Strange Paradise:  Episode 76
 Episode 76:  Slideshow
Laslo: "Storm clouds gather over Desmond Hall and once again thunder rolls through the corridors of the Great House. Flashes of lightening illuminate its walls as if the elements of nature were raging against the evil on the earth. For in one room of the Great House a man has disappeared. Driven into the night by a curse, a curse that compels him to kill. And near the Great House there are those who would call to the powers of darkness and an innocent young girl will be their instrument of death."
In Irene's cottage the members of the coven sit at the table waiting for their missing member. Irene stands and walks to the fireplace.  "What time is it?" Waldo asks.  "Close to midnight." Irene says glancing at the clock on the fireplace mantel.  "We can't wait much longer." says Mr. Pruett.  "I know." Irene looks back at them. The door opens and Laslo walks in. "Oh Laslo where have you been?" Irene asks.  "I had to wait till Ada fell asleep." Laslo says taking off his coat. "Is everything ready?"  "Yes."  "The girl, is she properly prepared?"  "She has submitted to my will completely. She will follow all of my instructions." Irene tells him.  "Good." Laslo says looking at Holly.  "It isn't right." Mr. Pruett says. "She should have come to us willingly. You should have taken the time to prepare her."   "There wasn't time. We must complete the coven tonight." Irene says.  "I still don't believe it's right."  "We don't have time to argue. Let's begin." Laslo says. Irene and Laslo take their seats. Irene stands and picks up the chalice. She places it in front of Laslo. Laslo adds his blood to it.  Irene picks it up then holds it up in front of her then places it in front of Holly. "We will begin the ritual with you Waldo."  Waldo stands and lights one of the black candles then sets it in back on the table. The other members pick up an unlit candle. They light them from Waldo's candle. Placing them back they take their seats. Irene picks up the last unlit candle. "Take this." she tells Holly.  Holly holds it in her hands.  "Light it."   Holly stands and lights it.  "Place it with the others." Holly does as she is told. "Return to your place. Holly sits down. "I will build the house." Irene says gathering the cards. She starts building a house of cards in the golden bowl. "This house, this house of fire we pledge to dwell in it forever."  "Forever." the coven repeats.  "All of us." Irene says as she picks up the matches and sets the cards on fire. Irene walks to her seat and sits down. "Let us join hands."  They join hands with Waldo grasping Holly's hand. "Spirits of the night hear us." Irene says.  "Those that dwell in the darkness hear us calling to you." Laslo says .  "Hear us." they repeat.  "Let us know you hear us. Give us a sign." Irene says. The window blows open.  "The wind , the cold." says Mrs. Pruett.  The fireplace ignites a log in flames. "You have heard us. You are with us in this room." Irene says.
Back at Desmond Hall Raxl is looking out the window in the Drawing Room. Ada rushes in. "Raxl."  "Mrs. Thaxton." Raxl walks over to her. "I thought you were asleep?"  "I was but the storm woke me. Have you seen my husband?"  "No."  "Well did you see him earlier? Did he say anything about going out?" Ada asks as she walks a few steps away from Raxl then turns back.  "I haven't seen him at all this evening."  "Is Jean Paul asleep?"  "Yes."  "Perhaps I better wake him." Ada steps forward.  "Why?" Raxl asks grabbing Ada's arm.  "Well when the storm started I went to close my windows and I saw a man crossing the grounds."  "A man?" Raxl asks.  "I couldn't see who it was but I saw a figure and he was running towards the woods."  "Well it must have been your imagination. The storm and the lightening play tricks on ones eyes." Raxl says with a smile.  "No it was real. I saw something. I'd feel much better if Jean Paul searched the grounds. Ada says walking away from Raxl.  "I'll tell Quito to do it. Mrs. Thaxton I wish you wouldn't disturb Mr. Desmond. He has great difficulty in sleeping and I've just given him something to make him sleep. So if you disturb him he may not sleep the rest of the night."  "Perhaps it was foolish of me, but well he was running away rather than towards the house. Just the same I..." Outside the dogs start howling and barking. "Listen."  "I hear." Raxl says.  "Why are the dogs howling?"  "Perhaps the storm has frightened them."  "I have a strange feeling. A feeling that something terrible is about to happen!" Ada says putting her hand on Raxl's shoulder as she stands behind Raxl in fear. Thunder crashes.
Back in Irene's cottage. "Those who are with us remain with us and witness our final rite." Irene says.  The group stands still holding hands. They raise their arms above their heads then lower them. Releasing hands they sit back down.   Irene walks to Holly. "Holly step forward."  Holly stands and steps next to the table. Irene picks up a candle. "Look into the flame. Do not take your eyes from it. Do you understand?"  "I understand." says Holly.  "Repeat what I say. Repeat every word. I will join with the powers of darkness."  "I will join with the powers of darkness."  "I will close and complete the circle of fire."  Again Holly repeats the words.  "I will be a bride of darkness ."  "I will be a bride of darkness." Holly repeats.  "Accept me and claim me throughout eternity." Irene says.  "Accept me and claim me throughout eternity." Holly repeats.  Irene sets the candle down and picks up the chalice. "Drink from the chalice."  Holly takes it in her hands and drinks from it.  "Drain it." Irene tells her. Holly finishes it and Irene takes the chalice from her. She holds the chalice out from herself. "Spirits who attend us our blood is now mingled with the blood of this child. Let us know you accept her. Spirits of the damned cry out to us. Let us hear your voices."  Moans and screams fill the room.  Irene sets the chalice down. "We have heard you, signify now that the ceremony is over. That the circle is completed. Give us a sign."  Thunder rumbles as the candles blow out.  "It is done. She is one of us now." Irene says.
In the town of Desmondton a girl waits next to one of the closed stores for the storm to let up as Jean Paul walks up.  "Oh hello. I didn't hear you come up." she says to him.  "Hello." Jean Paul says staring at her.  "The storm has let up for a minute. I was just about to go home."  "Were you?" Jean Paul asks.  "You're new in town aren't you? You must be. I mean I would have remembered you if I had seen you before. My name is Crystal."  "Crystal." Jean Paul says staring at her as the heartbeat gets louder.  "At least that's what people call me." She glances up at the sky. "We better get inside before it starts raining." she says as thunder and lightening crash. "I live near here. Would you like to come up to my place?" she asks walking closer to Jean Paul.  "No, no go away!" Jean Paul says looking away from her.  "What?"  "I said go away!" Jean Paul says turning his back to her.  "Who do you think you are talking to me that way?" she says angrily. "Answer me!"  Jean Paul slowly turns towards her.  "Who do you think you are?" she again says to him.  Jean Paul stares at her.  "Why don't you say something? Why are you staring at me like that ? What's the matter with you?"  Jean Paul raises his hands and looks at them. He walks towards her.  "What are you doing? Stay away from me!" she says backing away.  Jean Paul comes closer to her.  "I said stay away from me!"  He reaches for her throat as she screams.  Irene and Laslo stand next to Holly. "Instruct the girl. Tell her what she must do." Laslo says to Irene.  "Holly, look at me."  Holly turns her head towards Irene.  "You will hear my words and you will remember everything that I say. Not in your conscious mind but beyond that. Deep in your unconscious mind you will remember."  "I will remember." Holly repeats.  "Someone must die."  "Someone must die." Holly repeats.  "And you will be the instrument of his death."  "The instrument of death." Holly says.  "You will leave this house in the morning and return to Desmond Hall. There is something you must do there."  "I will do what must be done."  "I will give you these flowers." Irene picks up a vase of roses. "You will take them with you to Desmond Hall. There you will give a flower to the one who is doomed to die. You will give him a single red rose."  "A single red rose." Holly says.  "You will not know who you are seeking but you will find him. My hand will guide you." Irene says putting the vase of flowers back on the mantel of the fireplace. "Tell me that you understand."  "I understand."  "Good, it will be done." Irene says to Laslo.  "Splendid." Laslo says quietly.  "Laslo you had better leave. When Holly awakens she mustn't find out you were in the house tonight."  "Al right." replies Laslo.  "Should the rest of us go?" Mrs. Pruett asks.  "No the rest of you must stay here. When Holly awakens everything must seem as it was before she went into the trance. You must make her feel that only a moment has passed, all of you. I'll see you to the door Laslo" Irene says walking with Laslo to the door.  Laslo picks up his coat. "So the coven exists once again."  "And a spell has been cast." Irene tells him.  "And Jean Paul Desmond will join his beloved brother in death." Laslo says putting his coat on.
In Desmond Hall Raxl stands looking out the window in Jean Paul's bedroom. Hearing someone at the door she walks across the room. Jean Paul enters.  "It has happened again?" Raxl asks.  "Yes." Jean Paul says looking away from her. "A girl, she's dead." He lowers his head.  "Where did it happen?"  "On the docks."  "Is the body still there?"  Jean Paul shakes his head no. "No, in the river. After I strangled her she fell backwards into the water."  "Are you quite certain she's dead?"  Jean Paul nods. "Yes." He walks across the room and sits on his bed.  "Who was she? Did you know her?"  Jean Paul shakes his head no. "I can't, I can't remember her name even though she told me her name. I can't remember much of what happened. It all seemed to have happened in a dream. A terrible nightmare. And I'm only just waking up from it now. But it was real." He looks at Raxl. "Why are you protecting me?"  "Because you are Jean Paul Desmond."  "I am a murderer!"  "It is not you who kills. It's the evil force that controls you."  "I can not help myself! And I must be destroyed! Before I can destroy others again!"  "We will find a way to end the curse."  "There is no way."   Raxl kneels in front of him taking his hand in hers. "Oh there must be and we will find it."  Jean Paul lowers his head in misery.
In the cottage Irene and the others straighten the room. "Is everything as it was?" Irene asks.  "I believe so." Waldo says.  "Turn on the light. William the music. Now one final touch." Irene says turning back the clock one hour. "Holly come to me." Holly stands and walks to Irene. "Look into the fire. Deep into the fire."  The others in the room sit down as Irene calls Holly's name again.  "Irene?" Holly says looking at her.  "My you were lost in thought."  "Was I?"  "You seemed to be a million miles away."  Holly turns around. "When did the storm start?"  "A moment ago. Didn't you hear it?"  "No." Holly says.  "Are you enjoying yourself?"  "Yes thank you very much." Holly says as she and Irene walk back to the others in the room.
In his room Jean Paul sits with his head lowered.  "Can you speak now?" Raxl asks quietly.  Jean Paul raises his head. "Yes."  "Did anyone see you with the girl?"  "No." Jean Paul says shaking his head.  "You're certain?"  "Yes, the street was deserted."  Raxl stands. "I must find a way to help you."  "There is no way to help me."  "We will protect you, Quito and I."  Jean Paul looks at Raxl. "You tried to protect me tonight, you failed."  "But we will not fail again. There is one way we cannot fail. There is a room, a secret room in the basement of this house where the ancient Desmond archives are sealed. When the evil star is in its ascendancy again we will take you there. We will lock you in the room and Quito will guard you. You cannot escape from us again."  "In the mean time I will live with what I have done."  "Yes you will live and I will live to try to break this curse."  "I have a feeling it will never be broken." Jean Paul stands. "I have a feeling that I will live with this curse for the rest of my life." Jean Paul says then he slowly walks to the window.  The next morning Ada is in the Drawing Room pouring a cup of coffee when Jean Paul walks in. He walks across the room without seeing Ada.  "Oh Jean Paul good morning."  "Good morning." Jean Paul says as he turns around.  "Are you feeling better?"  "Why shouldn't I be?"  Ada stares at him.  "Of course." Jean Paul says with a smile as he walks over to Ada. "Ah my many moods. Please don't pay any attention to me."  "Jean Paul I want you to know how very pleased I am to have you here."  "Thank you Ada. I do appreciate it."  "Will you have some coffee?"  "Oh yes." Jean Paul glances down at the newspaper on the table. The headline reads Girl Brutally Murdered. A picture of Crystal is under it.  "What are you looking at?" Ada asks. She looks down. "Oh that. It's terrible isn't it." She passes Jean Paul a cup of coffee.  "Yes." Jean Paul says holding the cup.  "Who could have done such a thing?"  Laslo walks in. "Good morning Jean Paul. Ada my dear."  "Good morning." Ada answers. She looks at Jean Paul. "Jean Paul aren't you going to drink your coffee?"  "What?" Jean Paul looks at her then away. "No, no I don't believe I want it. I think I'll go to my room." He sets the cup down on the table.  "Is anything wrong?" Ada asks touching his hand.  "No, I just have a slight headache that's all. Excuse me." Jean Paul says then walks from the room.  "Every time I come into a room your cousin seems to leave it." Laslo says as he fixes a cup of coffee.  "You heard him. He has a headache."  "What a shame."  "Laslo where were you last night?" Ada asks turning towards him.  "Last night?"  "Yes I woke up during the night and you were gone. Where were you?"  "I was restless. I couldn't sleep so I took a drive. I wanted a long drive and I went."  "Are you telling me the truth?"  "Ada I will not be cross examined!" Laslo says angrily as he sets his coffee cup down . "If I want to leave this house I will leave this house!" He walks over to her. "I will not be made to account for every minute of my time. I thought that was our understanding."  "I understand Laslo. I understand perfectly." Irene says as she turns away from Laslo.  Laslo walks over to the table he picks up the newspaper and looks at the front page.
In his room Jean Paul covers his face with his hands standing at the window. Turning he lowers his hands and stares at them. He angrily clenches his hands into fists and slams them against his legs.  There is a knock at the door and the door opens. "Good morning." Holly says carrying in a vase of roses.  "Holly!" Jean Paul walks over to her. "What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with Irene Hatter for a few days?"  Holly smiles as she puts the vase down. "I was but I decides to cut my visit short."  "For any particular reason?"  "I wanted to be with you."  "I thought you were angry with me?" Jean Paul says to her.  "I was. But I decided that was foolishness."  "What made you decide that?"  "I don't know. I just did."  "I'm glad you did."  "Look I brought you some roses to brighten up your room." Holly says turning to the vase.  "It was very thoughtful of you."  "This one is reserved for your lapel." She turns and shows him the rose.. "You know something Jean Paul?"  "What's that?"  "Somehow I feel close to you now. Closer than I ever did before."  Jean Paul smiles at Holly.
In her cottage Irene calls to Holly. "Holly there is one you must seek out. You will seek him out and find him. You will give him the red rose and from this day foreword he will be marked for death."  Holly puts the rose in his lapel. "There."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 77