Jesus the Gravastar

A sensible and systematic attempt tell its Truth from the premises of knowledge understandable to common man and what was known to our ancestors through the spirit  


  • Preface

  • Introduction

  • The Question of Time rediscovered  

  • The Question of Space rediscovered  

  • The Reality of Time  

  • The brief sketch of Quantum Reality and Gravastar from Philosophical Perspective 

  • The brief sketch of Quantum Reality and Gravastar from New Scientific Perspective  

  • Humankind and the Universe  

  • Conclusion

  • Discussing Gravastar Theory in comparison to Pulsation Theory  


Preface I am tempted to write this article, after I came across an article “ Is space-time actually super fluid” June 2006 new scientist print edition” which gave another explanation to the Universal Reality. It says universe could be a Gravastar or Gravitational Star. This New Theory put forth by Pawel Mazur a physicist at the University of South Carolina in Columbia and George Chapline of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, seems to be advancement on Big bang and Inflationary Universe Model, and claims to find answers to many key questions. It appeared quite interesting to me conceptually, because it fitted the theory and conclusion I drew after two decades of relentless search for truth fallowing the eastern approach. I am a biologist and I do not understand the mathematical intricacies of great theories of science such as relativity and quantum science but I have traveled them repeatedly to understand it conceptually. I have reviewed science trying to answers some of the basic questions sensibly and seek the basic design and principle on which nature works.


My quest also involved a journey into the spiritual realm and the ancient knowledge systems. All most a decade back, my effort led me to a truth that this universe is a Gravastar. I did not coin the word Gravastar, but I struggled within my limits to convey the same truth as pulsation. The universe is a living system and we exist in its pulse. To convey this essential reality I perceived from nature, I reviewed the foundation of science and the way we understand motion. I reviewed the whole conceptual developments in science from the premises of fundamental design and principle that governs motion.  I did try to communicate to all the acknowledged temples of science both in the process of the development of the idea as well on its completion [almost a decade back], exploring the possibility of putting them in rigorous mathematical form to bring the theory of inter relationship and oneness or the unification theory that is so essential to human survival. But the high priest of the temples of science perched to different branches of science failed to respond. I began to write and rewrite hoping to leave it in some form. Eventually when the Internet came to the city near to my village. I began to keep it open to the world. [ - Titled “The System Design  – Secret of Nature]. I intensified my communication sending thousands of communications specially after I began to feel that the Universal Quantum wave is Collapsing and is tying to release negative energies caught within the earth’s core, its environment, the individuated living universes, the communities, nations and the whole resulting in the present world of disorder and destruction


I am not trying here to take any credit for the discovery of Gravastar Theory. Nearly two decades back I detached from the modern world and its system, which struggles to seek credit even at the cost of sacrifice of once own consciousness and strangulation of its inner spirit. But the objective here is to extend it so that it becomes understandable to a common man and also scientist who exist in different branches of science.  As of now it is arena that is limited to few scientist working in a branch of a tree called science. There is humble request to every one who reads it. Please read it by emptying your mind. Read it completely, interact if it is confusing, and then pass your Judgment.



Any theory that goes to explain the universe in a sensible manner will have far reaching effect on all aspects of human life. It signifies human quest for knowledge and his unity with substance of the universe. The great living scientist of modern world Stephen Hawking in concluding part of his book “ Brief History of Time” said “ if we discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just few scientists. Then we all, Philosophers, scientists and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist”. Modern picture of universe is rather confusing and conflicting and is understood only by few who speak it


Our knowledge of the universe is the product of human quest for knowledge. It is important we must know what is knowledge. Let me quote the definition supposed to have come from Universal Substance, the Absolute Perceiver it self.

That knowledge by which one undivided spiritual nature is seen in all existences, undivided and divided, is knowledge in the mode of goodness. That knowledge by which a different type of living entity is seen to be dwelling in different bodies is knowledge in the mode of passion. And that knowledge by which one is attached to one kind of work as the all in all, without the knowledge of the truth, and which is meager, is said to be in the mode of darkness.” Bhagavad-Gita.18 20-22

Note – Every scripture speaks this essential aspect. I just quoted this one, which gave clear presentation.


Very clearly the science and even the modern religion we practice belongs to the third mode defined above. True Knowledge should have brought order, peace, happiness, security and so on at all levels of human organization. But the modern knowledge has given the opposite results. The individuals, family, society, communities, nations and the world that is restless and unstable and this proves that we exist on the foundation of unreal knowledge.


I view the theory of Gravastar as one more step in the evolution of science back to its beginning point and beyond. We must note that science has its root in isolation of mind [spirit] from matter and a journey to seek the secret of nature by breaking down matter. Their approach led to multitude branches of science one contradicting another without knowing the inter relationship and oneness. The quantum science that is in the fore front of scientific branches, tells us that motion, the principle phenomenon of nature, is some how, not only related to mind but also to consciousness. These words were forbidden in science, in mechanistic and relativistic era. With quantum knowledge scientist began to view life from a different angle, the consequence is the modern information technology. The modern scientists are not at home with these words. It is a thorn in their throat. But the ancient were at home with these words and explained the whole universe its existence in simple terms. Those now appears to be the era of True Knowledge, many scientist are seeking the elusive answers in the eastern knowledge. If we look back, it appears that force of time is forcing the seeker of knowledge to observe himself and understand the truth of  “self” and thus initializes with Universal Self.


Theories of origin interested me. The first page that nature revealed to me when I gave up my research career as a biotechnologist and returned to begin meaningful interaction with nature from a point of freedom was that life by its instinct is anti-gravitational. This meant the big collapse and the big bang cannot occur if there is one life left in this universe that opposes gravity. This meant my search got principally directed at differentiating life and material systems and understand their unity. Read article - Beyond Genes, Physics of Soul, Quantum Dance. What is time? In fact it is the core of all articles in my site.


Let me round up the situation of the modern scientific knowledge and the link it to the ancient spiritual approach to knowledge by taking the example of Living Tree called Tree of Life. Every living tree grows in space and time. The scientist here could be viewed as people giving it a vegetative growth. With every passing year the different branches sprout new shoots, they are new and creates a hope of further advancement. The process creates new branches and become isolated and distanced in space and time. What these scientist forget is that the tree it self has a life span. The growth is vigorous and natural in the initial stages [From sprouting to maturity]. This stage is the radiant phase. As the time proceeds radiant phase dwindles.  The energy needed to sprout becomes increasingly difficult to obtain, the natural communication that hold them becomes hindered. The system begins eat up its own resources and eventually collapses. It is the Gravi-Collapse state or the collapse of the body for want of Living Force that binds and creates it.


The approach of the spiritualist of the ancient world and the knowledge they accumulated could be compared to reproductive growth that involves reduction or submission to Living force. The cells that submitted to the living force does not die, they capture time and its collapse. Ready to sprout to give new trees as the cycle of time changes.


A living system could be viewed as Gravastar. The universe could be viewed as living tree that goes in cycles of time. Before the Gravi-Collapse occurs, it is supported by millions of cells that have gone into form seeds. They cushion the fall and give another breath to the whole. Every ancient knowledge system teaches this truth. They teach that the very goal of man is to attain Moksha, Nirvana, or Getting Born in the Spirit to become the seed that sustains life and Creation.


There is permanent gap between these two knowledge systems but they break down when the time reaches the critical point of transition to the New Time Cycle. This means we will enter the ancient Golden period or Dharma Yuga or Enter the Kingdom of God. A period when mankind would come to live in Real Knowledge and Spiritual realm rules than the material realm. Jesus in Bible tells us “

“So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered and nothing secret that will not become known. What I say to you in the dark tell in the light: what you hear whispered, proclaim from the house top” Mathew: 10.26

The Question of Time rediscovered

Space-Time notion of the modern world is influenced and conditioned by one experiment of Galileo where he showed that acceleration due to gravity is independent of weight. Let us review this experiment and interpret it in a different manner. Galileo rolled balls of different weight but same size along a slope and measured the Time taken by the ball to reach the lower end and showed that all the ball reach the bottom at the same time.


We know that while doing the experiment Galileo has spent energy proportional to the weight of the body lift it to the top of the slanted table. This means in terms of energy he has given the Kinetic energy and has taken proportional amount of potential energy from the weight lifted in space. When the weight is let down the, weight has to exchange the kinetic energy and gain the potential energy from the environment. If we view that the time taken for the exchange is proportional to the weight of the body then it lead to conclusion that

1] Time is energy and there exist two forms of time, which are opposing and they exist as unity in the form of ratio [Potential / Kinetic]. There exist two systems Galileo [Representing life] and the ball.  Both space and time are constant and mass becomes the measure of non-equilibrium. Motion is the product of exchange and is determined by mass. Higher the mass higher is the time taken for exchange. This in simple manner calls for the review of notion of time

2] Since gravity is centripetal the action of Galileo was Anti-Gravitational  

See article - "What is time? - The secret of Dark Energy and Matter"


The Question of Space rediscovered

The time or energy exchange or flow occurs in space. Which means there are a left and right for space. There should be non-equilibrium between the left and right such that flow occurs. If we extend our picture into space then there are three left and right frames in space [three dimension]. To understand take an apple and cut into vertically twice and horizontally once though the center at right angles. A flow can occur in such a space only when a path for the flow exist init. The path has a definitive relationship between the left and right frame. Such that it consists of four pairs each pair has 4:3 relationship and is related to the other pair 4:3 relationship. This gives a winding path to the center and unwinding path away from the center or the fourth dimension of time. This understanding is vital. This gives the structure of helium atom discovered in the site. See Physics of Soul.


The Reality of Time

The space has no meaning with out time and it forms the base field in which everything exist. In other words time or energy is structured, as the space we discussed above and everything exist in it moving to a center and away from it.

The brief sketch of Quantum Reality and Gravastar from Philosophical Perspective

The quantum reality discussed in the site is simple. It tells that there are only two forces in nature, Creator and the created or life force and material force, or anti-gravitational and gravitational force.


The Creator exist in the creation and creations exist in Creator are two inseparable phases of this reality. In other words nature exist in two phases, in one phase anti-gravity or life force dominates in the other material or death force manifests. It means they exist in a ratio one giving way to another. One can also understand it from the two-energy aspect of nature  - the kinetic and potential energy that exist as ratio.


It could be understood as a cycle that perpetuates through a quantum dance or pulse. In Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna, after giving warrior Arjuna the power to see Him reveals Himself as a mouth that devours everything and from which everything comes out. In short he reveals as breath in which everything is enclosed. [In a way Lord Krishna reveals as a Gravastar, that holds time in it] In Bhagavad-Gita.11. 32, Lord Krishna says “ Time I am ---”. Similar versus also came from Jesus in New Testament. Between Bible and Bhagavad-Gita large similarities exist and it reveals to only those who approaches them with freedom from religion.


Even science has come to understand and explain universe in this manner. It tells that universe originated in time and is expanding since then and that there should have been a collapse that preceded it [The Big Bang theory]. The problem with science is that they have failed to comprehend it sensibly. The theory fails at the point of collapse and has many flaws. Many theories have come out to explain the origin modifying Big Bang, which includes the Gravastar theory. In addition to the above theory we have a non-linear theory, which says that universe originated from a little perturbation in ocean of energy. But they too have failed to locate the cause for that little perturbation. These theories are self contradicting and are known to only few who gave birth to it and few who are trying to follow. It is beyond the reach of common man.


Now here we are going to see a Pulsating theory or Gravastar theory that Involves one Supreme Life that forms the pivot to the Universe. It can also be called “Knowledge Cycle Theory”. Knowledge is understood as light and power. As the knowledge unfolds light emerges, it peaks and then give way to darkness or enfolds. In the unfolding state the Creator lives within the creation and in the enfolding state creation live within the Creator. The truth cannot come to mankind unless he submits his mind and spirit to universal mind and spirit. Creation then becomes the delivery of Knowledge or Light by the Creator and thus Initialization of Time. Creator wishes that creation exist with Him forever. Creation is the body of the Creator. The Creator goes to rest once he has initialized Time. The enfolding state is a journey to death, and the unfolding is conception and journey to birth.


It should be noted that Bible tells us that mankind was created in His image from matter and the spirit gave breath to it. He was created along with a Law not seek the center. But the mind of humanity that holds the fourth dimension of time manifests as conquering motive and corruption breaks the law and thus takes a journey to death. By ignorance humankind collectively works against Creator and the L

ife force. The death to the whole universal system invariably means the Creator gets devoid of a body to live in. A new body needs to be created in order for the creator to rest. In other words a New Time Cycle has to be created. All life does speak a great secret. Through reductive growth and reproduction life ensures that it capture time and death. Why not the Universal Time Direction be captured in similar way. It is here the "Secret of Calvary" revealed it self to me. Nature cannot be understood unless we observe and understand our actions and ourselves. The Creation exists in the premises of the heart and is controlled by spirit that exists beyond it. Two prerequisite to know the truth are


1] To hear to the call of the Consciousness

2] Submit our mind [spirit] to Life Force or the Spirit


The great Ancient Knowledge system, the Vedas wrote very clearly that Creation was done through the self-sacrifice of the Creator. The Vedic teacher and their teaching depict a struggle to free the mind from the bondages and prepare individuals so that they can hold light and fight darkness. They never intended to create religion. They spoke the Art of living. It is not my aim here to discuss these ancient knowledge systems, which were much advanced when compared to modern. I wish to windup these ancient philosophies with one clear truth that they considered mankind, the seeker of knowledge, as primal force driving time and energy state of the whole system to its limit and there exist pivot to the system which perceive the imbalance and constantly struggles to gain order and balance. They knew that every human system is universe by itself. It was supposed to work one with Universal life, just as the cells of the body works for the whole

A time direction to death comes as result of improper actions and improper actions come from ignorance and lack of perception of the whole. There can be only one center to the whole and only this center can perceive the whole and thus do the proper action. When everything tends to zero or every one begins to produce improper action the center is forced to produce the proper action to give life back to creation. Since the ignorance is the basis, it means end of proper action is wiping out ignorance.


The brief sketch of Quantum reality and Gravastar from New Scientific Perspective

From the day I began to read the pages of book of nature, and began to visualize the foundation and principle of nature, I knew that philosophies are not going to save humanity. The truth of nature should be made understandable to scientific realm that holds the present realm and is creating the vortex in which humanity is caught. Thus my work involved review of the foundation of science and reinventing it on to a new foundation. I have limitations to express the truth mathematically. But I have struggled to convey the truth in simple sensible manner. I still wish I could discuss the truth with Great masters of knowledge influencing modern world from Ground Zero


The new scientific perspective of nature is built on fact of nature. Here are the arguments

Flow and motion is fundamental to nature. Flow requires non-equilibrium between the left and right. This means the left and right should exist in a ratio one being dominant the other recessive, a quantum of energy can now flow from the dominant to recessive and the ratio changes and a quantum dance occurs. The site reveals this ratio as 4:3. Imagine here number 8 with one of its arm being dominant the other recessive. A quantum flow invariably means it can exist in two alternating states one flowing from right left and then flowing left to right. See figure below. It is the basic design of the whole universe and all that exist. Following figure is simplest manner I which quantum dances can be expressed. It could be viewed as energy particle or heat particle




Note – the figure we are picturing is unidirectional or one-dimensional one. The reality of nature or space-time is three dimensional with a fourth dimension of time as we saw briefly above.  All the system in nature we deal with exist it in the above space and time which 8 components.  Now we can figure the formation a hydrogen atom by the pairing two such energy particle one dominant the other recessive in the ratio 4:3 one of then goes to form the nucleus the other the shell a quantum dance results from it also. We extend this picture to visualize the formation of all the elements of periodic table. All them will produce a quantum dance. The dance might differ. Here the inert elements helium, neon and argon call for attention.


A helium atom is formed from the collision of 2 pairs of the above particle and thus gets distributed in the 8 components of space. They have one level of symmetry in space and three level of freedom including freedom in time direction. See “Physics of Soul”. When it is subjected to winding or unwinding pressure it can turn inside out. It can develop information to resist the winding or unwinding disturbance. It can evolve positively and negatively [react to left winding and right winding] and thus the site notes that this is a particle is behind all sedentary living system [plants] and it’s the soul that exist behind all life and the living universe. It is here the article that “ Is space time super fluid” that called attention to Mazur’s and Chapline’s work really interested me. This particle also exists behind the particle that goes to form animal and Human System, but their freedom is truncated. The most vulnerable against time change the site notes is Humans system that is built around argon atom. - See “Physics of Soul


The quantum dance is visualized as winding and unwinding or pulsation in space. The non-equilibrium invariably means the system spins and moves in space in a curvature as it pulsates. Four quantum pulse completes one cycle from right to left and enters a new cycle left to right and four more quantum pulse will complete one cycle. This truth is reflected in day and night cycle that comprises of two cycles of 12 each divisible in to 4 parts. Each of these parts is further divided into three to give us the clock that ticks. The four major division of time cycle [each containing 3 components] are points where left turns eight and vice-versa with a unit movement in time direction. The 4th and 8th are critical for they are entry points into new cycle.


Assuming this reality the universe is spinning and revolving around an axis. It presents us a picture of helical system that compresses inverses and expands.  It collapses into to a point and emerges from it and expands only to collapse again. The quantum action and reaction, thereby the fundamental of motions that is reinvented in the site also comes from these premises of time cycle.


Note - The clock here has 8 components of 3, 4 components of 6 and 2 components of 12. Since every pulsation makes the system spin and move in a curvature and it complete the cycle with 8 such pulse it invariably means there are 64 bits of 3 for one cycle.


This fact is important because these numbers reflects it self in the unfolding and enfolding of biological information and its survival.  The triplet code, dominant and recessive, existence of 4 types of nucleotides, 64 possible triplet codes all speak certain fundamental secrets. The spatial existence of the living system in two opposing cycles explains the need for mitotic and meiotic division. The existence of 20 amino acids is another fact that calls for our attention. These observations led me to deduce that biological information unit is not paired but exist in four pairs to form dynamic unit information [see Dynamic Information]


These numbers reflects also in the philosophy of Chinese people [I-Ching]. It reflects in Mayan Cultures who are supposed to be the masters of time. The Mayans extended the 24-hour day and time calculation into further cycles involving 20-day cycle. Their calculation tells us that the present time ends in 2012 December. The Vedas, Bible and all religious scriptures speak such end and beginning. Even a common man who stop for moment and looks back instinctively knows that some where this journey of disorder should end and ordering process should begin.


I am not master in any of these great ancient philosophies; I wish I could study them but my situation, as a small farmer does not permit me. However my superficial journey into these ancient knowledge system revealed, they were far more superior when compared to modern knowledge.


The quantum reality and the quantum action and reaction discussed in the site essentially based on the observation of time cycle. It basically consists of two cycles, divided into 4 parts. The two cycles together form one. See figure below 





The two directions coexist one as dominant the other recessive at any moment. The spirit governs the direction and controls the cycle, the spirit here is the measure of non-equilibrium state of the system. One gives the way for the other at the end of each cycle. They represent how time or energy is moving. It means there exist a dominant time or energy and a recessive time or energy, which are paired. One is hidden in the other it accounts for dark energy


When the system is wound and pushed to the first critical point it collapses into a middle zone. This middle zone is stable here the system can wind and unwind and thus exist between an upper and lower limit. This is the relative state in which nature exist for large part of its existence. Creator wishes that creation exist in this zone, but human beaks the law and goes beyond the boundary. See Article Quantum Dance and also comparative discussion towards the end of this article


The space-time is super fluid but the reality of nature is more like argon atom that encloses and hides the super fluid [a helium atom] See “Physics of Soul”. It resists time and its direction but if it is pushed to the critical limit the inner cores turns inside out changing the very direction of the flow in the whole system. If this were to be sudden as action and reaction occurs in the material systems due to human influence no life in nature would have survived. It is a slow process as birth and ageing happens in living system. The most critical her is the Birth


The two worlds of the one reality are separated and yet are related; the inner world controls the flow in the outer world. An argon particle wound to first critical points and enters into second order of non-equilibrium creates two parts out of one, something like a number 8 [see article Quantum Dance].  May be Powel and other should consider there mind flowing in this direction.


In short conscious field is designed in such a manner that all the living systems in it oppose directed time. [See article - Quantum Dance and Physics of Creation]. The nature is so designed that time cycle perpetuates. When the west awakes to light and unwinds, the east meets darkness and sleeps, thus winding and forming a sink for the flow and vice-versa. The earth that inhabits life, works as a double pump or heart of the universe. Everything in nature, matter and life with the exception of human beings instinctively change and adhere to this cycle of time or energy. The pulse would have been perpetual if not for humans whose “Self” sets out to conquer and corrupt nature. Thus Vedas and spiritual knowledge systems teaches us to discover “self”. One must recall that Bible tells us that man was created along with a law not to seek the center. A time direction to this perpetual cycle comes from Human beings created in the image of the Creator who breaks the Law and sets out to conquer the center. Much of our problems exist in this lack of knowledge of perception of time cycle and our inability to follow it. The force that leads to winding and unwinding in the above system is thus inherent to the system and its design and it is non other than the mind of human kind [the inferior spirit] that manifest as conquering motive and corruption


The above thinking and common sense tells us that there exists a medium in which in everything exists. Science through some mathematical tricks might have overlooked this essential reality but it is time we reinvent it. Common sense tells us that there is energy field around us that exist as heat. The two time directions then becomes the measure of the heat content of the system. In one phase time proposes increased heat content and thus disorder and the other time proposes an opposition to it, in other words it cools and tries to bring order. This means the instinct of the universal system wishes the systems enclosed in it exists between two limits. Any attempt to reach the third critical point or the first critical point leads to collapse of the system leading to quantum reaction. One leads to winding collapse the other leads to unwinding collapse, they need to be supported. They form the two phases of one time cycle or the quantum secret. The unwinding collapse brings us to the reality and reveals the real heat and coldness that sustains the universe. It should be noted hat the Vedic scholars knew two form of Heat and Coldness; one is hidden in the other. It has reflected in their medical practices and cultures


What do you mean by real and unreal heat and cold ness?

We noted that an argon atom has an outer and inner world, they are opposing yet are one. The two layers of the outer core oppose each other, the layers of the inner core also oppose each other and the inner core and the outer core oppose each other. Creating a path to the center. When it is in the second order of non-equilibrium or relative state this one world exist divided into two, with a law forbidding seeking the center. [See physics of Soul]


The friction in the outer world and heat flows to the opposite through the center [for example west and east dark and light cycle] a balancing act comes into force from the participation of the central core [or space time fluid] This balancing act relates only when the system exist within the Quantum limits. This balancing acts breaks down when the limit are crossed.


Let me explain these aspects figuratively




The above figure speaks the two vortexes of the outer and inner world. In reality the inner world had 4 pairs of vortexes and the outer has 8 pairs of vortexes [total 24 vortexes]. Figure shows simply one pairs in each. Now imagine that both these vortexes exists along with another complementary opposing pair for example WE and NS. This in turn exist opposing another two pair vortexes AC and BD

The opposing nature gives it stability. The relationship is that W/E exist in ratio 4:3, N/S also exist 4:3 ratio and WE/NS exist also exists in a ratio 4:3 this gives a cyclic path the center and away from the center. A similar relationship exists in the outer world but the number of vortexes involved is double. The whole system has path to the center and away from the center. When such a system is wound and twisted so that it passes first critical point then the one whole is divided into forming number 8. This is the relative state, the state how the universal system exists. [See article - Quantum Dance]







It is a system that is self-balanced between two limits.  When the west awakes to light and unwinding the east sleeps to forma sink and vice versa. A flow exists between the two parts. This flow is monitored and controlled by internal world [the space-time or the helium atom at the center]. The friction and disorder in the west is alleviated through the center as it flows to the opposite and vice-versa. The one universe dances or pulsates in harmony when all the universes within it exist with in the limits. The whole system has freedom to wind by a unit in all three dimensions and also to wind and unwind in the time frame directed to the center or away from the center by a unit. As long as it winds and unwinds within limit everything is fine.  It is impossible for the outer world to unwind against but it can wind further to the third critical point leading to collapse. No wonder the creation was done with a law not to seek the center and spiritual knowledge teaches us to seek the knowledge of “self” 


Humankind and the Universe

Human kind is integral part of the universe, you cannot understand universe unless you observe yourself. How can you be part of the flow and tell where the flow is going. It is only when we attain freedom from the flow and observe it from a distance do we know where it is going. It is here the ancient Vedic teachers taught the art of silencing once mind to see beyond it. We all know philosophy is the foundation of science. The new foundation I present to you also comes a philosophy preached by Christ.

Bible tells us that the world is the body of the Christ everything comes from him and everything goes to him. The same truth is echoed in Bhagavad-Gita. Bible tells us that human kind was created in the image of the creator and was established it his land with one law not to seek the center. The time direction and death came when he broke the Law. The “self” or the mind of human is inferior and sets out to conquer and corrupt nature out of ignorance. The mind of man is a powerhouse. It works like a drill. As it looks to the center and opposite from its house it drills energy from the center. The system begins to collapse. The pulse weakens as it reaches the critical state; the universal pulse turns inside out and escapes into the body to give new pulse to it from inside. Unaware humans system continues his struggle and takes the pulse to the outer 







The initial act was a little act taken place in time cycle at the center but the turn around and initialization at he periphery is something that is going to affect everything in the universe. Al systems instinctively readjust to the time change, but humans who are the cause for time direction cannot survive unless the Lord intervenes. It is here that the Jesus said I would come again to lead you to Kingdom of God. Humankind will not stop his reckless exploitation of nature unless he understands the inter relationship and oneness of nature


In short Humans because of his ignorance breaks the law and tries to conquer time and its design, taking the universe to two limits at which the Creator should act to save the situation by conceiving a New Time Cycle and then delivering the New Time Cycle. This conception and delivery is the Secret of Calvary and Second Coming. The Second Coming is the Revelation of Knowledge so that mankind initializes himself and comes under Him and His rule – The restoration and rule of the Good or initialization into Dharma Yuga


The great Vedic knowledge thus differentiates consciousness and intelligence as Universal consciousness and intelligence and individuated consciousness and intelligence. It differentiates knowledge as inferior and superior. The knowledge that individuated intelligence acquires by his mind occupied with self is inferior and the one comes by submission of once intelligence to higher mind or spirit is Superior knowledge and this happens by Grace


I am striking your door because the transition period is critical. The negative energy accumulated in individuals, community, society, and nation’s and also beneath earth and its atmosphere [through his negative action] boils to come out. The recent increase in natural catastrophes, disorder and destruction at all levels are related to it. These negative energies can be quickly can be converted into positive energy as individuals submit to the universal consciousness and the spirit guiding it. The true knowledge discovered could create such a plat form that facilitates the transition to Kingdom of God or Dharma Yuga

Conclusion – This universes is pulsating Gravastar of Knowledge or Light. It exist in two states an unfolding state and enfolding state, which follow each other. They have a limit. It forms the pulse or breath that supports the whole universe. Enfolding state represents deterioration of knowledge and distancing from truth. It represents journey to darkness and death or gravitational collapse or seizure of Life force. As the pulse reaches minimum it escapes in to its own body or conceives a new pulse within. The unfolding begins at this point and it leads to increasing life force. It  eventually leads to anti-gravitational collapse and at this moment enfolding begins. In short knowledge or light forms the supporting aspect of the universe Unfolding ends in revelation of knowledge, which initializes humanity into truth and marks the beginning of New Time Cycle or New Pulse. The whole process is quantum action and reaction and goes through definitive time cycle. This time cycle has quantum nature. Instinctively the system wishes to exist pulsating between certain limit. But the mind of man  that is set with conquering motive and corruption drives it to the limit forcing it to self organize. Universal cycle needs to be understood as Knowledge Cycle. The pulsation theory thus combines all theories of the universe both scientific and spiritual.


It is a Big bang theory that goes unnoticed; it is Inflation Universe Scenario Theory because it instinctively powers the system to equilibrium point in the middle or the second critical point of quantum action and reaction. It is a Little Perturbation Theory because it starts with small pulse at Calvary . It is a Gravastar Theory because it is collapse and expansion of light or knowledge. It is a Many Universe Theory because it considers every human as universe by itself. It is a Steady Sate Theory because by instinct it works oscillate around a middle point.  Most importantly it goes to up hold ideas of universe its creation and existence described in the ancient spiritual knowledge system. The truth is that ours is a Living Universe that pulsates and has the capacity to self-organize. The truth is that universe is a Knowledge Cycle Theory or Light Cycle Theory


Nothing in the universe changes everything gets transformed and initializes into order under the spirit that constantly works to maintain and control the Living universe. Much of the problems of modern world have its root in his inability to perceive simple truth that exists next to his skin. It exists in his lack of knowledge of time. The Living Universe survives time by essentially same process as a life survives and conquers time. Mankind realizes the truth only when the nature exposes the reality or its secret. The time seems to have come. If I am to give respect to ancient masters of time [Mayan knowledge], Bible Prophesies, the Vedas, Koran, I-Ching and other spiritual knowledge [which I do], I am tempted to conclude that the quantum wave associated with quantum world is already collapsing stressing human consciousness and intelligence to evolve into higher level to perceive the truth and save himself from the disaster associated with the time change. The duty to which I am called for is clearer now than before. The Knowledge of Gravastar or pulsation theory would come forth to save humanity during the transition phase and initialization to Kingdom of God  


The problem of the modern world is that it lacks the under standing of the basic matter and how it goes to form various system in nature. It has failed to understand the fundamental design and principle in nature and is more occupied with exploiting nature. It is important we must have perception of atomic matter and light matter [energy matter] and how and why they go to form various system in nature. It is important that  we understand how quantum action and reaction occurs and the underlying forces that lead to complexity of nature. This is dealt in the site see “Physics of Soul” "Dynamic Information", "Beyond Genes"


The easiest way to perceive the quantum reality is to visualize a Universal Father and a Universal Mother, which are one. The spirit that moves thus changing the direction of the flow is the Father, and the whole field in which it moves is Mother. The whole process of motion occurs out of Love. A quantum pulse results form the movement of the spirit. The spirit remains an observer and act only when it tends to critical limits. In one phase it exists inside and in the other it exist outside. When He is inside He creates and when He is outside He rules and exist as a Judge. The period of creation is short when compared to the existence. Existence has childhood, maturity, and a phase that leads to death. In the phase of childhood all life works to support universal pulse or life. It is the Golden Period of Knowledge and family life. But as the maturity comes, the mind of humanity begins to seek the self and distances from the root and enters into darkness. But the link of Love with source exists and it saves us.  This is the substance of Christian philosophy, as I understand.


The Time cycle is changing. The earth, its environment, the individuals, communities, nations all are bubbling to release the negative energies causing great disasters. Nothing can stop the collapse now, the only way is to understand the Quantum Reality of nature and work to alleviated the negative energies and thus reduce disasters and associated pains. In the New Time Cycle man lives close with nature and its controller, but is prone to deteriorate. We are on the doorstep of a New Era of Knowledge, which demands us to research Ancient Knowledge Systems and live one with nature.  


Discussing Gravastar Theory in comparison to Pulsation Theory


As I said earlier, I have little knowledge about the mathematics of Gravastar Theory. I wish I could study this modern language, sit up and discuss and lead the modern masters of knowledge to the simple truth and break the barrier of science and religion and bring people to closer to truth. From my situation that is a distant reality. Let me however continue my struggle my Lord entrusted on me; rest is left to His Will.  I am writing comparative presentation Gravastar and Pulsation Theory keeping the article on Gravastar I read as a base. The pulsation theory point of view is written in italics  


From issue 2555 of New Scientist magazine, 09 June 2006, page 34

Is space-time actually a superfluid?

·           Marcus Chown

At home in the gravastar  

LOOK up at the sky. Almost everything out there is spinning around: stars, galaxies, planets, and moons - they are all rotating. Yet physicists believe that the universe itself is not revolving. Why?

It's a question that Pawel Mazur can't answer. Mazur, a physicist at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, is one of a number who think it is entirely possible that our universe is spinning on an axis. If these people are right, it could make understanding the universe a whole lot simpler. You could stop worrying about the big problems in cosmology: the origin of the big bang, the nature of dark energy and maybe dark matter too. You could get rid of the strange idea that the universe went through a super fast period of expansion known as inflation. You might even be able to halt the attempt to find a theory that marries together quantum theory and Einstein's general theory of relativity. Is it so hard to let the cosmos spin?

Yes, it is, at least while general relativity rules the universe. In order to solve the hideously complex equations of general relativity - Einstein's theory of gravity - cosmologists assume that the universe is the same in every direction. Although general relativity can allow the universe to rotate, rotation requires an axis, and a cosmic axis of rotation would bestow a "special" direction on the universe - along the axis. Since there is no observational evidence that such a direction exists, the assumption has always been that the universe is not rotating.  


Pulsation Theory – Since science and its advancement is based on observation of motion and flow and predicting it, the theory reviews this essential aspect and reinvents it in a sensible manner. It is founded on fundamental design and principle on which nature works. At the fundamental level pulsation theory tells that all the particles, system and the whole has one design one principle and one process. It tells us that particle, systems and the whole exists as a pulsating quantum system and the pulse has a spin and displacement and revolves around an axis and exists between two states. In short force is curvature in space.  It visualizes universe as one whole pulsating particle or system that is self-organized in space, in which multitudes of particle and system exists in a relative manner. The whole becomes the field in which every other system exists, it is created from it and dissolves into it. The enclosed particles and systems pulsate instinctively in relation to the universal pulsation and aberrations in it. There is inherent instinct in all the enclosed material systems to act against the pulsation and thus motion. In contrast to material systems Living systems instinctively proposes motion and thus forms a support to Living and pulsating characteristic of nature. In other words life is instinctively anti-gravitational and thus gives stability to nature. Thus it reinvents the concept that Einstein’s mind sought very much.

When west awakes to light and unwinds, the east sleeps to wind and thus forms a sink vice-versa and thus earth that inhabits life act as a double pump or heart of the living universal system. A time direction to such a system comes from mind of human system, which seeks the center with a conquering motive and corruption. It is the cause for aberration in time cycles and its disorder. In short the self of humanity drives time and leads the whole to death. It is here the great ancient spiritual knowledge systems taught self-realization as the highest knowledge of nature.

The vision of life as antigravity takes out big bang and super fast expansion but gives a universal picture that slowly transforms though a process of unfolding and enfolding of knowledge. In short it gives a universal picture of a self-organizing nature bringing unity of ancient knowledge and modern science. It visualizes the formation of a unique particle in time cycle that takes the central position and pulsates one with the universal system [Something like Higgs Boson particle]. By virtue of its position it is capable of perceiving the whole and time [energy state or non equilibrium state of the system] instinctively. The universe revolves around this particle. It is capable of taking the force of enfoldment [winding] that is taking the system to its critical end to convert them into force of enfoldment. It could be visualized as a conception of the Fathers essence in the mother’s womb and creation of new body out of the old for the essence to exist.

What is being conceived is Knowledge or a Gravastar whose unseen energy holds the collapsing world and re creates to deliver a New Life or Time. In effect the system is self-reorganizes around a Gravastar. Everything in nature both material and living system instinctively change in relation to energy of this star. Only exception is human being who gets lost in the projections of his own mind. The outer senses of human’s cannot perceive this energy nor any material gadgets can measure it. So in ordinary state humans are incapable of perceiving this energy. But as the disorder peaks and the system begin to open and collapse into new order, it becomes perceivable. The spiritual revival exists in this truth. But it is incomplete unless the true knowledge initializes the whole system. This star and its power emerges as Great Attractor that Noble lauret Ilya Prigogine [advocator non-linear science] showed to the world. Thus it brings the unity of all partial theories in a sensible way.


Gravastar article continued ----

Mazur and his colleague, George Chapline of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, have a simple response to this: don't assume that general relativity has all the answers. Where do they get this heretical idea from? "From looking at where general relativity breaks down," Mazur says.

General relativity provides an excellent description of what happens in the normal, day-to-day events in the universe, but it fails in "extreme" circumstances. Its equations are unable to tell us anything precise about events such as high-energy particle collisions, for instance, or the collapse of stars into black holes. However, the biggest clue to its limitations, Mazur and Chapline say, is in the way it allows time to break down.

General relativity allows the formation of loops in time in certain circumstances. Sometimes, for instance, a kind of one-dimensional fault line in space-time known as a "cosmic string" can form. When such a string spins rapidly around an axis along its length, it creates a loop in time; travel round one of these "closed time-like curves" (CTCs) and you'll keep coming back to the same moment in time. Mazur and Chapline contend that, according to general relativity, the same thing can happen with a rotating black hole.

The trouble is, quantum theory requires time to be "universal" - there should never be closed loops of time isolated from the time in the rest of the universe. That means quantum theory can't work everywhere in a universe governed by general relativity. And since most physicists reckon quantum theory to be a more accurate description of reality than general relativity, relativity's view of space and time - what cosmologists call the vacuum - must be wrong.


Pulsation Theory – It tells us that there is a universal medium in which everything exists. Time is incorporated in it. It is the measure of energy state or the non-equilibrium that results into flow. Time the site notes is energy and therefore there exist two times, which are opposing and co exist. One is hidden in the other. This accounts for dark energy and matter. Through a simple reinterpretation of Galileo’s first experiment [discussed above] it concludes this aspect [Also see article Points to Ponder]. A change in energy state can be directed to diminishing state or illuminating state. That is it can enfold and unfold. This means time contracts to minimum and maximum they form the two directions of the universal pulse. Everything is created from time, exist in time, and dissolves in time to get recreated

The nature is designed in such a manner that this medium flows and eternally in fixed cycles. During the enfolding state the energy content of the universal system decreases and it increases during the unfolding state. As they reach a minimum and maximum something turns it around. In short there is a Control mechanism. The one whole Nature is designed and divided in two in such a manner that when the west awakes to sunlight and unwinds, the east sleeps and winds forming a sink and vice-versa. In this way a perpetual flow of energy is maintained and all aberration within limit are dowsed. In short the earth that inhabits life act as double pump or the heart of a living system. By instinct the system wishes that the flow remained between the limits. But time direction to the limit is incorporated into the design it comes from the mind of humans [the inferior consciousness and sprit] that breaks the law. No wonder Bible tells us that creation occurs along with a law to humans – not to seek the center.

These aspects are discussed above

The pulsation theory tells that that in addition to universal pulse, there exists another pulse that is inferior; it emerges from the collective consciousness of humans. This also means in addition to Universal Time that is free flowing there exist a subordinate and recessive time that works against it. Our ancestors thus

 differentiated time into universal time and individuated time, consciousness into universal consciousness and individuated consciousness, intelligence into universal intelligence and individuated intelligence, knowledge into inferior knowledge and superior knowledge and so on.  In short there exist two worlds. Humankind lives in inferior or unreal world. If real world is winding then the unreal world is unwinding and vice-versa. They are opposite but are one. One is dark the other is light.

The Law of the superior world rules human’s who exists in the inferior world. The law was for good but under the grip of inferior spirit mankind fails to understand it. Thus he ends up in breaking the law. The modern world has peaked with expertise of breaking the laws. His inferior mind seeks the center through conquering and corrupt motive [self]. Like a drill it drills energy from the universal pulse and stores it as negative or dark energy. The universal pulse weakens as a result and as it reaches the limit, it inverses and changes direction and enters its own body. Mankind continues his conquering motive and corruption taking the whole to an outer limit when the pulse makes another change in direction. This aspect is discussed above. 

By the negative action stemming from the inferior mind [self] he creates lot of negative energies that get entrapped in the system this restricts the flow of life force. His negative action also stores immense energy in negative form beneath the earth and its atmosphere. Humans and their actions thus become the cause and seat of dark energy and matter. The inner consciousness and intelligence works relentlessly to dispel the negative energies. To certain extent the in built design and process helps in reorganization such that the balance does not get upset [Day and night cycle, mitotic division in living system]. Much of the repair mechanism of living system takes place when the system sleeps. Much of our problems of the present world exist in the lack of knowledge of times cycle and its quantum existence and our inability to understand its secret - A secret, which so evidently and beautifully reflected in nature and life.

The quantum reality splits human population into four divisions. 1/4th of the mass are good. 1/4th are bad 2/4th are mixed and unsteady. A boundary separates this into two. The two phases of time cycle now becomes a cycle when good dominates and the bad dominates. Since nature is fundamentally designed in a non-equilibrium manner, one of them is permanently dominant the other is recessive. There is a beginning for the flow the, the opposite phase when the real spirit exists hidden, is a temporary but essential phase of perpetual flow - Light is dominant, the existence of darkness is a temporary phase when light is hidden.


    The Gravastar article continued -----

“What if space-time is actually a superfluid”

The way time breaks down around a rotating cosmic string has given Mazur and Chapline a clue to resolving this issue. The CTCs form in regions close to the cosmic string's axis, which means relativity breaks down in the cores of tiny "gravitational vortices" while continuing to apply everywhere else. "This is very suggestive of a vortex in a superfluid," says Mazur.

Superfluids, such as ultra-cold liquid helium, have very strange properties. They can flow uphill, for example, and without friction. One crucial property of superfluids is that they cannot be made to rotate in the way a bucketful of water will swirl around when stirred. Stir a vat of superfluid and you'll produce an array of vortices: the superfluidity breaks down within each vortex, but everywhere else the fluid remains still - and superfluid.

Mazur published the analogy between vortices in superfluid helium and the way time breaks down near rotating cosmic strings 20 years ago in Physical Review Letters (vol 57, p 929). Ever since then he has been thinking about what it might mean. Now Mazur and Chapline think they might have the answer: what if this similarity between space-time and superfluids is no accident? What if space-time actually is a superfluid?

It's a radical suggestion, but it would certainly resolve the problem of establishing a universal time. Superfluids are formed when the particles in the fluid lose their individual character and start to behave as if they are one giant particle, known as a "condensate". Space-time being composed of particles that have formed a superfluid condensate would mean it has a universal time built right in.  

But that's only the start of it. Mazur and Chapline have realised that the idea of a superfluid space-time has particularly profound implications when applied to relativity's breakdown at the edge of a black hole. If our universe is a spinning superfluid, it could explain where everything came from.

Most people are willing to accept that general relativity breaks down at a black hole's centre - the "singularity" - where the density and temperature of the shrinking star that spawned the hole skyrocket to infinity. However, according to Mazur, general relativity also breaks down at the "event horizon" of the hole, the imaginary membrane that cloaks the singularity from view and marks the point of no return for infalling matter. For one thing, he says, the warping of space and time means that light heading for the black hole is accelerated to infinite energy at the horizon, which is physically impossible. Even more serious, says Mazur, is the violation of quantum theory.


Pulsation Theory  - The most important aspect to which I call special attention exist in this realization of super fluid nature of Space-time.

The pulsation theory is built from biological background. Its beginning exists, in a drastic general deviation in biological thinking which other wise stagnates at the information level. Observation of nature from a point of freedom does show that information is built aspect and changes randomly quantitatively and qualitatively against nature and its aberrations. So there should be something behind information that actually survives. All universal structures and universal process of biological systems should have certain relationship with environment against which it survives. At the foundation the site notes life is anti-gravitational and constantly struggles to survive against nature where gravity predominates.

The site deduced the design and principle of basic matter [see figure –1] and visualizes how these basic matters goes to form atoms of periodic table why it forms the molecules and complex systems.  Finally it makes grand deduction that the three main biological systems, plant, animal and human have their root in three inert elements, helium, neon and argon atom respectively. See article Beyond Genes, Physics of Soul, Fundamental Design.

In the article “Physics of Soul” I have tried to put forth universe as an argon atom that exist in 4 dimensions. It should be noted that argon has atomic number 18 it has two shells of 8 and a core made of two [a helium atom]. Thus it has unique symmetry in space. It has no freedom in space. We can visualize four-step quantum system. A inner core of 2 contributing to two dimension, the 2 outer cores of 8 contributing to the 2 other dimension.  The inner holds the consciousness and the spirit or intelligence

It is here that I got interested in Mazur and Chapline’s work. They have suggested that space-time is super fluid, of helium type of inert elements [two dimensional atom]. They represent inner consciousness where spirit or energy flows cause winding and leads a flipping of the poles that leads to unwinding only to collapse again to repeat the process of pulsation discussed in pulsation theory. The universe now could be viewed as an argon atom that has space-time that is super fluid. The individual humans can be considered as similar universes that cause the rotation in the super fluid.

The idea that life is anti-gravitational and therefore even the existence on life can stop the gravitational collapse led me to search the supreme living particle or system that can capture time. My search ended in Calvary and the Philosophy that Christ Spoke. In fact I was led into it. I must admit I was a non-believer and I took to research from my consciousness hoping to contribute something to humanity. The living spirit in me took me through turbulent periods revealing the simple secret of nature and eventually when I submitted my inferior mind it to the universal mind guiding it, everything collapsed to reveal the Mind of God or the higher spirit that is guiding it. If I am still pursuing against odds to reach out to the world, it is because I realize the duty to which I am called for. Universe is created on supreme Love and the supreme knowledge of Love. One of the characteristics of Love is the ability to forgive. Mankind by his nature and make is incapable absolute forgiveness and absolute Love. What mankind is incapable of doing the God does. He gives life back to it. At Calvary It showed its feminine face and at the second coming it shows his masculine face. It reveals its secret to mankind such that everyone survives time change. Both are the expression of Love.

The earth, the atmosphere and the universe going through the process preparing for time change and collapse into new order. Bible compares it to the pain of delivery. The negative energy accumulated is now stressed to maximum and is kicking  to get liberated. Everything in the universe becomes unstable. This instability is being reflected in individuals, family, community, society, and nations, in the earth core, its environment and whole universe. The smooth transition to time cycle cannot come unless mankind realizes the truth and yield to it and thus convert the negative energies into positive one.

Knowledge cannot be knowledge if its not contributing to order, peace, happiness and stability, quest for knowledge cannot be separated from this truth. There is a need for review the very vortex of materialism we are riding. I have made a little a generalized basal contribution within my limitations to express it in mathematical form. It is up to temples of science and religion to review it with true spirit of Life. Faster we do lesser will be the pain and destruction we have to face from nature.


The article on Gravastar continues ---  

In certain circumstances, quantum theory permits a ghostly influence called entanglement to exist between particles. If one half of an entangled pair of particles were to cross the event horizon and disappear into the singularity while the other did not, then this entanglement would be destroyed, and that is forbidden by quantum theory. "Since quantum theory is generally considered the more fundamental theory, general relativity cannot provide a true description of gravity close to a black hole," Mazur says. "In other words, horizons do not form." Instead, he says, space-time undergoes a shift in its fundamental properties.

Mazur's alternative to black holes arises from the fact that a superfluid can exist in a number of "phases", just as water can also exist as ice or steam. As with water, external factors can change the superfluid phase.

As the star collapses in on itself, the particles within it come ever closer together. Eventually they reach a density that matches the density of the particles that make up the condensate of the superfluid space-time. At this point, Mazur says, the material of the star can interact with the material that makes up space-time, and the result is that the two materials undergo a phase change. Inside a spherical boundary, where conditions "go critical", the stellar matter is converted to energy, and the superfluid changes its phase, just like water turning to steam.

According to Mazur and Chapline's calculations, the energy associated with this phase of the superfluid space-time has a negative pressure, which manifests as repulsive gravity (see Diagram). This gives the space-time vacuum inside the collapsing star enough pressure to halt the gravitational collapse. "A stable object forms in which the repulsive gravity of the vacuum balances gravity," Mazur says. He calls this object a gravastar.

It is not a static structure. Infalling matter from the star that hits this shell is converted into energy, adding to the energy of the superfluid space-time vacuum within the shell. The conversion of the star's matter into energy makes the transition layer extremely hot, and quantum uncertainty dictates that, inside the shell, a small amount of that heat will be converted back into matter. As soon as the matter is created, the repulsive force of the internal vacuum energy pushes on the particles, making them race away from each other at ever-increasing speeds.

Hold on - doesn't that sound familiar? Matter created in a fiery furnace, blowing everything apart? "It's the big bang," says Mazur. "Effectively, we are inside a gravastar."


Pulsation Theory – Tells us that the Universal Soul that pulsates is made of two flows one dominant the other recessive. In other wards it has two time directions. As the Pulse enters the body it separates one gets directed to the center the other direct the outside, the one directed to out side is inferior and the one directed to inside is superior. The individuated universes or human beings experiences tearing force under this diverging flow many individuated universes transform or take new birth. This is the cause renewal spirituality. As the universal time it reaches the boundary and collapses it is supported by theses transformed individuals and their prayers. At certain point this opposing flow stop. This is accompanied by inversion and change in direction. The system initializes time. A boundary and law gets enforced and New Time Cycle begins. The rule of Good and Light emerges and justice gets restored. The knowledge revealed lets mankind detach from being part of Gravity and turn into anti-gravity forces that sustains the universe

Gravastar Theory Continued ----
Dark answers

As well as explaining the big bang, the repulsive gravity neatly explains the origin of the dark energy that appears to be expanding our universe at an ever-increasing rate. Mazur and Emil Mottola of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico first published the basics of the gravastar idea in 2001 (New Scientist, 19 January 2002, p 26). Now, with the superfluid space-time completing the picture, it has become an even more powerful solution to cosmology's puzzles. "The gravastar doesn't work without the superfluid picture, but with it, it resolves CTCs, singularities and the nature of dark energy," Mazur says.

This new picture also does away with the need for inflation. This period of superfast expansion is postulated to have occurred in the first split second of the universe's existence. No one has yet worked out exactly how this might have happened, but inflation is the best solution we have to a number of cosmological mysteries. It is necessary primarily because different regions of the universe that today have the same temperature - as indicated by the cosmic background radiation left over from the big bang - are accelerating away from each other too slowly to have been in contact when the universe began, and if they weren't in contact, there is no reason why they should be at the same temperature. Inflation solves the problem by making the universe much smaller earlier on so heat could easily flow around it, equalizing the temperature.

Mazur says the superfluid universe idea makes inflation redundant because one object, the collapsing star, contained all of space-time. That means all the matter within the gravastar had already been in contact for a significant length of time. "In our picture, there is a long pre-big-bang period - there is plenty of time for everything to come to the same temperature," he says.

This explanation of our universe seems radical - implausible, even - but Mazur thinks it makes a lot of sense: the recipe, a small amount of matter and a whole lot of energy, fits the observed facts. "Only 4 per cent of the mass-energy of the universe is in the form of the ordinary, light-emitting matter, and 73 per cent is dark energy," he says.

It's worth pointing out that the remaining 23 per cent of unaccounted-for matter in our universe - what cosmologists refer to as dark matter - is also unaccounted for in the superfluid universe scenario. However, Mazur and Chapline think it curious that dark matter is always found near ordinary matter. Perhaps, they say, the dark matter may not be matter at all, but the result of some interaction of ordinary matter with dark energy.

“The gravastar has become a powerful solution to cosmology's puzzles”

So why do we need our universe to spin? Simply because the star that collapsed would have been spinning, and its angular momentum can't just disappear. Although you can't stir a superfluid into spinning, the formation of the gravastar - our universe -through interaction with the matter of the rotating, collapsing star will impart a spin to it. That, of course, means there should be an axis - the dreaded "preferred direction" in the cosmos. So, is there one?

Although most physicists would say there isn't, Mazur and Chapline speculate that a very puzzling feature of the cosmic background radiation could be explained by an axis of cosmic rotation. The hot and cold spots in the radiation should be randomly distributed across the sky, but Kate Land and João Magueijo of Imperial College London have highlighted a curious alignment of the biggest hotspots in the data from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (New Scientist, 2 July 2005, p 30). According to Mazur and Chapline, if the universe is rotating slowly, its axis might explain the alignment.

Could Mazur and Chapline's radical revision of standard cosmology be right? Eric Poisson of the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, doesn't think so. "My reaction is that their ideas are not sound. This is definitely not the great new idea," he says. Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is cautious too, but not so dismissive. "Mazur and Chapline's suggestion is interesting," he says, "but much more work needs to be done in order to demonstrate that it is a viable alternative to the standard big bang plus inflation model."

Specifically, Loeb wants to see what kind of structures would appear within the superfluid universe. If the universe is a rotating superfluid, then close to the boundary of the universe tiny vortices will be spawned as the fiery shell of the gravastar imparts energy to the superfluid within. Mazur and Chapline say these vortices may have "seeded" the formation of galaxies. The seeds are today seen as fluctuations in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation.

It is here that Mazur and Chapline's qualitative picture of the universe must confront the quantitative. Cosmologists believe that it was random quantum fluctuations in the vacuum of space that gave rise to the CMB variations. According to standard inflationary theory, these quantum fluctuations would have been of all sizes, or "scale-invariant", and CMB data appears to back that idea up. The question is, do Mazur and Chapline's vortices also fit the data? "They need to demonstrate that one gets a scale-invariant spectrum of density fluctuations as well as a 'flat' cosmology as one gets from inflation," Loeb says. "We have evidence for both features from the CMB."

Mazur agrees that this is a crucial test. "We need to be able to predict the structures we see around us today better than the current model," he says. "Then, and only then, we will know whether we are really on to something."

If they turn out to be right, it will be reassuring: looking up at the night sky, we'll know that the universe is not an aberration; like everything else in sight, it does have a spin. On the other hand, the superfluid universe raises a disturbing question. Are alien races staring out from within what we think of as black holes? Somewhere out there, within a fiery shell, someone may be gazing up at the impenetrable border of a universe contained within our own.


Pulsation theory – The pulsation theory at its foundation tells life is anti-gravity or repulsive gravity. The direction time comes from human mind that breaks the law and works to conquer and corrupt nature. In other world his actions become gravitational. It goes explain how the living universe captures this collapse and restores the time cycle. See article "What is time - the secret of dark energy and matter"


It incorporates every ideas of origin in a different way. It is a Big bang theory that goes unnoticed; it is Inflation Universe Scenario Theory because it instinctively wishes to exist around the equilibrium point in the middle or the second critical point quantum action and reaction. It is a Little Perturbation Theory because it starts with small pulse. It is Gravastar Theory because it collapses and expands and collapses again. It is a Many Universe Theory because it considers every human as universe by itself. It is Steady Sate Theory because by instinct it works oscillate around a middle point.  In addition to it goes to up hold ideas of universe its creation and existence described in the ancient spiritual knowledge system. The truth is that the universe is a Living Universe that pulsates and has the capacity to self-organize. The truth is that universe is Knowledge Cycle Theory or Light Cycle Theory- In short Universe is a Theory Of Love


I admit my limitations to express it in mathematical language but it has in it the philosophy of nature and its secret. It can take humanity into new age where mankind lives one with nature and its creator.  


This article is dedicated to Brother Mark on the Net whose small timely Gift helped me continue my struggle and writing