Secret of Existence

Summary of the Living Universe and Grand Unification Theory

Knowledge that brings Peace and Order


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Every one agrees that our universe is one interrelated and inter influencing in some way. Scientists have been working for several decades to find the  Inter relationship and oneness of nature, but have failed. The site presents the principle and foundation of interrelationship and oneness of nature in a sensible manner that accounts for all the developments in science and at the same time goes to explain the paradoxes and the truth of ancient knowledge systems.

The site explores the quantum action and reaction at depth. It discovers the fundamental particle its characteristics in a sensible manner and exposes its unique relationship  with living systems  which molds the quantum world and its existence.  Its conclusions tell us that our universe is one whole. It has a basal flux guided by non-equilibrium ratio of 4:3 in the left and the right. All other systems, material and living exist in this flux. It is created in this flux and vanishes into this flux. Each of the systems enclosed in it  in turn has a flux of their own and has unique relationship with the universal flux.

The universal flux is sustained by the flux created by living systems that exists on the left and right of the system. However it is controlled by an absolute living particle that exists at the center of this flux.  

We must note all life constantly works to maintain some equilibrium or order in it. In the process it constantly takes input in to the system and give some out put to the environment thus creating a flux in it. In other words all-living system has two phases, an inhaling and exhaling.  

The Structure of Flux

The flux has a dominant  and a recessive component. The dominant and recessive have an off centered equilibrium point to which their forces are directed. The whole flux has an equilibrium point that is off centered where the forces of the whole acts. Thus it has a Trinity. A flow begins from the dominant to the recessive. It stresses all the three equilibrium points. The cause of the flow is inherent in the structure. When the stress reaches a critical point the system collapses into new order where left turns right only to make reverse process. Pair of such motion results in wave like motion.  This is the simplest vision of Perpetual Motion. The existence of this Trinity and its constant motion is  the cause of Uncertainty

In space pairs of such fluxion form various  material and living systems. In such case the pairs formed will have non equilibrium relation of 4:3. A pair of fluxion in the ratio 4:3 forms the hydrogen atom. Two pairs of fluxions forms helium atom, three pairs  forms lithium and so on. Which means the Trinity  of points in which force acts doubles in relation.  Here  the site notes  the symmetry of inert elements and relates it to life.

The flow in them produces a pulsating motion. They spin and movement in space takes the system to the beginning point in 6 step to complete one partial circle in one direction left to tight and starts a journey right left in 6 steps to complete one whole circle. See Fundamental Particle. The site visualizes the dominant as the mind and the recessive as the consciousness or the masculine and feminine aspect of life

Universal Flux and Individuated Flux Or Universal Information and individual Information

All life exist in this universal flux and it has the same structure and function as of the universal flux. Except that they have certain paired existence. In other words all life produces similar flux. The collective effort of the living systems on the right is the force guiding the universal flux from right to left, the collective force of living system on the left forms the force driving the flux from left to right. In other words the right has an exhaling period and inhaling period. The left also has an exhaling and inhaling period. These phases have peak. When the right reaches an exhaling peak. Simultaneously left reaches a inhaling peak, then the direction changes. The left begins exhaling and right begins to inhale.

The inhalation is supported by the exhalation and vice versa. The moment exhalation stops inhalation starts. Here the exhalation is dominant and inhalation is recessive. This reality can be understood form day and night cycle. This cycle of day and night is never ending. Light controls the Cycle. Night is only a phase where light fails to exist. The site notes that the living system on the right adds matter and force to the basal flux and the living system on the left suck matter and force from the basal flux and vice-versa. The ratio guiding the systems on the right left and the basal flux is 4:5:3.  See fig. The basal flux here is neutral, but is relative


A quantum of flux force flows from right to left through the basal flux field and vice-versa. This flow is never ending and it can function between two limits. 5:5:2 or 2:5:5. Any attempt to push the system beyond this limit can lead to break down of the whole system.  The circumstance that lead to such situation of break down and how the system survives is the secret of nature- the knowledge of big bang origin and big bang collapse or the pulse that sustains the whole

The site notes that human beings, who work with conquering motive and corruption, create the circumstances for the collapse of the system. Humanity with out the knowledge of interrelationship and oneness of nature exist in fear, his intent becomes selfish and he works to conquer nature. Instead of flowing to the recessive positively and receiving form it positively, it tries to conquer the flow and the recessive, in the process it stresses the whole and the whole reacts by changing the direction

The relationship could explained by taking the example of a Hour-Glass which has a 4:3 ratio. This ratio in variably means the hour glass has bent nature See fig.

 Imagine a Hour-Glass and a ball sent spinning in it. We can perceive ourselves as the ball left in an hour glass. We can exist in one part of the Hour-Glass, at any moment, not both. We perceive our movement as steady state oscillation because we have a pair of information, when the dominant move to become recessive the recessive move to become dominant. Thus we do not even realize that we are sinking to be sucked through that narrow hole or expanding to hit the bottom. Nature, the creator wishes that we understand the hour glass and exist flowing up and down so that the existence of the flow is not in danger. However humanity  existing in the ignorance of the flux and hour-glass of which they are part creates vortexes of their own  that act against the parental flux.

The relation between our individual flux and the whole could only be realized when, we come out our self and look at our surrounding. Our mind is a huge barrier to do this process. So there exist a natural process by which the hour glass splits inverses and rejoins. In the process it turns the direction of flow and makes sure that flow does not tend to dead end. This split process is very short. They join back to take the dualistic state and then reconstruct a new body in the mothers womb. This is the process life adopts to survive time and deterioration. The secret of information mixing exist in this fundamental aspect. In short the universe is built on information a dominant and recessive. The dominant is mind and the recessive is consciousness. Energy flows from the dominant to recessive and then flows back to the dominant to complete one cycle.

This is a simple interpretation, however the real way and how it happens that is relevant to our social, religious and scientific thinking is explored in the site.

The site notes that our world could be divisible into 8 parts. To under stand it, take a globe and cut into 8 equal parts by cutting it vertically twice at right angles and then horizontally in the middle. We exist in one or other part of the whole. In the working state, one of this part is dominant and one is recessive [in the ratio 4:3] the other six exist as intermediate steps which facilitate the flow. This structure is a necessity for the flow to occur. Flow occurs over a definite period. When one quantum of flow occurs from dominant to recessive the ratio and thereby the direction of flow changes. In other words this means there is a particular frequency and direction to the flow. The wave completes a cyclic path in four phases two light phases and two dark phases.

If human beings existing on the left and right of the universal flow pulsate with the same frequency as the universal pulse, then there is no friction between the two and therefore there exist no direction to time. However, humanity exists in ignorance of the whole and their relationship with it and therefore works with a conquering motive. He tries to conquer the flow or corrupt it. The powerful conquers it and the recessive corrupts it. Their existence in ignorance becomes a cause for the friction with the whole. This friction can take two directions and its intensity can change depending on the degrees of opposition. The degree can change from the least opposing to directly opposing status. [See fig below  and figure above that shows the direction of universal time individuated time].

The universal flux has its existence in the cycle shown by green line.  When the flux of human life falls between the green line it  exist in order and control of the whole. The movement of force within and the whole is within acceptable limit of friction. When the flux of the life force that exist in the whole moves to the yellow line it enters a state of uncertainty. It exist in a vertically opposite to the universal flow. When it enters the red phase it enters a directly opposite phase. This is an absolute disordered state a state that leads to death. Those of you who have  some biological background and the knowledge of  triplet code and double helix, will note that  the picture present a bit of helix that holds the biological information. This Trinity at the foundation is also is the cause of Triplet code in biological information.


Thus human mind that does not perceive its existence with the whole ignorantly obstructs the flow creating disturbances in the flow and a direction to death for itself and the whole. It is like a living system, which depends on millions of cells derived from it, for the survival. It falls to death when the body parts and cells do not cooperate with the whole.  For the universal life and flow, we form the cells of its body. There are two ways by which our mind can obstruct the flow.

1] By conquering motive - Here the mind after certain initial existence in union with the whole slowly begins to acts in opposition to the direction of the flow in the whole. It works for self. Beyond certain limit the system goes into uncertainty and beyond uncertainty limit the system works in opposition to the universal flow. [This is understandable from the above figure and is well explained in the Vedic literature in terms of 4 Yugas]  This creates a folding of the flow back on it self, stressing it self and the whole. The stress builds up on itself in three stages. [For more details see World of Matter].  The system tries to release the stress and get back to order. When it fails disease sets in. Disease thus is the accumulation of negative energy.  Disease gets manifested to the outside in the second stage and the system collapses when it touches the third stage. 

By instinct the system tries to release the stress. The system releases the stress partially when it returns from disordered state to the uncertainty state. A complete release happens when it falls back with the flow of nature or return to root. This is evident from figure. However human mind is a vortex, everybody gets caught into it. Thus humanity pushes himself and the whole to death. This journey to death is also facilitated by another negative aspect of humanity that is corruption

2] By corruption, flow is folded towards inside stressing itself and the whole. See figure above.

The cumulative action of conquering motive and corruption weakens the flow. Leading the whole to a death point. The pulse of the universal system  weakens to death state.

Death to the whole is a meaningless. This means the secret of creation exists in death and life exist in understanding death. The beauty of Ancient Knowledge systems especially Vedas of the east, exist here. The Importance of the Bible and the significance of Calvary unfold here. All ancient knowledge system thus tells us to submit our mind to know the truth. This is elaborated in the site. Human mind is incapable of getting out of the vortex and know the direction to which it is leading itself. This necessitates the intervention of some force other than human mind that perceives the direction to save the whole system. – The return of Christ in the form of spirit, Opening of the Third Eye of Lord Shiva thus takes importance here.  The two fundamental enemies of Life force are conquering motive and corruption. He defeats both by light [ the absolute knowledge] and initializes His body.

The site deduces the dominant part of the flow as mind and the recessive as consciousness. No wonder that ancient knowledge system teaches us that the consciousness is the field of creation and the mind is the seed of creation. All the life exists in the field of universal mind and consciousness. When the individuated mind and consciousness begins to work against the universal consciousness and the universal mind. Death begins to grip the system. There are two death points at which a direction change is necessitated. This is clear form the above figure.

In the Grand Plan of existence when the first death point is reached universal mind submits to the universal consciousness thus reversing the direction of the flow in the system. It could be explained from the above figure. When human mind stresses the system, the universal system begins to work in opposition. The equilibrium point of the two phases of the whole “A” and “B” is pushed to the center “C”. [See fig above]. As the system reaches the first death state the direction of the universal flow is reversed.   See fig below [note that only the direction of the flow in universal system is changed]. 

The site notes it as the expression of absolute recessive information or the expression of feminine character. It is the “Zero” of the world of Chance or Quantum World. Here the absolute recessive and the dominant information  bifurcate and the dominant goes recessive to facilitate  the expression of the recessive or the feminine characters on the world. This direction change could be compared to the conception of New life and New information. Humanity fails to perceive the conceived truth. The beauty and reality of ancient knowledge system and the supreme knowledge that Jesus Christ spoke went beyond the comprehension of Humanity. The Grace of Lord bestowed on Israel [ Humanity] was used to exploit and show his evil face and hide his divine one.  He  works to push the whole to another limit or death point.  Here the Universal consciousness gives way to the expression of the universal mind carried in its womb changing the direction and returning to the original state or initializes the whole. This could be visualized as the birth that is seen by everybody and with it a new cycle begins. It is the “one” of the world of chance. The former is the conception of light and the latter is deliverance of light. No wonder Bible says Israel will see Him and repent when He comes again.

This direction change however will stress the mind and consciousness of individuated systems. Every cell of the mother experiences the pain of the new birth and experiences a transformation. Thus its coming is felt, experienced and eventually accepted by all humanity.  The real experience takes place when one follows the path the universal mind and consciousness took to survive against the death forces acting on it. All this happens when the system is in the second uncertainty zone. The whole will get initialized when the Mind of God that conceived is delivered and exposed to all. The Peace and order that eluded humanity sets in and the whole returns to the kingdom of the Lord. All the turmoil and the pain that the world is witnessing is the pain to deliver the truth. Truth breaks down human “I” and his conquering motive and corruption to initializes him  in peace and order. Just as the Father chose a human womb [soul or consciousness] to conceive His kingdom, He chooses a human mind to deliver the Kingdom of God. A mind that fluctuates thus is penetrable, a mind that stays with its consciousness and builds on its information - knowing self. 

Present Reality

One need not go to history to realize this, nor burn our brain to know it. All one has to do is to come out of the flux of “self” for a moment and observe the surrounding. We will understand we are moving to a dead end. This realization struck me the moment I stood with my consciousness and walked out from highly lucrative scientific field. I am striving for past 15 years tell one fundamental aspect to the world, that through reckless exploitation of nature with out understanding the relationship and oneness of nature we are digging our own grave. We are leading ourselves to great natural catastrophes and self-destruction. Both our partial material knowledge and partial spiritual knowledge  is creating friction in nature. People are blindly creating religious vortexes, which are clashing within themselves with increasing intensity. The powers in human hand is increasing with every minute, so is corruption and conquering motive. The only hope exists in the truth and reality of nature. This world would have been different if the Christian populated west had known  Christ and the Significance of Calvary

It is very apparent that humanity is standing helpless and naked in front of Mother Nature. All the knowledge he has acquired is helpless to bring peace and order. All the weapons and material power is turning help less against suicide bomber, who thinks he is sacrificing his life for the Lord. In his death he wins. Our war on terrorism without analyzing its root is only creating great disturbances in nature leading to sudden and drastic changes in environment, thus leading to Natural Catastrophes. It is precipitating ecosystems that are in critical state to explode into non-equilibrium state. 

When a huge explosion and expansion in short period is carried out in one small area [the type of bombing in Afghanistan and Iraq], will only force nature to precipitate another explosion and expansion [fire] on the opposite side to balance it self.  Since any thing that expands should contract this could mean another destruction through the opposite, flood and snow. This disturbance can communicate it many forms precipitating many a systems that are near non-equilibrium state. This includes humanity. [ See Natural Catastrophes]. Unless true knowledge and knowledge of interrelationship strikes humanity there is no hope for humanity. It is very clear to common sense that the root of terrorism exists in war. They are simply two sides of the coin called evil. If we apply the principle of balance then terrorism [the recessive form of war] becomes justifiable and the action of the dominant [war] becomes unjustifiable. I wonder  where the sense of the leaders of this world has gone. They have gone blind and deaf to the reality of life and family relationship [ also see article - 4.  Secret of family in page - Pre Galilean Knowledge] and are calling upon themselves the destruction - the anger of the parents. 

It is apparent we are a single family with a single root. When the Father rest, the crown is given to the elder. It is the responsibility of the elder to look after the younger as the Father did and Mother does - without a Conquering motive and Corruption, in forgiveness and Love 

I still have hope for humanity. I keep struggling for it. I have no doubt about the return of the Lord to save humanity, I have no doubt about the content of this site seeping and touching every individual on earth. But the question left is after how much of destruction will we open our eyes?

Let the Light Pierce her Tears to strike the Root

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