Strange Paradise:  Episode 51
Episode 51:  Slideshow
Dan: “On this night on Maljardin Jean Paul the tormented Master of the Island must decide if he dares to follow the ghostly command of the fatal séance. To open the cryo capsule where he has placed his dead wife. But will he find her alive as she promised him, or will she be forever dead.”
Jean Paul has a shocked look on his face, then he hears the sound of tinkling chimes in the air. He raises his head then looks down and picks up the doll and pin. "Quito!" Jean Paul shouts.  Quito and Raxl are standing in the Great Hall close to the entrance to the crypt. They rush into the crypt.  Jean Paul closes the cryonics capsule. "Quito, guard this capsule!" he tells Quito then rushes out of the crypt.  Quito crosses his arms and stands over the capsule. Raxl looks away worriedly.  Alison enters the crypt and stops . Quito turns and looks at her. "Did he open the capsule?" she asks. Quito nods. Alison walks towards him. "And?" She tries walking to the capsule.   Quito grabs her to stop her.  "Quito please. I must see it!." Alison says struggling. "Quito please, she's my sister!" Alison pleads as she struggles.  "Let her be Quito. I will be responsible. Let her see." Raxl says walking up to them.   Alison rushes for the handle of the cryonic chamber. She pulls it open. "It's empty? Did he take the body?" Alison asks looking back towards Raxl.  "There was nothing to take." says Raxl.  "How do you know? He was alone when he opened the capsule. That was one of her conditions."  "There was nothing there. I could have told him that. He would not listen."  "But nobody could have opened this capsule. Jean Paul was the only one who knew how it was locked. Raxl, where is the body?"  Raxl stares straight ahead.
Jean Paul is in the Great Hall when Jacques starts laughing.  "You dare to laugh! I want answers you devil!" Jean Paul says to Jacques as he walks over to the portrait.  "Ask."  "Where is Erica?"  "She is here in time present and beyond."  "That is no answer. You have taken her and I demand her return! We made a pact!"  "You demand nothing!" says Jacques.  "You think I'm powerless. I have a way to return you to hell forever."  "And yourself to a life of endless loneliness." Jacques laughs. "No my descendant, I think you would not dare that."  "I gave you some things. Now I want Erica. Where is she?"  "She is here as I promised. But she is on another level of existence. One which I cannot control." Jacques tells him.  "Then find me a power that can control it." says Jean Paul. Jacques laughs at him.  "Jean Paul?" Alison walks over to Jean Paul after leaving the crypt. "What’s the matter? Why are you standing there staring at that portrait?"  "How long have you been here?" Jean Paul asks.  "Just a moment." Alison turns from him. "I saw the capsule, Raxl said you found it empty." Jacques laughter echoes through the room.  Jean Paul glances at the portrait, then walks in front of Alison. "Erica has come back. I know that. We must help her find the way."  "Of course Jean Paul. Of course. There are many things we can do once we leave this Island." Alison says with a smile.  "No! No one will leave here."  "Jean Paul?"  "You think the séance is a failure. You think there is some reasonable explanation because Erica's body has disappeared. You think I am mad!"  "No. No of course not Jean Paul."  "Well I am not mad! And Erica is alive!"  "And you should be alone with her. Perhaps that's what she is waiting for. For the two of you to be alone here the way you were before." Dan says from the staircase.   "I said no one shall leave this Island!" Jean Paul tells them. He glances at Jacques portrait then leaves the room.  "Now tell me he hasn't gone mad." Dan says to Alison. Alison looks away.
In the crypt Quito and Raxl stand next to the capsule. "We may still have a chance Quito. There may still be time to stop the evil that would destroy this house. We must find the rabbit. It must be offered in sacrifice on the altar. The young girl, she must not interfere or she will die."
Holly is sitting at her dressing table, brushing her hair when there is a knock at the door. Putting down the brush she stands. "Just a second." Holly says walking to the door. She opens it and Raxl enters. "Oh, what do you want?" Holly asks turning away from Raxl.  "It's here isn't it? The rabbit has come back to you."  "No."  "You do not understand these things. I must have it." says Raxl.  "Why? So you can kill it!" Holly asks looking at Raxl.  "Why are you protecting it?"  "I don't know" Holly says as chimes are heard by her in the room. "I just know that I have to." Holly says taking a few steps away from Raxl.  "Is that what you've been told?" Raxl asks walking up to Holly. "By whom? How?" Raxl asks as she grabs Holly's arm and turns her around to face Raxl.  "Leave me go!" Holly says pulling away from Raxl's grasp.  "I do not want to harm you but you must believe me when I tell you that this sacrifice must be made. Not only for Jean Paul and the spirits of this house but for your own safety!" Raxl tells her.  Holly turns away. "Nothing is going to harm me."  "It has happened already hasn't it? Since the séance something has changed you."  "No. It's just that I can't sleep. These terrible dreams."  "Of Erica?" asks Raxl.  "Yes but I never even met Erica." Holly says to her.  "You will soon unless you help me."  "I don't know. I can't help you. The rabbit didn't come back!" Holly tells Raxl. Raxl looks away.
Dan walks down the staircase to the Great Hall and stands next to Alison.  "I can't leave Maljardin Dan, not now." Alison says to him.  "You said he would set us free once the capsule was opened. Now he admits he still intends to keep us prisoners. You're still finding excuses to stay here with a madman."  Alison turns away. "He loved my sister. I owe him a little more time." Alison tells Dan stepping away from him.  "Has it ever crossed your mind there was no body in the capsule because he never put it there." Dan says walking up to Alison.  "What are you talking about?" She turns and looks at Dan.  "None of us really knows how Erica died. None of us have seen her body except the broken hearted Jean Paul. Well suppose he isn't broken hearted. Suppose all this is just a cover up for a simple case of murder!" Dan tells her. Alison walks away staring straight ahead. "Where do your loyalties lie in that case Alison?"
Holly enters the crypt, she hears the tinkling of chimes. Dan walks down the stairs behind her. "What are you doing here?" Dan asks.  Holly gasps in fear. "You frightened me." she says turning towards him.  "Sorry." Dan says standing on the bottom of the stairs and walks over to her. "Why aren't you resting."  Holly is still in her robe. "I tried but it was like someone telling me to come down here. To see for myself."  Holly and Dan walk over to the open cryonics capsule. "Could someone be kept alive in there?" Holly asks.  Dan looks inside. "I don't know. If they weren't alive I wonder if there is something that will show how they died."  "Is there anything?" Holly asks Dan.  "No. Are you cold?" Dan asks as Holly wraps her arms around herself.  "No. Just for a second. There's nobody else here is there?" asks Holly.  Dan looks around. "No. Why?"  "I just thought... everything is so different now."  "Holly? Tim told you I found a way off this Island didn't he? It's the only way to save ourselves."  "Well I can't do anything about it." says Holly.  "But you can, if you agree the others would. Tim, your mother and Matt. Maybe even Alison. Would you do it?"  The tinkling of chimes are heard by Holly, she reacts to them. "What? What is it you're trying to tell me? I can't hear you!"  Dan watches Holly. "What is it Holly? What happened?"  "I don't know. For a minute it was just like we were back at the séance again."  "Erica spoke through you at the séance. Did she try to contact you just now?" Dan asks.  "No, not with words." Holly walks a few steps around Dan. "It was like last night in my dreams. They were horrible, it was like I was being smothered but not with something I could fight off."  "Now you see why you have to get off the Island while you can." Dan says walking over to Holly.  Holly turns to him. "Is that it? Will that do it?"  "I don't know but I don't think you should risk staying here. Will you leave?"  "I'll think about it. I don't want to stay down here anymore. So dark and cold!" Holly cries out   Dan holds her by the shoulders. Holly pulls away and runs up the stairs.
Alison is in the lab looking over her notes when Raxl walks in. "Yes." Alison asks looking up.  "You have found nothing in the Doctor's notes?" asks Raxl.  "Nothing to explain my sisters disappearance. If that's what you mean. Raxl, you were here when my sister was alive?"  "I have always been here."  "Were they happy? Jean Paul and my sister?" Alison asks.  "Who has made you doubt that?"  "It's not important. Were they?"  "Yes." replies Raxl.  Alison stands. "He couldn't have done anything to harm her could he?" Alison asks walking over to Raxl.  "Not in that life. If he should bring her back..."  "Then you're convinced he can do it." Alison says. Raxl looks away. Alison grabs her shoulder and turns her around. "Raxl, look at me. You do think he knows a way?"   "There are many ways between life and death. The way he has chosen is cursed!"
Jean Paul stands in front of Jacques portrait. "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes I summon you."  "I hear you."  "I demand that you fulfill your bargain."  "I have done what I could."  "It is not enough. You have had absolute possession of my body. A chance to live again. And in return you have promised to bring Erica back to me. Now I hold you to that Jacques Eloi Des Mondes."  "You have spoken to her."  "It is not enough!" shouts Jean Paul. "And I'm sick of waiting!" Jean Paul raises the conjure doll and silver pin in front of the portrait. "if I put this in the doll's head it is the end of you Jacques. For all eternity you will be condemned to the pit of hell from which I have released you. Is that what you want?" Jean Paul asks bringing the pin next to the doll's head.  "Stop! What of Erica? I told you it requires more then the bargain between us to bring her back."  "Any bargain, any price. I will bow before them all if she can be returned to me!" says Jean Paul.  "Think Jean Paul. You will be sentencing yourself to enslavement worse than mine if you make this pact."  "I am not afraid. Summon your powers what ever they are. I will strike any bargain but it must be soon. I will not endure this any longer!"  "It means forever Jean Paul. You will never call your soul your own again."  "So be it!" Jean Paul says to Jacques.  Darkness surrounds Jean Paul. A greenish glow appears instead of light. A heartbeat is heard through the room. Jean Paul backs away. On Jacques portrait appears a sign. "I have been called. Who has summoned me?"  "I have." Jean Paul answers. "You know my purpose?"  "I know and you agree to what has been demanded?"  Jean Paul nods. "I agree. I have no soul without my Erica. Is the bargain made?"  "It is made." The sign fades away from Jacques portrait.  "But soon. It must be soon!" Jean Paul says. The darkness fades back to light.  "Sooner than you think. Sooner than you may want." Jacques says to Jean Paul.  "But how will she come back?"  "There will be a way for her now." 
Holly is asleep as the chimes sound in her room. Holly grows restless and fights off a presence. Jacques laughter is heard through the room.
In the Great Hall Jean Paul is speaking to Raxl. "You have heard her, the room must be absolutely perfect for when she appears."  Raxl walks towards him. "Then you have done it."  "That is not your concern." Jean Paul stands in front of the fireplace. "You remember to obey all my orders. Tell Quito!"  "And the others?"  "They will believe when they see my Erica. And then they can come and go as they please. They will have served my purpose," Jean Paul leans on the fireplace with one arm. "Now leave me."  Raxl turns to walk away. "Master?" Raxl calls to him.  Jean Paul turns and watches as Holly walks down the staircase in a trance. He rushes towards Holly. "What has happened to her?" he asks as Raxl stops him from getting closer to Holly.  "Master do not disturb her."  Jean Paul and Raxl watch as Holly walks towards them. "Spirit can you speak to us? We are waiting, tell us what you wish." Raxl says to Holly.  "She doesn't hear us." says Jean Paul.  Holly start trying to push away something from her face fighting against an invisible force.  "Raxl, you must do something." Jean Paul says rushing over to Raxl.  "I will try but it is a power that I do not know." she says to Jean Paul. "Oh Great Serpent, I command you to draw a circle of safety around this child. I will it to be done!" Raxl walks around Holly as Holly is still fighting the influence possessing her. Raxl stops in front of her.  Holly drops her hands and opens her eyes. Looking around she asks. "What am I doing down here?" She tries taking a step.  "No, don't move Holly! Raxl is it safe for her?"  "If I lead her out."  "I don't understand." Holly says, as she is about to move out of the protective circle.   "Holly, don't move!" Jean Paul says rushing across to Holly. "Now your life depends upon obeying implicitly what I'm about to tell you. You will stay exactly where you are until Raxl has taken your hand. You must do as I tell you!"  Holly nods. "All right." She looks at Raxl.  Raxl raises her arms. "Your Priestess is about to approach the sacred circle. Oh God Tourentem, you will allow me to pass and allow me to lead the protected one into her own world." Raxl brings her hands together then pushes them apart, as if she is opening a doorway. She reaches for Holly's hands and draws her through the circle. "She is free Master." Raxl says putting an arm around Holly's shoulders.  "Good Raxl. You may go."  Raxl bows then leaves the room.  Holly looks at Jean Paul. "What happened? What did she do?"  Jean Paul walk over to Holly and puts an arm around her shoulder. "You were in a trance Holly. Do you remember anything about it?"  "Just that nightmare feeling of something trying to smother me. But why wouldn't you let me move?" Holly asks looking up at Jean Paul.  "Raxl had drawn a sacred circle around you. I once saw someone try to break out of it without permission and he was consumed by a wall of fire." Jean Paul tells Holly as they walk around the Great hall.  Holly pulls away from Jean Paul and looks up at him.  "It's all right. You're all right now."  Alison and Dan rush down the staircase and rush over to Holly and Jean Paul. "Holly, Raxl said you needed us." Alison says to her.  "She had a bad dream." Jean Paul tells them.  "Is that all it was?" Holly asks.  "Do you remember anything more?" Dan asks her.  "Not really, just that music I heard at the séance. I couldn't be hearing it now could I?" Holly asks as she hugs her arms against herself.  Alison reaches out to Holly. "Come on you're shivering. Come on back to bed. It's all right Holly, I'll stay with you until you fall asleep" Alison tells her as she and Dan help Holly walk back to her room.  Jean Paul watches them walk up the staircase. "Is that how you will come Erica? Through her, through the girl? Oh Erica, oh my darling if you can only wear this pearl in life as you wore it in death." Jean Paul says.  Chimes are tinkling through the room. "I will come to you Jean Paul. I promise."  "Erica you're here. Darling how can I help you?"  "No one must leave the Island. No one Jean Paul. You must not let Dan persuade you, otherwise I shall not be able to return."  "When Erica? When will you return?"  "Tomorrow Jean Paul, tomorrow."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 52