Singa singa


Things to do and

places to visit on Samosir island


The Samosir region has many places of interest to visit, including the beauty of the natural landscape, the traditional culture of the local people, spiritual and historical sights, to name but a few.



1.   Tomok

         A  historical burial place of the famous Raja Sidabutar with Sigale-gale and  Air Tanjungan


2.   Siallagan

A traditional Batak village made from bamboo surrounding a central stone, which was formally used for  execution.



3.   Simanindo

               Batak village with  a historical museum of the ancient time. Everyday there is a batak



4.   Hot spring,

A cauldron of of sulphur hot water  from Pusuk Buhit Mountain  that can heal any skin diseases

     Explore  Samosir island by motor bike or car, available at the  cottages.




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