Strange Paradise:  Episode 83
Episode 83:  Slideshow
Ada: " Across the fields below Desmond Hall a frightened lonely figure runs. Quito the faithful servant flees from the ancient mansion believing himself to blame for the dark clouds that threaten it. While his Master Jean Paul Desmond sleeps unable to hear a voice that tries to warn him of death."
As Holly's hand raises the dagger and before she can strike a hand grabs her wrist. Cort stands behind her. "So this is how it is Holly. So this is how it is." Cort says holding her wrist. Holly stands and stares straight ahead.  Cort takes Holly to the Drawing Room and pours her a drink. She has fallen asleep on the couch. Cort walks around to the front of the couch and looks at her. "Little Holly." He kneels down next to her. "Sweet little Holly." He raises her head. "Drink Holly, Drink." He says putting the glass to her lips.  Holly coughs and opens her eyes. "Where am I?"  "With me Cort."  She looks at him. "Cort?"  "Your friend especially now when you'll need a friend the most."  Holly looks around. "What am I doing here?"  "I found you. I stopped you." Cort says walking to the fireplace placing the drink on the mantel.  "Stopped me from what?"  Cort turns and faces Holly. He picks up a blank piece of paper. "From killing Jean Paul.  Holly sits up and looks at Cort. "You're lying. You're trying to scare me."  "And you're trying to play me for a fool" He walks over to the couch and sits on the floor next to Holly. "I knew the games you play are bizarre.  Remember, remember the night we planned a joyous time for all. Running all over the roofs and ledges of Desmond Hall, I thought it could be dangerous and chilling." Cort folds the paper in his hand. "I don't mind danger, do you?" He looks at Holly. "You know I thought I was a very innocent young man. At least in comparison to some young ladies I know. You see I didn't realize your intent that night. I didn't know your danger was planned for only one man, Jean Paul." He shows Holly a paper doll and pushes the dagger through the center of it.  "Take that away." Holly says looking at it.  "It's your dagger. The one you were going to plunge into the heart of my cousin."  "No!" Holly pulls away.  "It's yours take it!" Cort tells her.  "No!" Holly cries out.  "Take it!" Cort says standing up and holding it in front of Holly. "I see, you were sleepwalking." Cort looks at the doll and dagger. "Holly I saw you! I saw you when I was going up the stairs to my bedroom!" Cort leans over her holding the dagger.  Holly pulls back further on the couch. "No! Take it away!"  "I saw you in the corridor, going into Jean Paul's bedroom!"  "Get it away from me!"  "I saw you Holly! I saw you go over to his bed. Stand beside him and lift the dagger!"  "You're making this up! You're insane!" Holly cries out.  "Am I?" Cort pulls away from Holly and stands. "Well then I'll tell you what I did. I went down to the town and saw this rare antique dagger at the five and dime store. So I said to myself I think I'm going to play a trick on Holly. So I went up to your bedroom and I carried you downstairs." Cort spreads his hands. "And that's the trick. You see I'm insane. I'm stark raving insane!" He grips the dagger with both hands.  "Cort really, tell me what happened please."  "You know what happened."  "No I don't! Really honestly I don't. I wouldn't try to kill Jean Paul. He's like my father."  "Many good mysterious things happen to fathers. I know, actually it would have been much better if you had killed the man you chose according to the people here." Cort says walking a few steps from the fireplace. He still carries the dagger and paper doll.  "Don't say that." Holly says to him.  Cort kneels next to the arm of the couch. "You see if you had succeeded in eliminating the leading member of the Desmond family and let's assume that Philip wouldn't return the Desmond fortune would be mine. That would make my stepfather very happy I think and my mother would shed a few tears. But I would be a wealthy man. So why did I stop you?"  Holly looks at Cort.  "I object to murder. Murder is crude and my plans involve friends so I stopped you. I saved you from being a murderess. So now we have a secret the two of us. A secret that I will not forget."  Ada walks in. "Cort? Up so late. Holly?" She looks at the two of them. "Oh I see. How nice to sit before the fire in the darkness."  Cort stands. "Come join us Mother. We're having the most interesting conversation."  Ada sits next to Holly. "When I was younger we used to sit around the fire all of us late into the night. We used to tell ghost stories and frighten each other. Your cousins Philip, Jean Paul and I."  "I think that's cruel don't you Holly? Scaring people with ghost stories."  "I think." Holly stands. "I think I better go to bed now."  "So soon?" Cort asks.  "It's almost morning." Holly says.  "Well you better take this with you." Cort says trying to hand the dagger and paper doll to Holly.  Holly tries to shove Cort away.  "Cort?" Ada says.  "A prop. Part of the ghost story that Holly tried to frighten me with."  Holly stare at him.  "I think it's you who is frightening Holly." Ada says. She stands and touches Holly's hand. "I'm so glad my dear that you and Cort are becoming friends."  Cort hands the dagger to Holly. "Yes we are becoming friends Mother. And as we know each other better I predict that we are going to become very close friends." Cort says looking at Holly as he crosses his arms. "Don't you Holly?"  Holly looks at him then turns to the door carrying the dagger. "Goodnight Mrs. Thaxton."  "Goodnight Holly." Ada says.   "And Holly." Holly looks back a Cort. "Pleasant dreams." Cort says.  Holly turns and quickly leaves the room.  Cort looks at his mother. "Charming girl."  "Cort do you know where Laslo is?"  "I seldom do."  "He left late last night and he hasn't returned."  "Very unpredictable man he is." Cort says turning away.  "Cort I asked you not to dismiss your stepfather in that way." Ada says angrily following Cort as he sits down.  "I find it hard to dismiss Laslo. That's the problem. As a matter of fact I did see him as I was walking along the cliff road. He was with some lady. Irene Hatter I think."  Ada looks away from Cort.  "They both looked very pleased with themselves I thought." Cort stands and walks across the room. He turns back facing his mother. "Good evening Mother." he says with a bow then walks out of the room.  Ada walks to the chair Cort had been sitting in. She sits down lowering her head putting her hand to her face in misery. 'Irene, Irene Hatter. Oh God forgive me but if I had one wish it would be that you were dead." Ada thinks to herself silently as she raises her head.  Holly walks into her bedroom carrying the dagger and paper doll. "Philip, Philip Desmond. I need you. You frighten me and I don't know whether or not you come to me from the grave but I need you."
In the morning Raxl opens the drapes in Jean Paul's room. "Master, its morning." she says touching his shoulder to awaken him. "There's a mist rising from the river." She pours him a cup of tea as Jean Paul sits up. Raxl hands it to him.  "Thank you Raxl. There's a mist in my mind as well. I had the most dreadful nightmare last night." He glances at Raxl. "Has Quito returned?"  "No Master. The police phoned this morning from the town. I told them truthfully that Quito was gone. They wanted to question him about the murder of that girl. They also wanted to talk with you."  Jean Paul looks upset. "What should I tell them Raxl? The truth."  "The truth is that you have committed no crime. Your hands were possessed by the evil one."  "The truth is Raxl the girl was murdered by these hands!" Jean Paul angrily shouts showing his hands.  Raxl grasps them in her. "Hush Master. No one must hear you." Raxl whispers to him.  "How long can O keep this secret? How long?" Jean Paul looks away. "You know Raxl I had a dream last night. I dreamed that someone tried to murder me, stab me with a dagger through the heart. You know I was glad." He glances at Raxl. "I was glad"
Emily is sitting in the Drawing Room with Cort. "Cort the books in the secret room, the room you tried to conceal from me Philip's books. They dealt with witchcraft, devil worship and black mass. What sort of man was Philip Desmond?"  Cort stands next to Emily. "Why do you speak of him in the past tense?"  "Did I? I didn't intend to." Emily says looking down at the table.  "What sort of a man was Philip Desmond? He was a man who knew too much. And because he knew too much we think of him as being dead." Cort says then walks away out of the room.  Emily looks in the book and reads. "Philip Desmond, son of Amanda and Gerard Desmond. Born, no date of birth. It's as if he never lived."
Holly walks down the staircase. Jean Paul is in the foyer opening the mail. He turns and sees her. "Oh good morning Holly. Did you rest well?"  "Yes. No I had a rather frightening dream. I got up and talked to Cort for a while."  "Oh was he very solace?"  "Some. I'm trying to like him Jean Paul. I'm trying to like everyone at Desmond Hall."  "Holly what did Irene Hatter say to you last night when she was here?"  "Nothing." Holly looks away. "Nothing.”  "I would prefer Holly you didn't see her anymore. Do you mind?"  "Not if you say so."  Jean Paul nods. "Good. I'll write a note to her this morning. I tried to explain to her last night that I think she's being an upsetting influence on you."  "Oh I don't think its Irene." Holly says to him. "I don't know what it is." She turns away. "One minute I'm fine and happy and the next I feel helpless and frightened." She looks at Jean Paul. "Jean Paul?"  "Yes Holly."  "Well after the fire at Maljardin you said you would take care of me. Will you?"  "Of course I will."  "No wait, will you stop me if I ever do anything that's wrong or wicked? Will you stop me from doing things I don't want to do?"  Jean Paul stares at Holly. "Listen, what made you say that? No one is helpless. No one has to do or not do anything. And the choice between evil and good."  "You say that but I don't think you believe it." Holly says as she quickly turns and grabs her coat and scarf.  "Holly!" Jean Paul looks at her.  "I just want to be alone for a while. I just want to take a walk along the cliffs." She rushes out the door.  "Holly! The fog is thick out there." Jean Paul rushes after her. He stops in the doorway calling her name.
"In the Drawing Room Emily chooses another book and takes it to the table. She sets it down. Jean Paul enters the room. "Emily."  "Oh good morning although I guess it isn't a very good one is it?"  Jean Paul walks to the table. "The other day you offered to help me in regards to my brother."  "Yes, I'd like to help you very much."  "Good. Thank you. Because I think the time has now come when your help is going to be needed. Things have become so confusing for me at Desmond Hall I don't think I can remain much longer."  Emily glances down at the table. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that." She looks up at Jean Paul. "I would be very sad if you left."  Jean Paul looks at her. "So would I." They glance at each other. Jean Paul walks away to put some distance between them. "About Philip I think you feel as well as I do that in some inexplicable way he is trying to reach me. Now I know you don't have to believe in the spirit world or phantom world or anything like that. But just agree with me that somehow that this is true."  Emily smiles. "I do agree with you. I've studied for too long not to realize that there are things that can't be explained."  "Then you know that it is my turn now to respond. And the only way I can do that is to take action." Jean Paul walks towards Emily. "You mentioned a book, a book about the caves beneath Desmond Hall. The caves that lead down to the river where people think that they are sealed."  "Yes but the book also spoke of an entrance."  "Exactly and I believe there is one. I've seen a bolt torn from one of those sealed entrances. Someone, someone has returned from those caves." Jean Paul leans on the table. "Emily I want to visit those caves and I need your help. I was wondering, if I were to explore those caves I would be doing it because I know Philip wants me to."  Jean Paul and Ada are in Jean Paul's bedroom. Jean Paul hands Ada a drink. "Jean Paul today Miss Blair asked me for flashlights and ropes. She tells me you are preparing to explore the river caves." Ada says sitting on the edge of Jean Paul's bed.  "Of course not today in this fog." Jean Paul says walking towards Ada.  "Not today, not ever Jean Paul. I beg of you don't try to enter the caves. It's impossible and it's dangerous. I remember once when I was a little girl I got lost in one of those caves." Ada looks away. "After a picnic it was. I thought, well I thought my life was over until someone found me." She glances at Jean Paul. "It was after that that your father had the entrance sealed."  "I know that Ada." He puts his hand on her shoulder. "Listen you mustn't worry. I'm not a child and I'm not planning on a picnic."  "I know but there is a presence there. It's so horrible I can't even describe it. Oh please Jean Paul promise me for my sake don't try to find the entrance." Ada says. Jean Paul takes his hand from her shoulder and looks at her. Ada stands. "Oh I don't know. I seem to be frightened of everything lately. It's just that I don't understand why everything that seemed to represent happiness to us in our youth now seems so ominous to us now that we're older." Ada says walking to the window. "Even the fog itself. I used to like it here; it was like hide and seek."  Jean Paul nods as he listens to Ada.  "But now." Ada says.  Jean Paul walks towards Ada. "I know. But now we're older. And now we have our fears." He steps in front of Ada holding his drink.   Ada looks out the window. "The fog is thickening and yet I can see a star."  Jean Paul turns away from Ada.  "It looks almost red. It seems to throb as if it were..." Ada looks at Jean Paul. "Jean Paul what is it? You're turning pale."  "No it's all right." He puts his hand to his head. "I think we better dress for dinner don't you Ada. Listen will you call Raxl in please." Jean Paul says walking away from Ada and opens the door. "Send her up to me. Do you have any idea where Holly is?"  "Holly?" Ada asks walking up to Jean Paul.  "Yes she went out for a walk a few hours ago." Jean Paul says gripping the doorknob looking away from Ada.
"I'll see. I'm sure she should be back by now." Ada says touching his arm.  "Yes I'm sure. I'm sure." Jean Paul says.  Ada leaves the room as Jean Paul closes the door behind her. He walks to the window and looks out. The star is in the sky. There is a knock at the door. "Yes." Jean Paul says as he turns from the window. Raxl walks in.  Jean Paul walks over to her. "Raxl, the star. My evil star is visible again tonight. You know what I'm going to do? Ignore it.!"
Holly is wondering in the fog. "The cliffs are that way. The path must..." She turns. Oh I'm lost. Jean Paul Jean Paul!" Holly shouts in fear. "Oh help please someone help!"  "Holly." Philip's voice calls to her. "Holly."  Holly turns. "Philip."  "Yes."  "Are you here?" Holly asks.  "Yes I'm here."  "Oh please, please will you help me."  "Will you trust me now Holly." Philip says as he appears. "Trust me at last. The cliffs are behind you Holly."  Holly starts to turn around.  "Now don't move. I'll show you the way."  Holly looks at Philip.  "Follow me."  "Where will you take me?"  "Home Holly home. I have no hand to give you." He says reaching out towards her. "But I do have light Holly. Follow me, follow me."  Holly walks towards Philip.
In the Drawing Room Cort hands Emily a drink. Emily raises the glass to Cort in thanks. Cort smiles and kneels next to the couch. "You know I'm going to write a book myself. About the Desmonds of today. And I'm going to tell them all about the guests and the murder I prevented."  Emily stares at Cort.  "Oh yes it was contemplated by a very innocent little girl."  Emily says. "I don't know what you're talking about."  "Cort!" Jean Paul calls to him. Emily and Cort both look up.  "A real gentleman doesn't frighten a lady."  Cort stands. "Well I'm so glad there is a real gentleman present." He says pointing at Jean Paul with his arm. "Choose your poison cousin." Cort says walking to the table to the wine decanters.  "Nothing for me thank you." Jean Paul says walking into the room and standing near Emily. "Emily you look beautiful tonight.' He takes her hand and kisses it.  "I'm overwhelmed.' Emily says looking up at Jean Paul.  "I'm nauseated. See you at dinner." Cort says leaving the room.  Emily and Jean Paul watch him leave.  "Such a strange young boy. Likeable one minute and the next ..." Emily says as she pulls her hand from Jean Paul.  "Yes, mercurial I agree. I just wish some people would stay as they are." Jean Paul says walking to the window and looking out. He watches the star pulsate. He starts breathing harder watching it.  "Jean Paul." Emily walks over to him. "You are disturbed. What is it? What are you looking at?"  Jean Paul grabs the drapes and closes them. "It's nothing, the fog." He says jerkily turning away from the window. Fighting the curses influence he breathes like he can't catch his breath. He turns towards Emily and walks towards her. "Emily there's been something I wanted to say to you for a long time." He stands in front of her.  "Is there?"  "Yes you see I know that you and I are very close. Closer than you know."  "Oh Jean Paul." Emily says as she turns away from him with a smile. "You don't have to say something you don't feel. I depend upon you a great deal around here."  Jean Paul glances at his hands. "Go!" he shouts "Get out!"  Emily turns. "Jean Paul what is it?"  "Stay away from here Emily! Stay away!" Jean Paul shouts backing away. He turns and rushes from then Drawing Room.  "Jean Paul! Jean Paul!" Emily shouts as she runs after him. Jean Paul runs from the house as Emily stops in the open door. "Please don't treat me like this. I love you." she says then looks down.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 84