the fundamental particle and the flow that exist in it perpetually. 

The recessive can be considered the heart and the dominant can be considered the Brain. The flow has its essence in the recessive with out which life and flow cannot come to existence. Brain is the originator and soul or heart is the cause.  No wonder love leads to creation. However the seat of soul exist in the consciousness and consciousness exist to the inner side little away from the heart. The seat of brain exists in mind that exists out side the structure on opposite side. See fig above. The mind and consciousness are the cause for motion.  They are the points where the forces act and transact and these points are in constant motion. The motion creates two alternating state - inhalation [winding] and exhalation [unwinding] that results in pulsating motion. This could be understood if we extend our figure in space. See fig


However, this life needs an environment. In other words it should exist in another flux. this relationship between the parental flux and the enclosed flux is discussed in depth in the site. For a quick vision browse the summary of the site

A living system that existing such a parental flux can only exist in one of the zone, not in both. In can exist in dominant or the recessive component.  A flux that exist another flux is unstable. The stability of the enclosed flux depends in association of flux into pairs one dominant and the other recessive in the ratio4:3

  The simplest living particle or soul is shown in the figure [ below].  It is  formed by the union of two fundamental particle or light particles. The information is constructed on this living particle, the consciousness that controls the flow exist on one side and has two components a dominant and recessive. The mind that is created exists on the opposite and also has a dominant and recessive component [left and right brain]. See creation. The mind exist beyond it also has a dominant and recessive faction. The site describes and differentiates, the living particle that leads to formation of sedentary plant kingdom, animal kingdom [that has the capacity of motion] and human kingdom that has lost its sense perception and endangered by time. – A kingdom that needs a shepherd. [See the site]


A brief picture of the Reality of the world

There exist two pure system one dominant the other recessive with a pure consciousness, information and pure mind. They could be understood as the absolute male and female. The union of these pure consciousness and pure information results in the new issues, one to the left and the other to the right. These issues contain their own consciousness, information and mind. In other words the absolute father and mother builds the family. [See creation]. However the mind of the issues is limited by the position they find themselves in relation to the pure consciousness, information and mind. This limitation brings up ignorance, darkness and it affects the smooth flow of matter in the family. The second law of thermodynamics and direction to nature and death gets introduced here. However, consciousness/soul and information of father and mother never dies, it is perpetuated in a Grand Plan of perpetuation of information.

One can understand this Grand Plan from the structure of a family. The Father regains the children by personifying the image of the Mother and Her absolute characters [the feminine characters – Love, forgiveness, endurance etc].  Mother regains the Children revealing or giving birth to the Father and His Absolute nature or Absolute information that controls - this is done to bring His authority and bring order to the family and restore Justice and Truth. [This invariably means pure intelligence lies enclosed in the consciousness and truth can only be understood by a dialogue with consciousness]

The question 3: - is information the ultimate of life or some other factor exists behind this information, its evolution and perpetuation?


Answer is evident from our argument to the second question. The information is controlled by the consciousness but is originated from the mind / intelligence.

Information reveals only when mind goes submissive to consciousness. Absolute submission leads to Absolute information and flow with out friction.  Information brings order and absolute information brings absolute order.  In other words absolute information can initializes the whole.  Living world conceives a new world, when mind of the living world submits to the consciousness of the living world. Living world takes its birth when, the mind of the living world is delivered by consciousness of the world.

The question 4: - Why information exists as dominant and recessive? Why should it exist in two phases monistic and dualistic? Why should it mix its information? What advantage does it give the living system?


The answer to the first question is self-evident. Non-equilibrium is a necessity for the flow to occur so the design at all level incorporates it. 

Let us now address the second question why it exist in monistic and dualistic phase. We noted the monistic stage is very short. It is the sperm and ovum state of life [n] and information. The real state of existence is dualistic[ 2n state].

The monistic state can be considered  the center point of oscillating pendulum. It is the center point  from which the oscillation originated to which oscillation returns. It is a point through which we pass very often but fail to understand. We fail because we exist in a 4 dimensional space. Imagine here a Hour-Glass and a ball sent spinning in it. We can exist in one part of the Hour-Glass, at any moment, not both. We perceive our movement as steady state oscillation because we have a pair of information, when the dominant move to become recessive the recessive move to become dominant. Thus we do not even realize that we are sinking to be sucked through that narrow hole or expanding to hit the bottom. [fig is down below ]. Nature, the creator wishes that we understand the hour glass and exist flowing up and down so that the existence of the flow is not in danger. However humanity  existing in the ignorance of the flux and hour-glass of which they are part creates vortexes of their own  that act against the parental flux. This is explained in the page - Secret of existence - Summary of the Living Universe. The relation between our individual flux and the whole could only be realized when, we come out our self and look at our surrounding. Our mind is a huge barrier to do this process. So there exist a natural process by which the hour glass splits inverses and rejoins. In the process it turns the direction of flow and makes sure that flow does not tend to dead end. This split process is very short. They join back to take the dualistic state and then reconstruct a new body in the mothers womb. This is the process life adopts to survive time and deterioration. The secret of information mixing exist in this fundamental aspect. In short the universe is built on information a dominant and recessive. The dominant is mind and the recessive is consciousness. Energy flows from the dominant to recessive and then flows back to the dominant to complete one cycle.

Our universal system can be imagined as a sphere that encloses many spheres. There is Central Sphere and there exist millions of spheres on the left and the right of the Central Sphere. All the sphere exist in pairs, one on the left and the right [in truth they exist in 4 pairs around the central pairs, one each on the 8 direction in space. See fig]. However the Central Sphere is not comparable. It is related to it self. It is unique.

The spheres that exist on the left and the right could be visualized as living systems, the family members originated from the unique life or parental system at the center [this is discussed in creation]. We must note that the inter space of the sphere form the body of life. It is comprised of matter. All the living system and the matter then form the body of the Central Sphere.

The fundamental characteristic of this universe is motion and flux. There is centripetal flow that is related to matter. Life acts as a sink to this flow and then act as a pump that returns the flow. The second law applied to matter and life shows that material system tends from order to disorder in contrast life tends from order to increasing order.

The flow is thus created on two phases in one it receives the flow and in the other it produces the flow to the out side.  Now the life on the left and right of the Central unique system creates constant flux around a Central system. One on the right produces the right winding flux and the other on the left produces left winding flux. [This differentiation is only for recognition. In reality a system is both left winding right winding it depends on how you look at it]. When all the system on the right produces a right winding flux, [taking matter from the left and giving to the right], then all the system on left produces an opposite flux.

The flux is transmitted and related in a unique way. When system in the right is awake and peaks to produce the flux, the system on the left peaks to receive the flux. When the system on the right begins to go to sleep the systems on the left awakens to produce the flux.  The whole is designed and sustained by this simplicity of day and night cycle or cycle light and darkness.  The central sphere is silent observer. Any number of life and its action on the left and right is not a problem to it. The forces on the left and right self sustain themselves and the center. There is no time element here.

However existence of human kind in the image of the Father and Mother, minus the inability to perceive the whole [because his or her relative restriction to the right or the left of the parental system] leads them to develop a conquering motive and corruption. This begins to upset the balance of day and night and thereby building the stress and upsetting the flow and the health of the system. The direction of time comes to existence here. Here one begins to loose contact with the parental information. This goes in some stages and it is explained in the page secret of existence. The following figure tells us how we are related to the Universal Information and Universal Mind and Consciousness

Human beings circling in the hour-glass becomes unaware of its existence with the whole. It exist in various state of friction with the universal flow. By its ignorance it works conquer and corrupt the flow. The process decreases the flow strength of the whole, stressing it to react. It splits and goes through the monistic stages and rejoins changing the direction of the flow. Then it goes though a stage in the womb creating a new body. 

Unaware of this change in direction humanity pursues its conquering nature and corruption, forcing him to change the direction again. What is conceived will be delivered. The spirit that conceived in this world when emerges the direction changes. When light shines darkness withers. With it another cycle begins. "I" of human beings will fall on its own. Human conquering motive and corruption will be defeated. Israel will repent.  Former change of direction was achieved showing the recessive phase [the feminine characters love and forgiveness] and latter shows the dominant phase that rules by Justice and Truth. The cycle of light Goes on.

The Machinery of Life that Survives

The consciousness [life] of the individual family, community and whole is stressed when negativity enters it.  Negativity stresses life

The stress can be of four type,

1] One dimensional – acting on vertical or horizontal plane

2] Two dimensional – acting on both vertical and horizontal plane simultaneously

3] Three dimensional – acting on both vertical and horizontal plane on both certainty plane and uncertainty plane

To understand the certainty and uncertainty plane read through fundamental particle, that rewrites the space and matter.

1] The one-dimensional force stresses the machinery of the system and the system responds by taking nutrient and physico-chemical input to the system.

2] The two-dimensional force stresses the genetic components or information system. It responds by opening up the information and mixing it. In the process it overcomes the stress and readjusts the information system constantly in a qualitatively manner to cope with stress– this accounts and explain the mitotic phenomenon of life by which the cells of the body renews it self from time to time

3] The three-dimensional force stresses the genetic information in unique way. The system responds by sexual reproduction or meiotic division. By this phenomenon it captures the stress that relates to the direction of time.

All these phenomenon’s thus facilitates the living systems to survive the stress acting on it and perpetuate in a cyclical world and the changes in it.  All the systems in nature thus have certain instinctive mechanism to survive against the stress force. However, humanity lacks this vital instinctive capacity to adapt to stress. His mind exists as a great hurdle in the middle. Human being, which has lost his perception capacity and by his ignorance sets out to conquer nature, breaking its principles and the natural day and night cycle, fails to know the truth of nature exist in world of Maya. His endeavor creates the unilateral direction of time to death. This is a vortex which strengthens with every passing seconds. He gets caught in the vortex unable to come out of it. In the process he creates hell. The process also stresses the Central Reality – the Father and Mother. The Father and Mother then intervene to unite and separate or conceive and give birth to a new world. In process central Reality Salvages  His creation. There is no way for humanity to survive other than transforming through light or Absolute Knowledge.  This world cannot see order and peace unless it discovers the true knowledge or absolute information that exist with the Father and Mother.

The secret of nature thus exists in the secret of the family and its relationship. The ancient wisdom thus revolved around it. However human being by their conquering motive and corruption has broken all the fundamental rules of a family, necessitating the father and the mother to create the new world. This site and site linked to it, explores this aspect in detail both in relation to physical, social and religious science.