Strange Paradise:  Episode 84
Episode 84:  Slideshow
Raxl: "Night, Desmond Hall its occupants scattered to the misty wind. Holly lost in the fog along the cliffs above the wild river. Quito running. Running anywhere to escape retribution for a murder he did not commit. Jean Paul himself gone trying to escape the beating heart of evil which drums in his ears. And on his hand the Mark of Death commanding him to kill."
Emily stands at the open door as Cort comes up behind her. "Should I enter that in my book of Desmond memoirs?"  Emily turns towards him. "You have no right to spy on me like this."  "Research Miss Blair research. I think all love affairs should be entered into family history just as much as death and destruction. May I escort you to dinner now that your loved one has flown?" Cort says holding his arm out to her. The phone rings. "Excuse me a moment." Cort says walking away from Emily and answers the telephone. "Desmond Hall. No Jean Paul Desmond isn't here. I don't know when he will be back."  Emily closes the door and walks over to Cort.  "Do you?" Cort asks looking at Emily. "I just asked his bride to be." Cort says into the phone.  "Oh you're wicked." Emily says to Cort angrily.  "She said that the bird of prey is out of her hands. Goodbye." Cort hangs up the phone and looks at Emily.  "Wicked!" Emily shouts and slaps him across the face. She then runs up the staircase.  Cort watches her holding his cheek. "I'm sorry Miss Emily Blair but you're going to suffer for that." Cort says angrily. 
Raxl opens the Drawing Room doors and walks in. "I would have attended to that Mrs. Thaxton." Raxl says to Ada.  "Oh it's all right Raxl. I enjoy doing things for special occasions." Ada says standing next to the wine table arranging glasses. "And I've decided that tonight is going to be a very special occasion." she says with a smile as she walks across the room. Turning she looks back at Raxl. "Jean Paul isn't back yet?"  "Back? I just left my Master in his room."  "Oh good then he must have returned."  "You speak in riddles. Back from where?" Raxl walks over to Ada. "My Master isn't feeling well tonight so I suggested that he stay in his room."  "But that's impossible. We need him."   Raxl turns from Ada. "He will do as I advise."  "Oh Raxl do you want to spoil my party?"  Raxl looks at her. "No Mrs. Thaxton I want to save it for another evening." she says then walks out of the room.  "Raxl." Ada calls out. "Oh dear I wanted everything to be perfect."  Laslo walks in. "Talking to yourself my dear. Oh champagne glasses, a party." He says tossing his coat over a chair. "I would like to think it's in honor of my coming home."  "It has nothing to do with you." Ada says looking away. "I didn't know when to expect you."  "I worked late into the night so I slept at the office. Didn't the girl call you?"  "What girl?"  "My secretary. I asked her to telephone you this morning to tell you I'd be working for the rest of the day.  No?" He says to Ada walking over to her.  Ada shakes her head no."  "Forgive me for the errors of others. What no welcoming kiss?" Laslo asks as Ada turns away from him.  "You smell of herbs and strange spices. Irene Hatter." Ada says walking away from Laso and sitting down in a chair.  "I drove the lady home last night. She was attending to Holly who was ill. It's so like you Ada." Laslo walks to the couch and sits down. "Mistaking an act of mercy for some secret sin."  Cort walks in caring a square red box. "Good evening Stepfather, Mother. Well another cozy evening at home."  Laslo looks at Cort. "Will you take my coat? I want to talk to your mother."  "I'm not your servant." Cort says walking to the fireplace.  "Cort please don't be so unpleasant." Ada says to him.  "Well the atmosphere in this room before I came in was hardly sweetness and light."  "It's nothing." Ada says. "Is it Laslo?"  "If you say so my dear. Nothing." Laslo says.  "Good." Cort sets the box on the fireplace mantel. "Good because I have fun and games for you." He opens the box and takes out a human skull. He turns and holds it up near his face. "Dear Mama, dear Stepfather."  "Put that away." Ada says getting upset.  "I know. Your going to do the grave digger scene from Hamlet and that's Yorick." Laslo says.  "Wrong. But Hamlet is close. No I was thinking of an earlier scene in Hamlet. One where he says." Cort kneels down next to Ada holding the skull. "What have you done to my father?" He thrusts the skull at Ada.  "Cort please!" Ada says turning away and pulling back in her chair. "Take that away!"  Laslo stands. "You will not treat your mother like that!"  Cort stands and faces Laslo. "Why not? Am I suppose to take lessons from you?"  "Please Cort I beg you not to behave this way!" Ada says.  "If you do you will answer to me. Is that understood?" Laslo says to Cort.  "I understand nothing but what my friend tells me." Cort says looking at the skull. "Speak to me bright angel."  "This is obscene. Give me that." Laslo says reaching for the skull.  "No, the skull is mine." Cort says pulling it away from Laslo.  "Then take it and get out." Laslo says as he points to the door.  "Gladly!" Cort looks at his mother and bows. "With your permission mother I would like to skip this gorgeous party. There seems to be a shortage of guests." Cort says then turns and walks out of the room.  "Cort!" Ada calls as she stands up. She looks at Laslo. "Why, why must you both always behave this way?"  "Don't carry on Ada." Laslo says turning away from her. "There's a change in sight. With change comes solutions." Laslo looks at the empty doorway as he pours a drink.
Cort stands in the foyer holding the skull as Raxl walk down the staircase. She walks up to Cort. "My Master, he is not in his room." she says to Cort.  Cort has his back towards her. "Not likely, he's gone out."  "Where did he go?" Raxl asks.  "I didn't follow him!" Cort says to her.  "You will not speak that way to me." Raxl says to him.  "Have I forgotten my manners Raxl?" Cort says with a bow. "I'm sorry."  "My Master is in great danger."  "So are we all Raxl." Cort says walking away from Raxl.  "Master Cort!"  Cort stops and looks at Raxl. "I'm not a master and I'm not Master of Desmond Hall. And I'm not a child to be announced as Master!" Cort says angrily as he walks back towards Raxl. "I'm a man Raxl. I'm a man waiting the day I merit the title Master!" Cort says then leaves the room.  "There's only one Master of Desmond Hall and it will never be you. Never." Raxl says to herself.  Emily rushes down the staircase. "Raxl?"  "Yes Miss Blair?"  "Mr. Desmond is gone. He ran from me. I don't know where?" Emily says walking over to Raxl.  "Oh I must find him." Raxl turns to the outer doors.  "Raxl? What is wrong with him?" Emily walks over to Raxl. "I know it's something, tell me."  "I must find my Master. I have no time for talk."  "Raxl he's fond of me. I know that. I want to help him."  Raxl looks at her. "You cannot help him."  "But why? Why is that?"  "Jean Paul Desmond is a good and innocent man, but for those he loves there is danger. Take my word Miss Blair stay away from him. Do not love him if you want to live."
Laslo glances up. "Ah welcome, the party has just begun."  Emily walks into the Drawing Room. "I'm afraid I don't feel too much like partying tonight. Mrs. Thaxton I came down to ask if you'll excuse me." she says to Ada.  "Nonsense my dear we're short on party guests as it is." Laslo says. "And you must call Mrs. Thaxton Ada." Laslo says putting his arm around Ada. "Everyone calls her Ada. You see we are what is called here one big happy family at Desmond Hall."  "I don't want to disappoint you but."  "You have a headache. Well Ada will get you some medication while I entertain you." He releases Ada and walks towards Emily.  Ada stands just watching Laslo.  "I’ve been meaning to talk to you Miss Blair. Or should I call you Emily." He turns and looks at Ada. "Ada something for the lady's headache."  Ada glances at Laslo and walks away. Stopping she glances back at Laslo and Emily and leaves the room.  "I really shouldn't stay." Emily says.  Laslo takes her arm. "Come near the fire. Sit down and I'll pour you a glass of wine." He walks to the wine table. "And before you know it your headache will be gone."  Emily sits on the couch. "I'm really very upset." Emily says.  "Upset?"  "About Jean Paul."  "Oh have you seen him this evening?" Laslo asks as he pours a drink.  "Yes."  "How is he? Mrs. Hatter was very concerned about him when she left Desmond Hall last night." He says as he carries a drink over to Emily.  "Why should Mrs. Hatter be upset?"  "Oh I don't know, feminine intuition I suppose." he says handing Emily a glass. "He was unduly angry at us all last night. I sensed a certain lack of trust. Very unhealthy don't you think? Emily do you trust me?" He asks sitting next to Emily on the couch.  Emily glances away. "Why do you ask that?"  "Well I've always been truthful. When you arrived I admit I was very disturbed."  "You were downright hostile." Emily says looking at Laslo.  "It's my obligation to the family. I felt no one should be allowed to probe in the library. But since Philip."  "Yes Philip?" Emily asks.  "Philip it seems wanted you to do your research here. And I believe I've been cooperative. Made you a welcome guest."  "Jean Paul has made me feel welcome." Emily says turning away.  "And he is the Master isn't he?" Laslo says.  Emily glances at Laslo.  "Emily I've been meaning to ask you if there are certain things in your study thus far that are especially interesting."  "It's all interesting."  "Yes but there must be certain secrets which no one has dug out of the secret archives."  She looks at Laslo. "If there were something secret I would feel obliged to keep that secret."  "From me? That's rather foolish. I know a lot about the Desmond family, more than some that possess the name. There are certain things that interest me. For instance there is a secret room."  "That room is Philips." Emily tells him.  "But Jean Paul and Cort know the location."  "Philip invited Cort to the room."  Laslo laughs. "I can't think why from what I understand it's ghoulish enough without adding Cort to it."  Emily looks away.  "Where is this room?"  "I can't tell you that." Emily says.  "Then tell me what's in it. What did Philip Desmond do in that room?"  "I'm sorry Mr. Thaxton I can't." Emily tries to stand as Laslo grabs her arm pulling her back down. "Emily, Emily my dear there was a diary. A diary kept by Philip Desmond. I want to see that diary."  "Oh please you're making me uncomfortable." Emily says laying her glass on the table sitting behind the couch. "Besides you know I can't."  "Your medicine Emily." Ada says from the doorway. Ada stares at Laslo.   Laslo moves across the couch away from Emily. "Yes, well drink it down my dear. It's perfectly harmless."  Ada hands the glass to Emily.  "You'll be feeling much better." Laslo says.  "Laslo I insisted that Cort join us." Ada says.  "You needn't have."  "I want him to respect you. Respect is very important. Wouldn't you say so Emily?" Ada asks.  Emily is glancing down then looks up when Ada speaks to her.  "And honesty concerning others."   "Ada your husband and I were talking about my research here at Desmond Hall."  Ada looks away. "I didn't mean to imply."  "Of course you didn't my dear." Laslo says then stands. "Now where is Holly? We want to enlarge the circle." Laslo walks around the couch.  "I don't know where Holly is. She went for a walk early this morning and hasn't returned." Ada says.  "Has no one gone to look for her?" Emily asks.  "Well I wouldn't worry she's probably gone to Mrs. Hatter's cottage for a stay." Laslo says pouring a drink.  Emily stands. "But she would have called."  "Well perhaps she has. Perhaps Raxl..." Ada says as she walks over to Emily.  "No, Raxl is looking for Jean Paul." Emily says.  "A veritable band of nomads." Laslo says. "Well sit down my dear, we shall entertain ourselves."  "No, I want to go look for Jean Paul."  "I said sit down." Laslo orders.  Emily looks at him.  "I wouldn't think of letting you go out on a night like this. You didn't drink your medicine." Laslo says trying to hand the glass to Emily as she sits back down.  She doesn't touch it as she lowers her glance to the floor.  "I take it your headache is gone." Laslo asks holding out the glass.  "Yes." Emily says.  Laslo sets the glass down. "Well then you must have a drink." Laslo opens a decanter of wine. "A glass of nice dark red wine. I think that will put you in a good humor." He pours two glasses as Emily and Ada glance at each other. Laslo reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small gold case. He extracts a pill and drops it into one of the glasses. "And good humor is important especially for a guest isolated like you are here in an ancient quiet house removed from civilization as you are. Here drink this, you will enjoy it." He passes a glass to Emily. "The grapes are grown in our own vineyard."  Emily reaches for the glass.  "And there is something about the soil of Desmond Hall that provides a distinctly bitter sweet flavor. Later on there will be champagne. So let's drink." Laslo raises his glass. "Let's drink to our missing guests wherever they may be."
Emily drinks slowly. Laslo smiles as he watches her drink.
Raxl is walking through the woods. "Jean Paul! Jean Paul Desmond!" she shouts. Raxl turns around in the fog. "Master where are you?” 'Down he must have gone down to the village and if he has may what ever kind of God exist. Protect him from himself.' Raxl thinks to herself silently.
Cort is in Philip's secret room. He places the skull on a book on the table with a lit candle near it. "My father my true father." He picks up the skull. "I do not have the skills of witchcraft and I don't know the rituals except from what I've read in books. But I'm trying to reach you father." He sets the skull down. "I sit here as Philip did. You told me you called me to avenge you. I am ready father! What kind of a son would I be, what kind of a man would I become if I hadn't devoted every living hour to one thing. Revenge!" The skull has blood running from the eye sockets.
Laslo pops the cork on a champagne bottle. "Champagne." he says pouring glasses.  "I don't think I can manage the champagne." Emily says.  Laslo holds out a glass towards Emily.  "None for me, please none for me. I'm very drowsy." Emily says.  "Drowsy at a small pleasant party, nonsense." Laslo hands her the glass.  "Dinner will be ready soon. I don't know if I should have this drink either." Ada says as Laslo hands her a glass. "Too many glasses spoil the cook." She looks at Laslo. "No one laughed. I want to have a good time Laslo, so very much. A happy time the way we used to."  Laslo takes her elbow. "You better get to that stove or we won't have any dinner at all."  "Right now?" she asks as Laslo leads her to the doorway.  "Right now and if you see that son of yours you can tell him from me he can eat alone in the kitchen."  Ada stands in the doorway holding her glass of champagne. "Laslo I'm sure he meant to be here but."  "Do as I say. Get out." He turns her around. Ada walks away.  Laslo follows her down the hallway and glances through the door then turning he walks back to the Drawing Room and looks at Emily. Walking inside he closes the door.  Emily is laying on the edge of the couch. Her eyes are closed.  Laslo walks over to her. "Emily? Do you hear me?"  "Yes I hear you." she says quietly.  Laslo kneels next to the couch. "Listen Emily. This is very important. The police stopped by at the lumber mill this afternoon. They were looking for Jean Paul."  "Jean Paul?" Emily says.  "They have asked him to appear at the station for questioning. He did not come. They wanted to question Jean Paul about a murder."  Emily opens her eyes. "Murder? No."  "Oh yes. My dear. You see your loyalty in this house has been misplaced. Jean Paul does not deserve your trust. Or your secrets."  "I don't have any secrets."  "Yes you do my dear. There is a secret room. I want you to take me to the secret room. Now, tonight."  "I can't."  Laslo places his hand on Emily's forehead.   "I'm too tired." Emily says as she closes her eyes.  "Emily? Do you hear my voice?"  "Yes I hear it."  "Who is speaking?" Laslo says to her. "Do you know?"  Emily shakes her head no. "No I knew but I've forgotten."  "Listen to me Emily. I am Jean Paul."  "Jean Paul?"  "The police, the police are after me for a murder. You must take me to the secret room."  "Jean Paul?" "Yes Emily." Laslo says taking the glass of champagne from her hand and sets it down.  "I am so tired. I can't move."   "I will help you." Laslo says as he helps Emily to her feet. "I will support you and you will take me to the secret room.'  "I can't." Emily says leaning against Laslo so she won't fall.  "Lean on me, depend on me. I need you."  "Oh Jean Paul I want to help you. I do."  "You will my dear, you will." He helps her walk out of the Drawing Room.
Cort is holding the skull. "I'm calling father, I beg you." He starts to cry. "And I've never begged any one before in my life. I've always been proud and cold and alone. But you are my father and I am your son. So I beg you give me a sign. If you can't speak to me give me a sign anyway. Tell me who I must avenge. And on my honor I will kill him. A sign father, a sign! One sign." He says sobbing. Cort looks up and sees Laslo standing in the doorway.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 85