Strange Paradise:  Episode 57
Episode 57:  Slideshow
Matt: "Midnight, Maljardin an Island governed by evil. Here a woman and a portrait face each other. Lovely Erica consort to the demon within the portrait implores his help for only he the haunted spirit of Jacques Eloi Des Mondes can prevent her from being thrust back into the world of eternal silence."
Erica stands in front of Jacques portrait. "Erica, frightened Erica. The man of God must die." says Jacques.  "How, How?" Erica asks . Not receiving an answer she walks over to a chair and looks back at Jacques portrait.  "Erica, what are you doing?" Jean Paul asks. He is standing on the staircase.  "Looking at the portrait." replies Erica.  Jean Paul comes down the staircase, he walks to Erica. "Well I waited and you were gone."  "I couldn't sleep. I can't get over how happy I am being reunited with you." Erica says putting her arms around Jean Paul.  Jean Paul kisses her. He looks up at Jacques portrait. "I hate that portrait. I want it removed."  "You would be doing violence to your family history. Nothing should be changed at Maljardin. I was so happy when I came back and saw everything just as it was." Erica tells him.   Holding Erica in his arms, Jean Paul glances up at Jacques portrait. "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes was a wicked man my dear."  "That portrait intrigues me."  Releasing Erica Jean Paul walks away from her. "It mustn't. I will have Quito take it down in the morning." Jean Paul says with his back to the portrait.  Erica walks up to him. "Please Jean Paul." She puts his hands around his shoulders. "Do you know why I like it? Because it looks like you. But not as warm and understanding as you. But it does look like you. And I love you so."  Jean Paul smiles and turns to Erica. He takes her in his arms and kisses her.
The next morning Erica walks down the staircase. She glances at Jacques portrait.  "Good morning."  Erica turns around. "Good morning Holly."   "You look lovely this morning." Holly says as she walks to the staircase to meet Erica at the bottom.  "Why thank you. Did you sleep well last night?" Erica asks.  "I kept having the same dream over and over. Someone was calling to me."  "Oh, who was calling to you?"  "It wasn't a voice really but it was kind and gentle like you are." Holly says to Erica.  "Well, there they are. My two lovely roses, fresh as the morning air." says Jean Paul walking down the staircase. He stands next to them at the bottom of the staircase.  "Good morning Jean Paul." Holly says smiling.  Jean Paul kisses Erica, then gives Holly a kiss on the side of her cheek.  "Don't let his flattery turn your head my dear. He turned mine before we were married and I've never been the same since." Erica says looking at Jean Paul as he holds her hand. "I'm terribly spoiled."  Jean Paul nods his head . "And ravishing. Holly hasn't she a special radiance this morning?"  "Yes." says Holly.  "And she won't grant me my only request. To sit for her portrait which Tim wants to paint very badly." Jean Paul says.  "Oh Erica, why not?" Holly asks.  "Oh it's so terribly vain and I'm quite vain enough." Erica says as she moves away from Jean Paul and walks next to Holly.  "But it's not vanity at all. And I would love to see the way Tim would paint you. He's very good."  "I'm sure he is dear, but it's final. No portrait."  "Why?" Elizabeth asks. She's standing next to a chair across from Erica and Holly.  Erica turns and walks over to her. "It's like I said, my vanity."  "Nonsense, all the Desmond’s have had their portraits painted. Why not you? What are you afraid of?" Elizabeth asks her.  "Afraid. I'm not afraid." Erica says to her.  "I think you are."  "Enough of this Elizabeth." Jean Paul says as he walks over to Erica. "Now why should Erica be afraid?"  "Ask Erica. For some mysterious reason Mrs. Desmond is afraid to see herself on canvas."  "Afraid, I am not afraid. Jean Paul I will pose." Erica says as she puts her hand on his shoulder. "You will have your portrait. Tell Tim he can start this afternoon."  Jean Paul takes Erica in his arms. "Thank you darling."  Erica looks at Elizabeth. "I do not take challenges lightly."  "Neither do I." Elizabeth says to her. "And when I am challenged I usually win." The two woman stand and look at each other.
Matt is working on the books on demons, he rubs his eyes tiredly.  Raxl walks in. "I see you didn't heed my warning."  "What time is it?"  "Afternoon."  "Afternoon?" Matt says tiredly.  "You are a very foolish man. To study the secrets of evil is not safe. Not for a man of God."  "The purpose of my studies is to know how to do good," Matt tells her.  "Do as you will." Raxl says then turns to leave.  "Raxl, is Erica Desmond evil?"  "I will not speak against my Mistress."  "I will speak of her." Matt says standing and walking over to Raxl. "Since her appearance two people have died violently. It can not happen again."  "Can you prevent it Reverend?" Raxl asks turning towards him.  "I can try exorcism." Matt says. Raxl looks away from him. "It isn't magic. It's a ceremony that's been performed for centuries in the church. To confront evil and command it to leave someone’s soul."  "And you will give the command to the soul of Madam Desmond?"  "I'll try." Matt replies.
Erica sits in a chair posing for Tim as he works on the sketch for the portrait. Tim angrily tears it off the easel, crumbles it in his hand then throws it down.  "You don't like what you've done?" Erica asks.  "No, no it's wrong. Can't seem to capture what I see."  "Perhaps the problem is not in your pencil but in your eyes." Erica says to him.  "Look, let's try again okay. But just don't move please."  Erica tries to hold the pose while talking. "I must say I do find it difficult to be in the presence of a bright young man and not be able to converse with him."  "Please don't move." Tim tells her.  "May I ask one question?" Erica says to him.  "What?"  "Have you seen the Reverend today?"  "Matt?" Tim asks.  "Matt, I've been looking for him since noon."   Tim looks up at her.  "Why are you looking at me that way?" Erica asks.  Tim stares at her not answering.  "I like him. I like to talk with him. I find him a very interesting man."  "Interesting?" Tim asks.  "Don't you?"  "He's anxious and distressed if that is what you mean." Tim tells her.  "Distressed?" Erica asks.  "Ever since he came to Maljardin."  "Oh how come?" Erica asks.  "I don't know. Why don't you ask him." says Tim.  "I will."  Tim is working on another sketch. "I'm tired. I want to rest." Erica says standing up and stretching. She walks to the window. "How was the attempt this time?" she asks looking back at Tim.  "I don't know." Tim says standing back and looking at the sketch.  Jean Paul walks into the room. "Well, how's it going?" he asks walking to Erica.  Erica turns to him. "I'm tired, bored and all aches." She reaches up to Jean Paul as he kisses her.  "Oh darling be patient." Jean Paul says as he pulls away from Erica and walks over to Tim. "Let's see it." Jean Paul says. He looks at the sketch then tears it off of the easel. "What is this?" Jean Paul asks looking at the sketch.  "My drawing." Tim tells him.  "It is ugly. It isn't Erica at all." Jean Paul says to Tim.  "Well, I'm sorry." Tim says.  Erica walks over to Jean Paul. "Let me see."  "No." he tells Erica then looks at Tim. "Is this some sort of joke?"  "Look, I said I'm sorry. We tried several times but something seems to be interfering." Tim tells Jean Paul.  "All right. No more. No more today." Jean Paul says angrily.  "I want to look at myself." Erica says to Jean Paul.  "I said no."  "I want to see it." Erica demands.  "I said no Erica!"   "Show it to me!" Erica pulls it from Jean Paul's hands. "I want to know how I appear in the eyes of this young man." Erica says looking at Tim.  "Erica!" Jean Paul calls to her.  Erica looks at the sketch then looks at Tim angrily. Tim stares at her. "Is that how you see me?"  "No." Tim answers.  "Well what's this? Are you playing some kind of joke?" Jean Paul asks.  "No I don't know what happened. I tried to sketch it just the way you are but I couldn't control my hand. Something seemed to be forcing me."  "Perhaps it's a lack of artistic technique. You'll never be much of an artist Tim if you do to your customers what you've done to me." Erica says as she tears up the sketch.  "No Erica, Tim is a very fine artist. I have seen his work." Jean Paul tells her.  "So have I." Erica says as she hands Tim the torn sketch, then turns away.  "I'm sorry if I've insulted you. Perhaps I should leave." Tim says.  "No I don't think so."  "Erica? Erica I promised the others I would speak to you." Tim says walking over to Erica. "We want to be free to go."  "Why I'm offended by all this talk about freedom." Erica says to him.   "Tim, I would rather we discuss this privately." Jean Paul says walking over to Erica. "It upsets my wife."  "But isn't Erica the one who insists that we stay?"  "Oh Tim, please, please try to understand. I've been away, alone. I feel as if I've been completely forgotten." Erica says.  "Oh darling you have never ever been forgotten." says Jean Paul.  "But it feels that way. Oh Tim I need people around me. Life and friendship for a time."  "For how long a time?" Tim asks.” Until she has recovered and can be herself. Tim, look I suggest that you relax." Jean Paul says putting his arm around Tim's shoulders and walking him across the room. "Until the talented artist that I hired to do this portrait can face the easel and try again." Jean Paul stops walking and drops his arm from Tim's shoulder.  "I don't want him to try again." says Erica.  Jean Paul turns to Erica "I insist darling."  "Well as long as he promises not to paint me ugly and evil again." Erica walks to Jean Paul and leans into his arms.  "When I finish the portrait am I free to leave Maljardin?" Tim asks.  "Yes." Jean Paul says to him then looks at Erica. "Erica?"  "Yes if you finish the portrait to my satisfaction. And Tim I don't think you should say anything about this to anyone else. Well it could do you harm for your future."  "I'll say nothing." Tim tells her.  "Good then destroy that and pretend this never happened." Erica tells him.  "Thank you Mrs. Desmond." Tim says. Erica looks at him. "Erica." he says then leaves the room.  "Darling, I'm sorry. I know this has upset you." Jean Paul says to Erica as he steps away from her.  "Well he's a young boy. A prankster." Erica says walking up to Jean Paul. "Darling, I'm not a vain woman, but I think I'm only beautiful in your eyes. And I'm only loved by you." Erica says running her hands up Jean Paul's shoulders. Jean Paul kisses her. Holding her in his arms they both are staring straight ahead.
In the lab Alison is talking to Matt. "Exorcism? Driving the devil out of Erica?" Alison shakes her head as she walks around the table. "It makes me shudder. Why that's witchcraft."  "It isn't witchcraft. It's based on reality. The spiritual reality that there are such things as good and evil. Don't you believe in evil?" Matt asks her.  "No I don't. I believe that people can be destructive and harm others but I don't believe in the devil."  "Don't you believe that good must try to conquer that which is wicked?"  "I know what you're trying to say Matt but Erica is not wicked. I know she's been behaving strangely but she's not possessed by demons!" Alison says walking around the lab away from Matt.  "Then how could she come back to life? How could she be alive, dead then alive?" Matt asks as he stands up.  Alison shakes her head. "I don't know."   "Your scientific knowledge won't help you either. It must be spiritual And in this case the spirit is benign." says Matt.  "I'm trying to believe you. I'm trying to understand but I can't. She's my sister and I love her."  "If you love her then help me to save her, for Erica's sake help me." Matt says to Alison. There is a knock at the door.  "Come in." Alison calls.  Tim enters the lab. "Matt? Erica is looking for you. She wants you." Tim says as he walks toward Matt.  "Let me go with you." Alison says.  "No, she said alone." Tim tells Matt.  "Matt, please be careful." Alison says to him.  "I'll be back soon." Matt tells them, then leaves the room.  "Yes please be back." Alison says.
Erica sits in her room holding a doll that represents the Reverend. She bends it backwards. There is a knock at her door. She hides the doll under her bed then stands. "Come in."  Matt enters.  "Oh Reverend Matt. How nice of you to come."  "I was told you wanted to see me."  "Yes, I thought you and I might take a walk along the cliffs." Erica says stepping forward and touching his hand.  "It's beginning to get dark." Matt tells her.  "Oh I know the way. I know every rock and crevice on the cliffs."   "I don't." Matt says looking away from Erica.  "I see." says Erica walking away. "You know Matt, I do wish you liked me. I really do." Erica says sitting on the edge of her bed.  "But I do like you."  "As I am. I always think men in your profession can't accept us as we are. They always want to change us all. Do you want to convert me?" Erica asks.  "From what Erica?"  "Well I have no idea. None at all." Erica stands and walks over to Matt. "But if you do want to save my soul I can assure you I have no soul."  "I believe each of us has a soul. Good or bad." Matt tells Erica.  "And yours is good?"  "I didn't say that. But I try, lately more than ever before in my life. I've been trying to serve God, to pray."  "Commendable." says Erica.  "In fact I should like to be alone at prayer now if I was able to." Matt says walking a few steps away from Erica.  "Yes it is hard to find a place to be alone and in solitude. When I and Jean Paul first came to Maljardin I found a spot I could think in silence, unobserved."  Matt turns and looks at Erica. "That was commendable of you."  "There is a door you can lock and nobody can get in. Would you like me to take you there?"  "I think I can find it alone." Matt says to her looking away.  "Are you afraid?"  "No, I 'm not afraid."  "Good, then later on tonight I can take you to that spot high on Maljardin. We can look out over the Island and with the stars you can pray for my soul." Erica tells him.
 Alison and Elizabeth are in the Great hall reading Matt is standing near the staircase when Raxl walks in and stands next to Matt. "You want to tell them what you plan?" Raxl asks.  "Yes." replies Matt.   "I am told it takes goodness and great strength to confront the demons." Raxl says to Matt.  "I'm trying to be strong."  "And good Reverend?"  "I depend on divinity for my goodness."  "Then I hope your God is strong." Raxl says to him then leaves.  Matt clasps his hands together and lowers his head in prayer.  Erica and Jean Paul are together in another part of the Great Hall. Tim and Holly are sitting at a table next to them.  "Matt?" Erica calls to him. She stands and walks over to him. "You seem upset. Perhaps if we took our walk and talked."  Matt walks towards her. "Yes, I'd like that."  Erica turns and walks to Jean Paul. "Matt seems very worried and sad. We must work to cheer him up."  Alison walks over to Matt. "Matt, you're not going to do anything now are you?"  "On the roof of Maljardin? No I'm just going to talk to her." Matt says then smiles at Alison, then turns and waits for Erica.  "Jean Paul I would ask you to come with us but I think Matt needs to just talk to someone."  "I know." Jean Paul tells her.   Erica walks over to Matt. "Matt you can go along. I need a wrap."  Matt looks at her then walks away.  Erica turns to Jean Paul, Holly and Tim. "We must all be kind to him. Matt is very troubled. That's what we all should be to each other on Maljardin. Loving and kind." Erica then walks towards the staircase. 
Matt stands on the roof of the tower of the mansion. He has his hands clasped and looks up to the heavens. Bowing his head in prayer he waits for Erica.  Erica walks around him.  "Erica. I didn't hear you come up but I felt it."  "What did you feel?" Erica asks.  "Nothing. I was at prayer."  "I told you this is a marvelous spot for silent meditation." Erica tells him.  "Do you think Erica we might pray together?" Matt asks as he looks at her. "You and I. I saw your lips moving in prayer when I read the Psalm for Dan's grave, didn't I?"  "I had great sympathy for Dan."  "Or were those curses on your lips! Were you speaking to another power.? The power that killed Dan."  "You're a clever man." Erica says as she looks at him.  "No. Not very clever. I have been wavering in my faith since the day I came to Maljardin. A clever man does not waver, he clings to his belief to the end. And to God."  "Perhaps sometimes his God deserts him." Erica says.  "Never, never I know that know. I thank God I was brought to Maljardin. Because here I have found my soul."  Erica runs her hand over Matt's shoulder.  "Don't touch me! I'm stronger than you are! Demon, I command you to leave this woman! All your powers of hell leave this woman's soul!" Matt shouts.  "Stop! Stop it!" Erica cries out.  "Depart evil one! And leave this woman to God!"  Erica looks at Matt. "I'm glad you found your God Matt. I'm happy your soul is at peace. I will thank you to leave mine alone." Matt looks at her.  "May I kiss you?" Erica reaches up to Matt's shoulders.
In the Great Hall everyone hears a scream. Then Erica is screaming. She lowers her hands. "Goodbye Reverend." she says looking over the edge.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 58