Strange Paradise:  Episode 61
Episode 61:  Slideshow
Alison: "Night on the doomed Island of Maljardin. The winds that howl around the Great House seems to mock Jean Paul, Master of the Island. For he struggles against the evil which yearns to possess him has failed. And now as that evil departs him he finds himself face to face with the woman who has betrayed him. Erica the wife he has summoned back from the dead."
"You have brought back what you wanted. You have brought back your wife." Erica tells him.  "To murder, to destroy. That's not my Erica. She would never do a thing like that!"  "None of this is what we wanted. But you defied all life when you tried to recall me. And I defied all death to come back to you."  "I wanted her as she was, not a killer!" Jean Paul says angrily.  "Then help me Jean Paul." Erica says clutching the front of Jean Paul's jacket. "Maybe we can free ourselves, if we just have a little time."  "And Tim's body?" asks Jean Paul.  "The others think he has left the Island. Perhaps if we hide the body." Erica says to him.  Jean Paul pulls away from Erica turning his back to her.  "Jean Paul don't turn away from me. I didn't want it this way. But the demon in the portrait that is the one you should hate."  Jean Paul turns towards Erica. "He is also the one I should fight." He hold up the conjure doll. "Before the others find out and our secret is known to the world. Give me the pin Erica!" 
Alison is working in the lab. After lighting the bunson burner she picks up Doctor Menkin's notes. She hold them over the flame when there is a knock on the door. She puts them back in the folder. "Come in."  Holly enters the lab.  "Holly what are you doing up at this hour?"  "I couldn't sleep and there was something ..." Holly sees the flame as she walks towards Alison. "I thought Erica forbade fire in this house?"  "Oh I think she would approve of this one. I've just been going over some of Doctor Menkin's notes about the returning dead. And if I understand what I'm reading, I think Erica would prefer to have these destroyed."  "You don't like her very much do you? Did you ever?" Holly asks.  "I've always loved her. We were very close as sisters." Alison tells Holly.  "You talk as if she were still dead."  Alison shakes her head. "I don't know what she is. Holly perhaps you better go back to bed."  "Not yet. Doctor Carr do you recognize this?" Holly asks holding Tim's palette knife.  "No. Yes I do. That's Tim's palette knife isn't it?" Alison says taking it from Holly's hand. "How did you get it?" she asks handing it back to Holly.  "My mother gave it to me just a few minutes ago. She said she found it in Erica's room. And that Erica was behaving strangely about it."  "But why. That's where he was painting her portrait. Why shouldn't it be there?" Alison asks.  "Well Tim was supposed to have left the Island. He was supposed to go right after dinner. But he never came to say goodbye to anyone, not even me. Well I was wondering if you knew where he was?" Holly asks.  "No. I came to the lab right after dinner. Perhaps he just forgot it." Alison says to her.  "No he wouldn't, it's his good luck charm."  "Holly if you are worried about Tim why don't you speak to Jean Paul. Either he or Quito must have taken him over to the Mainland."  "If he went. I'm afraid to ask Jean Paul. Something in him has changed."
Jean Paul holds Erica's hand as they walk down the staircase to the Great Hall. In his other hand he carries the conjure doll. Jean Paul leads her towards Jacques portrait. Erica stops.  "Well come Erica we mustn't hesitate now."  "The fire." Erica says looking at the fireplace.  "It can't harm you now."  "There are to be no more fires at Maljardin. Who has lit it?" Erica asks.  "Raxl probably. There's nothing to be afraid of."  "She hates me. She would destroy me!" Erica cries out in fear.  Jean Paul puts his arm around Erica. "Darling nothing will harm you now. We will get rid of this evil influence once and for all. Then for the rest of our lives nothing will stop us from loving one another." Jean Paul says kissing Erica on the side of her forehead.  Jacques laughs. Erica and Jean Paul walk up to Jacques portrait. "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes." Jean Paul call out.  "I hear you my descendant."  "You are the source of evil in this house. From the very beginning you have brought disaster to your Island and to your family." Jean Paul says to him.  "Well you asked for the impossible and it was granted to you. You did not ask by which means it would be achieved."  "I wanted my wife back. My wife! Not a helpless puppet for the purpose of murder!"  "Ah but Erica is not helpless. Are you my dear?"  "This is useless Jean Paul." Erica says looking at Jean Paul.  "No we are not beaten yet." Jean Paul says.  "Do you really think you can resist? We made a pact and it will be kept." Jacques says to Jean Paul.  "I asked for my wife back. You asked for a chance to come back to earth through me. I have obeyed! You have brought murder into this house."  "Have I not returned Erica?"  "Doomed to be your accomplice forever. No that is not my Erica!"  "You were warned when you called forth my soul from the depth of darkness."  "And I shall return it there forever." Jean Paul looks at Erica. "Erica give me the pin."  Jacques laughs at Jean Paul. "You don't dare."  "I will dare anything. You should know me by now. " He looks at Erica. "Erica we shall do this together. Give me the pin of death." he says holding out his hand.  Erica grabs Jean Paul's hand and puts her other hand on his shoulder, she pushes him back. "Jean Paul please I'm afraid. Just a little more time. Another few days it will be all right, I can feel it."  "The pin Erica."  "I'm afraid to betray him." she says looking up at Jean Paul.  "Darling it is our only salvation. I want the pin. If I have to take by force I will if I have to." Jean Paul says angrily.   She hands him the pin. "Jean Paul you swore you loved me."  "I do! I have sworn with my soul. Now we must destroy this force of evil that is attempting to destroy you. It must be done!"  Erica steps away from Jean Paul. "Perhaps. Perhaps it's already done." Erica says touching Jacques portrait. "The portrait is just as it's always been.. Perhaps our wish was enough." Erica says looking at Jean Paul.  Jacques starts to laugh. "Oh no my Erica, nothing is quite that simple in our world. I merely chose to listen to see where your loyalties lay."  "With me! Say it Erica." Jean Paul says.  "I obey my husband. It is not my responsibility to protect the other world."  Jacques laughs. "I hear and I understand."  "Then prepare to go back to your eternity of darkness! Return forever Jacques Eloi Des Mondes!" Jean Paul tells him. Jacques laughs at him. "Go back! You Satan of darkness return forever away from Maljardin!" Jean Paul shouts as he shoves the pin through the doll's temple.  Jacques again laughs at Jean Paul. "You do not understand Jean Paul. You are not the Master here, not any longer. I am protected by the one you dare not name." On his portrait the Mark of Death appears.  "No!" Jean Paul shouts fighting Jacques influence. "You will not possess me!" Jean Paul shouts as he throws the doll into the flames of the fireplace.  Erica screams. "Jean Paul take it away! Quickly!" Erica cries out to him. "Take it Jean Paul! Take it quickly!"  "Erica!" Jean Paul says rushing to her.  "It's burning. Quickly it's burning me you fool!"  Jean Paul grabs a fireplace poker and pulls the doll from the fireplace. He puts out the fire that is burning the doll and turns and holds Erica. "It's over, you're safe."  Erica covers her face with her hands. "Fire." she says weakly.  "You want the fire out?" Jean Paul asks.  "Put it out, quickly!" she shouts.  Jean Paul grabs a pitcher of water and pours it over the fire in the fireplace. Placing the empty pitcher on the fireplace mantel he quickly walks back to Erica putting his arms around her. "There darling it's all right. It's over."  Erica is leaning on a table next to the fireplace. "You won't let anybody light that fire again will you?" she asks weakly.  "Of course not."  "Fire destroys. I don't want to be destroyed."  Jean Paul brushes Erica's hair back to comfort her. "Erica it's just a voodoo doll. I thought that since it has no power over Jacques."  "It has powers." Erica says standing up and walking a few steps away from Jean Paul. "Jean Paul you must be careful. There are things you don't know. Terrible things, secrets that must never be revealed. That I learned when..."  "Learned?" Jean Paul asks walking behind Erica. "You learned when you were in the beyond? I thought I heard you say you remembered nothing of that time!"  "No. No I swear nothing. But sometimes dreams come back."  "Of course. Now I want you to tell me the truth. All of it! Do you understand Erica?"  Erica looks up at Jean Paul, then lowers her head. 
Holly is in the lab talking to Alison. "All if a sudden it's so quiet. Do you feel it? Dark silence."  "It's almost dawn. It will be light soon." Alison says to Holly.  "Maybe they are all dead. Maybe we are the only two left on the Island." Holly says staring straight ahead.  Alison stands and walks over to Holly. "Holly stop it." She grabs Holly and shakes her.  Holly looks at her. "I'm all right now. It was only for a ..." Holly smiles. "We're safe now. Someone’s coming. Quito." They hear a sound and turn towards the door. Quito enters. Holly walks over to him. "Quito? Have you come to help us? You would help me?" Holly asks. Quito nods. "Tim the young artist, did you take him to the Mainland tonight?" Quito shakes his head no. "Did the Master? Did Jean Paul take him?" Again Quito shakes his head no. "Then where is he?" Quito doesn't answer. "I'm afraid for him. Quito do you know?" Quito shakes his head. Holly rushes over to the lab table and grabs Tim's palette knife. :Here, Tim's knife. Take it." Quito holds it in his hand. "Do you feel anything from it?" Quito runs his hand over the top. "Do you? Will it take you to Tim?" Quito rubs harder on the knife and leaves the lab with it. Holly stumbles back to Alison, she puts her hand to her head.  "How did you know it would work?" Alison asks.  Lowering her hand Holly smiles. "It hasn't yet."  "But how did you know Quito would do as you asked him?" Alison asks walking behind Holly. "How did you know he was even coming to this room?"  "I can't tell you Doctor Carr. It's like when you see something out of the corner of your eye. You knew you couldn't have seen it and yet you know it's there. I know something else. I know that this is the darkest hour in Jean Paul’s life."
Jean Paul stares at Erica. "You. You killed them all!"  "It had to be." Erica says to him.  "Dan, Matt and now Tim."  "Tim? Oh no my darling that was you."  "Through his influence!" Jean Paul shout pointing at Jacques portrait. Erica smiles as Jean Paul turns back towards her. "And yours."  "Mine? It was necessary." Erica says walking in front of Jean Paul.  "But why?" Jean Paul asks.  Erica turns to him. "It was necessary to sustain me until I can capture the perfect one."  "Hasn't enough been done?"  "No, not until I possess Holly. Body and soul." Erica tells him.  "I will not let you kill that girl!"  "Oh but you must. The others were only to help me survive until I could possess her forever."  "Holly made no pact with the dark powers. I did. I deserve my punishment."  "And you shall have it. But there's no strength in possessing by force." Erica says putting her arms around Jean Paul's neck. "I must take her willingly. And you must help me."  "No." Jean Paul says trying to turn away from Erica.  "Oh yes, as you've helped me all these weeks by keeping the others here for me." she says running her hand through Jean Paul's hair. "To influence, to drain until little by little Holly comes to accept me."  "But why this girl?"  "Because she's the youngest. Through her I can have the longest life. And if you love me you will help me."  Jean Paul tries fighting against Erica looking away from her. "No."  "You must." Erica says releasing Jean Paul and turning away from him. "My time of waiting has dwindled. I must have her. The girl she must die. Oh don't worry Jean Paul nothing will harm you. I have destroyed Vangie’s influence and Raxl’s. There are no powers left to stop me."
Quito carries Tim's knife into Jean Paul and Erica's bedroom. He walks to the bookcase and opens the secret opening. He walks in and looks down at Tim's body. He covers his mouth with his fingers as he bends down to look closer at Tim. He reaches to hold Tim's head then lowers it.
Jean Paul sits in a chair with his head bowed in misery. Erica stands next to him with her hand on his shoulder. Jean Paul raises his head. "There will be no more deaths on Maljardin."  "There must be or they will take me back with them. Back to the land of the dead." Erica says kneeling on the floor next to Jean Paul. "Darling you must help me. You love me." Erica says to him.  "No!" Jean Paul says angrily getting up from the chair.  "Don't hate me Jean Paul. We paid too dearly for our love to let go now."  Jean Paul turns and looks at her. "I must have time to think. I must be alone." Jean Paul says as he walks out the door to the outside. "It's almost dawn." He laughs. "Who would allow another day on this cursed Island." He walks away.  Erica looks at the empty doorway. "You coward! Well while you think I will act. Perhaps I can do it alone."
Quito places Tim's body in Jean Paul and Erica’s bed, he pulls the blanket over Tim's body.   Holly walks in. "Quito, what are you doing here? Did you find Tim?" she asks walking up to Quito.  Quito nods and turns to the bed.  Holly rushes over to the bed and pulls the blanket back. "He's dead. Quito I didn't want you to kill him. I thought you understood I wanted you to protect him!" Holly cries out to him.  Quito shakes his head.  "Holly what's wrong?" Erica asks walking through the doorway.  "Quito, he's brought Tim here. Tim's dead." Holly says rushing to Erica.  "Quito! I thought he was supposed to take him off the Island." Erica says to Holly.  "I don't know! I don't understand anything anymore! I thought Quito would protect him! I thought he was without harm!"  "There, there darling. I'll protect you. I'm not afraid of Quito." Erica says putting her arms around Holly's shoulders. "I'll protect you."  "Why would he do it? Why would Quito kill Tim? Why would anyone kill him? Tim wouldn't hurt anybody."  "These people have strange reasons. Now you come with me . I'll take you to Jean Paul. He's out on the cliffs, we can watch the dawn there. Magic happens when the dawn comes and takes the darkness of this night. And you will come with me. And you will make me safe, you'll do that won't you Holly?" Erica asks touching Holly's face. "And I'll protect you from Quito." She starts leading Holly from the bedroom.  Quito steps around them and blocks the doorway. He turns the knife towards Erica.  "Stand back you monster, you have no power here." Erica says to Quito.  Quito tries to hand the knife to Holly.  "You cannot kill her, I forbid it." says Erica.  "No, he's not threatening me." Holly says to Erica.  Quito walks to Tim's body and uncovers it.  "He's trying to tell us something." Holly says looking at Tim. Holly climbs onto the bed to take a good look at Tim.  "You are a servant of Maljardin. Leave us alone." Erica says to Quito.  "Tim has not been stabbed. He's been strangled."  "Well we must tell Jean Paul immediately. Come here." Erica says holding out her hand.
"No you tell Jean Paul. I think I should stay here."  Quito reaches down and covers Tim's body as Erica leaves the room.  "Who would do such a thing Quito? Who?" 
Jean Paul stands in the Great Hall next to Jacques portrait with his head bowed as Erica walks into the room. He jerks his head up and walks towards the staircase. "Where have you been? With Holly!"  "Don't worry, Quito chose to interfere. Only you can stop him and you must as his Master."  Jean Paul turns away in relief.  "You are under the Mark of Death and even without your will they can take you over and make you murder. There is no way out my husband."  Jean Paul turns and looks up at her.  "We are in this forever." Erica and Jacques laugh at Jean Paul.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 62