Strange Paradise:  Episode 60
Episode 60:  Slideshow
Elizabeth: "Night has fallen on the cursed Island of Maljardin and for the first time one of its unwilling guests is to be allowed to leave. But Erica the wife of the Master has been warned by the evil that possesses her that should anyone leave the Island she must return to the land of the dead."
Jacques and Erica call to Jean Paul.  "Erica?" Jean Paul walks into the Great Hall. "Erica are you all right?" Jean Paul asks walking to her side.  "Yes, my darling. I was just looking at the portrait."  "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes." Jean Paul says turning away from Erica and the portrait. "I'm familiar with it."  Erica turns to Jean Paul. "Darling look at the eyes. They are so much like yours. Jean Paul look please." Erica walks over to him laying her hand against his shoulder.  "No. It reminds me of too many things, things that are best forgotten."  Erica walks in front of him. "Must you refuse me again today? Do I mean so little to you now?" Erica asks as she puts her hands on his shoulders.  "Of course not darling. But there are things you don't understand. Things that you must not ask of me."  "Jean Paul look at me." Jacques says to him.  "Erica I dare not. No. Help me! Somebody help me!" Jean Paul shouts pulling away from Erica. He tries to fight Jacques influence. Looking up he sees Elizabeth and Tim on the staircase. "There are the others. It must be time for dinner. Raxl must have called them early." Jean Paul says then walks away and leans on the staircase railing.  Erica walks up to Jacques portrait. "Before anyone leaves the Island , he must be under my power. Or you will vanish from Maljardin Erica. You will cease to exist."
Jean Paul stands at his bedroom window when Erica walks in. "Jean Paul, what's wrong? You were so quiet at dinner and now you've shut yourself in here in the dark." Erica says as she walks over to him.  Jean Paul looks at Erica. "There is something troubling me that I have to think about."  "Oh my darling, let me soothe away your problems." Erica says leaning against him with her hands on his shoulders. "You have nothing to worry about, you know what you must do."  "Erica you don't understand. I have to fight this influence, this strange feeling." Jean Paul says to Erica.  "But you are the Master of Maljardin."  "No Erica!" he cries out.  "What you do is right." Erica says to him.  "No, darling no." Jean Paul pulls away from her and sits down. "I must arm myself against this. I must not give in."   Erica walks to his side. "Jean Paul why do you fight me?"  "I'm not, but I must have time to think. Dearest forgive me please. I must be alone. I must have time to think." Jean Paul says with his back to her.  "But there is no time. I will wait for you in the Great Hall. And you will come to me. You know you will, you have no choice." Erica tells him then leaves the room.  "But Erica you don't know what can happen." he says looking at the closed door. Chimes ring through the room. Jean Paul stands and looks around. Erica's voice comes to him throughout the room. "You will not refuse me again. You will not refuse me again Jean Paul." Jean Paul walks across the bedroom, he stops at the bookcase. He opens and enters his secret room. Pushing a button a compartment opens and he takes out the conjure doll and silver pin. Raising the pin he slashes downward but stops before piercing the doll. Carrying the doll and pin from the secret room he closes the bookcase.   "Come to me." He hears Erica's voice. "Come to me Jean Paul." Jean Paul hides the doll and pin inside his suit jacket then leaves the room.
In the Great Hall Erica stands next to Jacques portrait, she faces the staircase. "Will he come?"  "Yes you have no idea how strong we are." says Jacques.  "Then why is he still fighting you.?" she asks turning towards Jacques portrait.  "Because he knows our strength. Call him Erica."  "He mustn't suspect me. I couldn't bear it."  "He will not learn the truth until we possess him. Now call him again Erica."  Erica turns towards the staircase. "Come to me. Come to me." Erica calls Jean Paul then looks at Jacques. "He resists, there are other powers here."  "If he does not come you are no longer any use to us."  "Don't say that." She turns back to the staircase. "Please Jean Paul come to me."  Jean Paul slowly walks down the staircase. He walks to her side.   "Oh my darling. Why have you been so long?"  "Has it been long?" Jean Paul asks.  "I have been so alone in the dark country to be at peace if we were ever separated now."  "Why are you standing in front of that portrait?" Jean Paul asks.  "Perhaps because he reminds me of you. Why do you shudder dearest. Your ancestor was a brave and bold man."  "Who sold himself to the devil!"  "For power. Jean Paul you did it for love. What woman could resist that?" Erica says grasping him by the shoulders and turning him towards Jacques portrait. "Now look into the eyes. Don't be afraid." Erica says as Jean Paul tries to turn away. "It's just a square of canvas, a face as familiar as your own when you look in the mirror."  "Jean Paul why do you fight me?" Jacques asks him.  Jean Paul pulls away and turns his back to Jacques. "No! Not this time! It must not continue. You must not use Erica to trick me!"  "Look at me! Jacques commands him.  "Very well. If you insist!" Jean Paul spins around and draws out the doll and pin. "Now Jacques Eloi Des Mondes face your destiny!" Jean Paul says raising his arm holding the silver pin.  Erica rushes into his arms and kisses him. Jean Paul drops the doll and pin to the floor. He pulls back with a smile. "Thank you my darling. How pleasant to kiss a beautiful woman after three hundred years." Jacques portrait is blank. Jacques kisses Erica.  "Will you help me now." Erica asks him.  Jacques nods. "Yes my darling. It will be much easier without Jean Paul’s tiresome scruples.' Jacques says running his hand over Erica's face.  "When you take Jean Paul over like this what happens to him for this time?"  "He stands motionless in time . He's never taken you to the Great House at Fort Desmond has he?"  Erica shakes her head no.  "There's a room there with a clock that's been a part of the family for even longer than Maljardin. Only the men of the family know the clock and the secret of it. How to move time forward, backward or to stop it completely."  Erica looks at him. "Will he hate me when he comes out of this? Will he know me for what I am?"  "There is no one on this Island strong enough to fight us.. Raxl's powers are already on the wane. She can only act as a woman now. As she did when she tried to interrupt us before dinner."  "And Holly?"  "You must possess her quickly. She is the dangerous element we have to face. She is an unknown."  "then summon her. And get it over quickly." Erica says to him.  "I cannot. Not tonight. There is something that protects her. Something that is a threat to you. It is the artist." says Jacques.  "Tim. Oh he is leaving the Island. Jean Paul has given him permission. Quito is going to take him to the Mainland. And then he will be no threat."  Jacques turns away. "No no, no, no! He must be stopped. Think! There must be a way to delay him."  "Delay him, for what?" Erica asks.  Jacques smiles and walks up to Erica. "So he may die."  Erica turns away upset.  Jacques holds her by the shoulders. "Oh so sensitive my lovely Erica. That's the price you have to pay. You have been given a second life."  "So have you." Erica says looking up at him.  "Only mine is secure. And yours will end if you allow anyone to leave this Island before possessing Holly."  A door closes from upstairs. "Be quiet, he is coming." Jacques whispers to Erica. "Now remember you must only think of me as Jean Paul, not Jacques Jean Paul."  Tim rushes down the staircase carrying his jacket. "Excuse me have you seen Quito?" Tim asks.  "I. I..." Erica says.  "Yes he is in the boathouse waiting for you. When you are ready." Jacques tells him as he walks to the table to pour himself a drink.  "Just like that? You mean I can just walk down there and Quito will take me over to the Mainland?" Tim asks after he steps off the staircase and walks over to Jacques. "Jean Paul I have to tell you I am going to stay at the cafe until Holly and her mother join me."  Jacques glances at him then away. "You may have a long wait."  "They want to stay here." Erica says to Tim.  "Oh no they don't. Holly's mother wants to leave and Holly would to, except she's under your influence."  "Influence? Oh my dear fellow you speak as if Erica and I were hypnotists." Jacques says to him.  Tim shakes his head. "I don't know what you are. I want Holly and her mother off this Island as soon as possible. Well you can always say the reunited lovers want to be alone."  "And if we don't." Erica says.  "The name Jean Paul Desmond is not unknown. I don't think there is a magazine or newspaper that wouldn't be interested in knowing what happened on this Island." Tim says to them.  "That sounds suspiciously like blackmail to me. What ever happened to the grateful young artist?" Jacques asks.  "He grew up." Tim says turning away. He looks down. "What's that?" The conjure doll and silver pin are on the floor.  Erica picks them up. "It's an Island custom, a voodoo doll. You can have it if you wish." Erica says handing him the doll. "But I shall keep the pin. They should never be together. Are you ready to go?"  "Yes but first I'll say goodbye to Holly's mother." Tim says then rushes up the staircase.  Erica walks in front of Jacques. "Now?"  Jacques walks around her. "You must detain him my lovely Erica. You see there are powers higher than ours and permission must be given. Even for his death. Follow him."  Erica doesn't move.  "Now!" Jacques commands. Erica walks up the staircase.
Tim is in Jean Paul and Erica's bedroom to collect his supplies. He lifts the cover from Erica's portrait.  "Hardly a painting a woman would want facing the man she loves You admit that." Eric says to him as she comes into the room.  "I'll be out of here in a few minutes. I just got to get my things."  Erica closes the door. "Not quite. You did a sketch of Holly once. Don't you want that?"  Tim looks away.  "Oh you thought you lost it. You didn't, Jean Paul decided to put it in his secret room. And I'm enough of a jealous wife to want it off the Island also." Erica tells him then walks to Jean Paul's bookcase. She opens the door to the secret room. "It's in there somewhere. Please take it."  Tim stands and stares at her.  "You do want a picture of Holly don't you?"  Tim steps forward then stops. Jacques is standing at the back of the room watching him. Tim walks into the secret room. Erica closes the bookcase and locks Tim in. She turns and looks at Jacques. "It's done, now it's up to you.  Jacques stands with a smile  Tim pushes against the wall. "Erica, Erica! Erica!" he shouts "Erica let me out!" He starts flipping switches. "Let me out! Let me out!"  Erica and Jacques stand and look at each other. Jacques smiles. They can hear Tim pounding and shouting from behind the bookcase. "Permission has been given. It can be done." Jacques says to Erica. "Here me, Jean Paul Desmond will not call for you but I Jacques who controls his body. I call for you."  Erica walks towards the bedroom door.
"Where are you going?" Jacques asks her.  "I want to get out of here. I'm afraid."  "You are beyond fear now. You are one of us. Remember that. And remember your great love made Jean Paul call you back at any price. And you were eager to return at any price. Well now the price must be paid." Jacques says walking towards Erica and lifting her chin to look at him. Releasing her he turns away and lifts his hands palms up. "I invite the Mark of Death. I invite the first murderer on this planet to touch me, to give me strength." Jacques hands clench into fists as the heartbeat is heard in the room. He stumbles towards the bookcase, pushing the button that opens the entrance for the secret room.   Tim turns as Jacques enters the room. "Jean Paul, no!" Tim cries out.  "I regret Timothy it seems Erica has trapped you." Jacques says reaching for Tim's throat.
 Erica is standing in the bedroom listening and looking at the entrance to the secret room when there is a knock on the bedroom door. "Who is it?"  "Elizabeth, may I come in?"  Erica looks at the open bookcase. "What do you want?"  "I must see you. It's important."  "Just a minute." Erica says then walks over to the bookcase and closes it. She walks across the room and opens the bedroom door.  Elizabeth walks in. "I'm sorry to disturb you."  "It's late. Couldn't it wait until morning?" Erica asks.  "I'm afraid it can't." Elizabeth says turning towards her. "Erica you look so strange as if you are listening to something."  "What nonsense. What's wrong?"  "I can't find Tim. He's not in his room. He's not downstairs. Holly says she hasn't seen him."  Erica takes a deep breath. "Tim has left the Island."  "Already? But he promised to say goodbye first. I guess I shouldn't have expected him to." Elizabeth looks across the room. "Jean Paul's library. Perhaps I can find something dull enough to put me to sleep." She says walking to the bookcase.  "Stay away from there!" Erica says following Elizabeth.  "Erica is something the matter?"  "Nothing, I'm just tired." Erica says walking to the bed and sitting on the edge of it. "I need to be alone."  Elizabeth walks across the room. "Sorry." she says stepping away then looks down. "Look, Tim's palette knife." she says picking it up. "I remember he told me once it was a good luck charm. I can't imagine him leaving the Island without it." She looks at Erica.  "Yes?" Erica asks.  "Nothing." Elizabeth says turning away from Erica with the knife. "Sorry I disturbed you."  Erica stands and walks behind her. "That's all right. Sleep well."  Elizabeth looks at Erica. "I will." Elizabeth walks out the door.  Erica closes and locks the door.
She walks back to the bookcase as Jacques steps out. "Is it done?"  "You know it is done. I bear the mark." On his hand is the Mark of Death.  "You're safe. She thinks Tim has left. and Quito can't speak, no one will ever know." Erica tells Jacques.  Jacques walks towards her. "And the body?"  "Leave it in there." Erica says.  Jacques laughs. "Jean Paul must return to this body. He has made a bargain only we have cheated him. You are not the gentle loving Erica he expected."  "I'll show you how loving and gentle I can be." She puts her arms around him and kisses him.  Jean Paul jerks back away from Erica. He pulls away from her. "What happened? I was downstairs. I, wait a minute...then I followed you. I followed...What's happened!" he asks turning towards Erica.  Erica looks over at the secret room.  Jean Paul walks to the doorway. He sees Tim laying on the floor, turning away he looks at Erica, "Oh my God!"  "Your God is now the Mark of Death." Erica says turning away. "Look at your hand."  Looking at his hand he sees the Mark of Death. Erica smiles. "I can't have done this! I can't!" The mark fades as he closes his fist. "They were right! All of them! I have brought back evil!" Jean Paul says looking at Erica.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 61