Keegan's Nash Bridges Quotes Page

The best remebered lines from all of your favorite characters on Nash Bridges. Quotes were collected from the fans of the show and posted here for your enjoyment. Have a ball!!!!!!!!

Nash B. adds!

Stacey B.

Cassidy B. coming soon

Joe D. adds!

Evan C. coming soon

Nick B. coming soon

Harvey L.

Lisa B. coming soon


Nash B. Quotes



Internal Affairs

[Joe has the opportunity to sell the bar at a profit, and asks Nash what he should do] You are getting what you paid plus 20 percent. TAKE THE MONEY!


After Pepe toasts J and N at the "Commitment Ceremony", Nash says to Joe through gritted teeth, "We're ruined in this town." Then, on they way up the stairs with their arms linked around each other, Nash says: "Get your hand off my ass." [Contributed by THE BRAT]

Nash -watching the tape of Katz in the Motel [from memory] "You mean while Katzo's bed was rolling the weapons were stolen." HeeHee


(Joe asks Nash if he would jump off the building) If I had me chasing me, you bet your ass.


1. Yo Mr. Goodwrench.Come on out of there [thanks fireman]

2. Welcom home, Louis. (refrence to CBS ) [thanks fireman]

3. Hope he's got good HMO (referring to skateboarder who got crushed) [thanks fireman]


(Inger gives birth to a girl and Joe asks Nash if he has any suggestions for a name, Nash quips, "Bubbette?" [thanks Tiiu]


(Nash gets a nasty bump on his head. As he is being checked out by an EMT Joe comes up and asks Nash if he is OK and Nash responds -) "And you are?" [thanks AnnMarie]

Aloha Nash

(Nash pulls Rick Bettina out of the bay and gives him a shirt to change into) Rick: "I don't look good in yellow!" Nash: "How do you look dead?!" [thanks Mel]


(Nash and Evan go to Nash's retired mentor to help him on an unsolved case they worked on together) Nash: "Evan, I don't want you coming back in 20 years and pulling this crap on me!" [thanks Mel]


NASH (whispering in Joe's ear) : Good morning sunshine! [thanks CFeehan1]


Joe D. Quotes



Till Death Do Us Part

Everyone acts like they have never seen a mexican in a space suit.


You mean there is some bad ass mexican pertending to be me.

Road Work

[Lisa comments that JJ looks cute in his suit. Joe pipes up -] Thank you, I made him myself.

Brothers McMillian

[Kelly walks into the SIU, Evan tells Nash that his ex-wife is there.) Joe asks, "Which one, the good on or the bad one?" Both Joe and Nash look and Joe answers himself, "Oh, the bad one."

Internal Affairs

(To Venus) I bet you made it to level 16 of the Buns of Fruitcake video, didn't you?


(Nash tells Joe he has to ask Nick about the baby cradle.) How is that going to help? He has Alzheimer's or halfheimer's or whatever. He only remembers half of the stuff half of the time. Nash:Then lets hope this is the half he remembers.


(Nash to Joe) Why is my car wearing sneakers?(Joe replies ) Maybe its a good smaritan changing your oil. [thanks fireman]

Vanishing Act

(Nash and Joe go to visit a lady who Nash helped get into rehab) Joe: "Nash got me to stop eating Bean Burritos, really cleared the air" [thanks Mel]


Harvey L. Quotes



Wild Card

[Nash tells Harvey to talk to Bobby Woos guys while he and Joe talk to Woo] Ok Fellows. Cashew (??) chicken. I need a new reciepe. Talk to me boys.


Yea honey I saw the phone bill. Not all 900 numbers are pornoraphic.


Stacy B. Quotes



Internal Affairs

[To Nash] You have come by this office a grandtotal of 3 times. Twice after earthquakes, which I appreciate. And once after your first divorce. Now the building isn't moving and you're fresh out of wives, so what's up?


(Fix up for Stacy arranged by Nick. Stacy's girlfriend Sam is whispering with Nash and making Stacy jealous.) You weren't even interested in her until you found out she was my girlfriend. (Everyone stops, silverware is dropped, and everyone stares at Stacy.)


Guest Star Quotes




Dobbs (Willie Nelson) Joe asks Dobbs how he knows his old friend hasn't spent he money they are loking for. Dobbs replies -"If I thought he would have spent the money, I wouldn't have given it to hie. Sir. " The Sir part is the best line. [Contributed by nashb]


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