Strange Paradise:  Episode 77
Episode 77:  Slideshow
Raxl: "Desmond Hall the ancient mansion which autumn sunlight can not warm. For beneath its towers of stone a chilling evil spreads, an evil which has forced Jean Paul Desmond to kill yet another innocent victim. While he himself has been marked for death by a coven of witches in the service of the prince of evil Satan. Desmond Hall where dark danger lurks even in the most beautiful of flowers, the rose."
In the Drawing Room Emily picks up a vase of roses and smells them. Picking out one she holds it to her face, Jean Paul walks in. "What are you doing?" he asks with a smile.  "I'm appreciating the roses. They have such a sweet smell it's almost like a velvet cloud that covers the whole room. I didn't mean to disturb them." Emily says with a smile as she puts the rose back in the vase.  "Well why don't you take one. Holly brought them home and gave me a boutonniere."  "Oh it's lovely. May I really?" Emily asks.  "Of course. Listen I'll do the honors." He reaches for the vase.  "They look so freshly picked. Where did they come from this time of the year?"  "Oh Irene Hatter has a green house where she grows the most amazing things." Jean Paul says snapping a flower from the vase. "Here we are."  "Would you? No wait the smell will make me absolutely dizzy. I want to wear it in my hair."  Jean Paul smiles at her.  "I'm being foolish." Emily says with a grin.  "No." Jean Paul laughs. "You've been so serious since the day you arrived it's about time you did something giddy." Jean Paul reaches up to Emily's hair with the rose.  Emily stops him. "Jean Paul?"  "You're a very lovely girl."  "Your hand is covered with blood."  Jean Paul drops the rose and looks at his hand. "No it can't be. There was no blood." He looks up. "There was no blood."  "Give me your hand." says Emily.  Jean Paul looks at her.  "Let me see. Give me your hand."  Jean Paul lets her take his hand in hers. "You were scratched by a thorn from the roses." Emily says wiping his hand with a tissue. "That's all. There's nothing to be upset about." Emily looks up at him with a smile.  "That's it. A thorn." Jean Paul looks at her.  "You have very fine hands. They are the hands of a ..."  Jean Paul pulls his hand away. "Of a what?"  "I was going to say a very sensitive person. Jean Paul what is it? I've watched you since I came here, changing from a man who seems reasonably content and hopeful to someone who is terribly upset and afraid. Afraid of what?" Emily asks.  "Good morning cousin." Cort says from the doorway. "I hope I didn't interrupt you." Cort walks into the room to the couch. "I was wondering, are you finished with the newspaper?" He asks sitting down. Are there no items of particular interest?" Cort asks with the page of the murder facing him.  Jean Paul and Emily stand and look at Cort.  "Then I'll use it for my work. I think I'll make a tree. A gallows tree."  Jean Paul walks to the couch. "Why don't you take the newspaper and make whatever you want of it."  "Then you don't object to my project? I got my inspiration from the newspaper. There was a murder in Desmondton last night."  "A murder?" Emily says.  "Well it wasn't anything world shaking. It was just a little trollop that was found strangled in the river."  Emily takes the paper from Cort. "Did you read about it cousin." Cort asks turning towards Jean Paul.  Walking a few steps away from Cort Jean Paul answers. "Yes."  Cort stands. "Murder this week, a disappearance the week before. And both girls that were involved were of doubtful reputation. If this continues Desmondton is going to be cleansed of all its doubtful characters. I have a feeling that the powers of virtue have been overjoyed." Cort says walking up to Jean Paul.  "What a dreadful thing to say." Emily says angrily.  "A fact is a fact Miss Blair." Cort says turning to look at her. He turns back to Jean Paul. "Don't you agree cousin?"  "I don't think I wish to discuss this." Jean Paul says turning towards Cort.  "I think you had better."  "Why?"  "Because you are involved."  Jean Paul stares at Cort.
Someone knocks on the outside door. They keep pounding on it until Raxl enters the foyer and answers it.  Quito rushes through the door. "Quito!" Raxl says closing the door. "Quito what is it? You look frightened."  Quito stands with his hands near his face looking around the room.  "Tell me what happened to you. Try to tell me." Raxl says to him.  "Raxl!" Jean Paul calls from the doorway of the Drawing Room. "What is it?"  "It's Quito he's frightened and exhausted as if someone is pursuing him."  Quito nods his head.  "He's just returned Master after being out all night searching for you." Raxl tells Jean Paul.  Jean Paul walks over to Quito and touches his shoulder and hand. "Quito listen to me. I escaped last night, I know but it was not your fault. What ever has happened you are not to blame. Do you understand?"  Quito holds out his hands then grips them in a strangling motion. Then pounds on his chest.  "No Quito no, you didn't kill anyone. You didn't harm anyone."  Quito gets more upset and agitated as he pounds on his chest.  "No Quito no!" Jean Paul tells him.  "Jean Paul?" Cort calls from the Drawing room doorway.  "Raxl take Quito upstairs. He needs to rest. Go now." Jean Paul tells Raxl Quito rushes up the staircase in front of Raxl.  "What do you want?" Jean Paul asks Cort as he walks over to him.  "I thought you might be interested in my news of the murder." Cort holds his arm out towards the Drawing Room allowing Jean Paul to enter first. "The atmosphere in the town this morning is hardly gratitude for the murder of the girl. Her name was Crystal. Crystal Snow. I think it was a very pretty name." Cort tells Jean Paul and Emily.  Jean Paul turns around and looks at Cort. "Cort! Say what you have to say."  Cort walks to the table. "I'm going to take this newspaper and I'm going to make a paper mache gallows tree. Then I'm going to hang one Crystal in a form of a tear drop. Don't you find that appropriately touching?"  "I think it's ghoulish." Emily tells him. "Jean Paul he says that the townspeople think they know who the murderer is."  "They do?" asks Jean Paul.  "He's a residence of this house. Your servant Quito." Cort says to Jean Paul.  "Quito? They suspect him of murder?"  "Oh not only do they suspect him but they are going to take action on it." Cort tells him.  "What kind of action?" Jean Paul asks.  "But you know him. Do you think he could do something like this?" Emily asks Jean Paul.  "What sort of action Cort?"  "Mob action dear cousin." Cort says then sits on the couch.  "Emily find Raxl, tell her I want to see her at once." Jean Paul tells Emily.  "Yes I will." Emily walks towards the doorway.  "Emily?"  "Yes." She turns towards Jean Paul.  "I know that Quito is innocent."  "So do I." Emily says then she leaves the room.  "I admire your trust in Quito." Cort says to Jean Paul.  "It's not a matter of trust. I know." Jean Paul says walking over to Cort.  "Well then I advise you to share your knowledge with the townspeople. He was seen roaming the streets last night. And between you and me he's not a very attractive wanderer."  "I would prefer if you said nothing about this anymore Cort." Jean Paul walks over to the fireplace, he turns facing Cort. "I will provide for Quito."  "In the typical Desmond generosity?"  "Your bitterness doesn't help anyone not even yourself. And I ask that you don't disturb your mother about this. She has been frightened enough."  Cort stands and walks in front of Jean Paul. "Because of your visit with Quito! Well don't bother about me Jean Paul." He puts his hand on Jean Paul's shoulder. Jean Paul looks at it. Cort jerks away then walks across the room he turns back to Jean Paul. "I don't blame Quito. After all he was only under orders." Cort turns and leaves the room.  "Cort!" Jean Paul shouts and rushes after him.  Cort heads for the staircase. He stops when Raxl walks by. "What a beautiful day Raxl. I'm going to make a tree." he tells her then rushes up the stairs.  Jean Paul stands watching Cort from the doorway of the Drawing Room. "Raxl come inside." After Raxl enters Jean Paul closes the door and follows her inside. "Is Quito in his room?"  "Yes Master."  "I've got to find a place to hide him. Where! Where?" Jean Paul says pacing through the room.  "Hide him? From whom?" Raxl asks.  "He is suspected of killing the girl."  "No he went out to find you, to save you."  "Now I've got to save him. The secret room, Raxl. We've got to hide him there so no one can get to him and then."  "And then what Master?"  "And then I shall go to the police."  In the foyer Cort carries a black paper mache tree. Hanging on it is the picture of Crystal from the newspaper. He sits it on a table.  Ada walks in. "Cort?"  "Yes mother."  Ada walks over to Cort and looks at his art project. "It's ugly."  "Everyone to his own tastes."  "Oh please take it away. What ever it is no one wants it here."  "I want it here as a memorial. Am I the only one in Desmond Hall that has any respect for the dead?" Cort asks his mother.  "We had nothing to do with that girl. Oh please I don't ever want to look at it. Will you take it away."  Cort picks up the tree. "If it upsets you mother. But I don't know why I should, after all you just said the girl didn't have anything to do with you and I. Although perhaps..."  "What are you trying to say to me?"  "Nothing mother." Cort says taking the tree and walking up the staircase.  Ada turns towards the staircase. "Cort"   "Yes mother?" Cort says with his back towards her.  Ada walks closer to the stairs. "Did Laslo? Did he know her?"  Cort looks at her. "Stepfather?"  "That's what you meant isn't it?"  "Your thoughts are your own." Cort answers.  "When ever you speak in riddles it's always against my husband."  "Your husband is not my father!"  "Did he know her!"  "Ask him!" Cort says as he rushes up the stairs.  "Cort! Why? Do you want to accuse Laslo of murder? Is that what you want?"  Cort stops at the top of the steps and looks down. "I accuse no one. I have not the authority nor the insight. You know me mother. I sulk around, I play the part of a sculptor. That's all, I'm useless otherwise. If my work offends , if I dig up skeletons that were buried for good don't blame me. And if you're troubled and you feel Desmond Hall seems threatened by skeletons which won't lie still look to yourself mother. I have a feeling you buried a few in your day." Cort turns and walks away.  "That's a lie. That's a lie. I never, I never." Ada says to herself as she starts to cry.
Jean Paul, Raxl and Quito enter Philip's secret room. "Now Quito you are to stay in this room and make no noise. Do you understand?" Jean Paul says to him. Quito nods. "Raxl will bring you food and drink. But no one else must know where you are until the danger has passed."  "Quito you must do exactly as the Master says." Raxl tells Quito.  Quito shakes his head no backing away from them."  "Quito!" Jean Paul walks to Quito putting his hand on Quito's shoulder. "Quito we will protect you. We must protect you. Listen you don't want these people chasing you again. You don't want people hounding you."  Quito curls one hand into a fist, then gripping it he twists.  "No! No Quito you must harm no one." Raxl says putting her hand over his fists. "That is why they are after you. Don't you understand? They think you killed."  Quito starts shaking his head no then looks at Jean Paul.  "Quito obey me for your own safety." Jean Paul says to him.  "Quito for your bed." Raxl says pointing at a cot.  "We won't be long." Jean Paul says handing Quito a candle. "Try to rest. You know we care for you don't you? We'll provide for you." Jean Paul walks to the entrance of the room. Quito nods his head.  "I will return too." Raxl says.  Jean Paul opens the doorway. "Good by Quito." Jean Paul and Raxl leave the room. Jean Paul closes the door.  Quito walks around the room. The candle blows out and Quito is left in darkness. The skeleton that is shackled to the wall has a ghostly blue light surrounding it. Quito relights the candle. Again it blows out. "Quito! Quito you are an animal! Or worse than an animal. I tell you leave escape. Or with the dead bones of my hands I will kill you." A voice calls out to Quito. It's coming from the skeleton.  In fear Quito looks around the room. Again he tries to light the candle. Not able to get it lit he picks up the candle and the holder. Turning he throws it at the skeleton. Laughter is heard through the room. "Do as I tell you. There are caves along the river under the cliffs. Go there and no one will harm you. Escape while you can. Escape!" the voice commands .  Quito runs to the doorway and pounds on it with his fists.
Ada is sitting in the Drawing Room looking into the flames of the fireplace. She hears the door open. "Laslo?" she calls out turning around on the couch.  "No. Were you wishing it were?" Cort asks as he walks into the room.  "No it's just that he has been at the lumber mill today and I wondered how work was progressing that's all."  "I destroyed that little paper mache tree that I made. I'm sorry."  "Come and sit with me. We'll watch the fire together and talk." Ada says to Cort.  "To much talk that's my major flaw." Cort says walking to the bookcase.  "How can you say that? We never talk you and I."  Cort picks out a book and turns to his mother. "You mean we never talk pleasantly."  Ada looks away from Cort. "Tell me, what did you mean about my secrets and my guilt?"  Cort doesn't answer.  "Cort?"  "What I meant was where are my father's bones? Do they lie at full fathom five?"  "I don't know where your father is. Or whether he's dead or alive."  "Don't you?" Cort asks her.  "He disappeared. He left me and left you."  "Why? Why mother? Why would a man leave a potential fortune without any reason? That is what I represent. That is my potential." Cort says sitting next to his mother.  "He didn't care about the Desmond money. He never cared."  "Then he must have been an amazing man my father. What if I told you that I know where he is and I had reached him."  "What are you saying?"   "That I know what happened to him and that he has only one desire. Revenge."  "Oh stop it. That's not possible! You couldn't, he..."  "Yes mother. Go on!" The phone rings. "Well I can't reach him he...!" Cort says.  "Telephone." Ada says to Cort.  "I'll answer it." Cort says angrily as he walks over to the phone. He picks it up and listens.  "Hello. Hello."  "Yes." Jean Paul answers.  "I want Jean Paul Desmond. Is he there?"  "This is Mr. Desmond."  "Cort, who is it?" Ada asks.  Cort signals her to be quiet as he listens.  "We want to see your servant. The one who doesn't talk."  "He's not here, he's gone."  "We don't think so."  "I tell you he is!" Jean Paul says.  "Then we will have to pay you a visit."  "Listen, who is this?" Jean Paul asks.  "Because we're going to get him Mr. Desmond, if I have to ransack your place to do it. You see he murdered my little girl." The man slams the phone down.  Jean Paul slowly lowers the phone. "Raxl!" he shouts.  Cort lowers the phone.  Ada stands. "Who was that? Who was calling?"  "Where's Quito?" Cort asks his mother.  "Cort I won't have you interfering." Ada says angrily.  "Have you seen Quito?" Cort asks.  "No not all afternoon."  Cort walks to the door and leans against it listening.  Jean Paul and Raxl are in the foyer. "Is Quito all right? Have you looked in on him?" Jean Paul asks.  "I'm sure he's safe Master. He does not know how to open the door."  "He's in more danger than I knew."  Cort walks around the door into the foyer. "Good evening cousin. Isn't it almost tea time? I'll wash up and be right down shortly." Cort says as he rushes up the staircase.  "Cort I want to talk to you. Cort!" Jean Paul shouts.  Emily walks into the foyer. "Jean Paul what is it?"  "Nothing. Nothing to be disturbed about." Jean Paul says to her. Ada stands in the doorway of the Drawing Room after hearing Jean Paul shout for Cort. "Well Raxl has just prepared tea. Ada, Emily would you join me." Jean Paul says walking into the Drawing Room.
In Philip's secret room the voice again talks to Quito. "The caves below the cliffs." Quito starts stumbling around the room. He starts smashing and destroying anything near him in anger and fear. Picking up a short sword Quito walks towards the skeleton. He raises it above his head as the door to the entrance opens. Turning with the sword in front of him a light shines upon him.  "Quito I thought I'd find you here. It's a nice hiding place don't you think?" Cort says holding a flashlight.  Quito drops the sword and walks towards Cort grabbing him and shoving him out of the way. Quito rushes from the room.  "Quito!" Cort calls to him. "Oh my." He looks around the room at the destruction Quito has caused. Turning he walks over to the skeleton and leans against the wall. "He was awfully excited wasn't he. Have you been up to your tricks again father?"
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 78