Strange Paradise:  Episode 52
Episode 52:  Slideshow
Raxl:  “Jean Paul the last heir to the haunted Islands of Maljardin has sworn an eternal pact with the power of evil for the return of his beloved Erica to life. But the bargain has not been kept and the hours slip by. Infuriated he challenges the emissary of the devil, Jacques Eloi Des Mondes.”
Jean Paul looks at his watch. He is standing in the Great Hall next to Jacques portrait. "Today, you promised me my Erica today." Jean Paul turns and looks at Jacques. "It's already late in the afternoon. Speak to me!" he shouts at Jacques. "I will not be tormented either by you or your higher powers. Do you hear me!"  With no answer Jean Paul angrily swings around and strides to the staircase. Alison is walking down it.  "Alison! What are you doing here? I gave strict orders that I was not to be disturbed!"  "Jean Paul I must speak to you."  "I have no time to talk today."  "Why? I have a right to an answer." Alison says to him.  "No one has any rights on Maljardin but I and my wife."  "Erica? Erica is dead Jean Paul. Even her body is gone."  "You think that this is the end of it?" Jean Paul smiles. "Oh no, it is only the beginning. Shall I tell you? No I think not. You will see for yourselves."  "So you really think that she'll come back to you?"  "Yes, today. It has been promised for today. Now leave me, I must be alone." Jean Paul tells her.  "Of course. I was just thinking of something that Dan said yesterday. Perhaps the reason she hasn't come back to you yet is because of the presence of outsiders on Maljardin."  Jean Paul shakes his head. "Nothing can prevent her. There is a force stronger than all of you bringing her to me."  "A force? Oh yes of course. I just didn't understand. But I wish you would let the others leave the Island."   "Go? Leave this Island and babble this to the world. Have people think I am mad!" Jean Paul paces up and down the Great Hall.  "No. I would stay Jean Paul. For Erica’s sake and for yours. But the others. What good would it do to keep them here?"  Raxl is standing at the top of the staircase landing listening to Alison and Jean Paul.  "I'm not sure. Each one in his own way has been drawn to the Island to serve some purpose. A pattern I cannot decipher."  "Well if you believe in this force that is so strong they cannot be needed here. Let them go."  Jean Paul turns away from Alison. She follows him. "No, she said they must not leave. Perhaps later but not now. Nothing must be changed, everything must be it was. Please Alison, now you must go." Jean Paul tells her.  Alison turns away then walks up the staircase.  Jean Paul sighs. "Erica darling, I have followed every one of your wishes. What more can I do?"  "There is nothing you can do now. The journey has already begun." Jacques tells him.  "Soon, make it soon my Erica."
Raxl is standing on the landing when Alison walks up to her. "Raxl, is something wrong?"  "It draws nearer that which is to be feared." Raxl looks at Alison. "He will not let you leave."  "No and Dan thinks..."  "There is no need to fear me. I know the way he plans to leave the Island. And I will help him. But it is too late. We must prepare to meet the stranger." Raxl says then walks away.  Alison looks away in puzzlement.
Quito opens the door to the Sacred Temple. Walking to the altar he sets down an offering bowl. He bows. Raxl is behind him, she also bows.  "Is it ready?" Raxl asks. Quito nods. Raxl walks forward. She has her arms crossed with her hands touching her shoulders. "Light the fire." Quito does as Raxl orders. White smoke raises up from the fire.  "Oh Great Serpent, you know the evil that approaches us, you can see far beyond into the future that cannot be altered. Now while we still have time is there nothing we can do to prevent it?" Raxl asks as she holds her arms outward. "We are not able to capture the rabbit and sacrifice it to you. I have done my best. I need your help now. Grant me your power Oh Great One." Raxl says as she clasps her hands. Wind blows around the Serpent Staff. "Where is it?" 
The rabbit is sitting on Holly's bed. Raxl sees it in a vision.
"I hear. I shall obey. You know the force of the animal. Grant me the power to fight it. To bring it to you Oh Great One. Grant me this one request." Raxl smiles as she looks at the Serpent Staff.
Jean Paul stands in the Great hall. "How much longer? You who have the power to bring Erica back to me. How much longer must I wait!" Jean Paul asks turning to Jacques portrait.  The room darkens and a greenish glow surrounds everything. The heartbeat is heard throughout the room. On Jacques portrait is the mark. "Soon Master of Maljardin. But great care must be taken. Nothing must be altered on this Island Above all no living thing must die in these last moments. Remember that, or you will lose everything." 
Raxl and Quito walk into Holly's room. The black rabbit is sitting on her bed. "Get the rabbit Quito."  Quito grabs the black rabbit.  "Beast of evil, we know the darkness you contain. But the girl is not here to protect you. Only she can give you the protection of our world. And your word is to far away. You are our prisoner." Raxl crosses herself in the sign of the Serpent. "Take the rabbit away." she tells Quito.  "Holly?" Elizabeth walks into Holly's room. "What are you two doing here? What's that you have in your hands?"  "A harmless pet of Quito’s. We've been searching for it for days. Take the rabbit to where it belongs Quito and hurry. We do not have much time."  Quito leaves the room with the rabbit.  "Where is my daughter?" asks Elizabeth.  "I don't know." Raxl says to her as she starts leaving the room.  "No, wait."   "Please you must let me go. I cannot be delayed." Raxl says as she leaves the room.
Quito is sneaking down the staircase with the rabbit. Jean Paul stands near the staircase with his back towards Quito. He turns and sees Quito. "Quito! What do you have there?" Jean Paul asks as he walks towards Quito.  Quito shows him the black rabbit.  "The black rabbit! As your Master I command you to tell me what you are doing. What are you going to do to the rabbit?"  Raxl quickly walks down the staircase. "Nothing Master. He found it in the girl's room and it doesn't belong there."  "I don't believe you Raxl. I think you're up to your tricks, planning to harm this creature."  Raxl tries to talk to Jean Paul.  "Now don't lie to me. You've been planning this from the beginning. A sacrifice to one of your primitive Gods. I won't allow it. Give me the animal." Jean Paul tells Quito as he reaches out for the rabbit.  Quito turns away from him.  "Master listen. Please I beg you it must be done!"  "No! No creature is to die on this Island, not today. Raxl I command you to give me this animal!" Jean Paul says angrily.  Raxl nods at Quito. Quito hands Jean Paul the rabbit.  Jean Paul walks away with the rabbit. Raxl holds her hand up. Jean Paul struggles against Raxl's powers that forces Jean Paul to stand still.   "Hurry Quito, we only have a few seconds."  Jean Paul breaks through Raxl’s spell. "I told you to go Raxl."  Elizabeth rushes into the room. "Jean Paul come quickly."  "What's wrong?"  "Alison is in the lab, she looks like death."  "Death?" Jean Paul says.  "Something about poison, hurry!"  Jean Paul rushes to the door. He turns towards Elizabeth who is following after him. "Elizabeth, take this and guard it. Remember give it to only me or Holly." He hands her the rabbit, then rushes out of the room.  "Jean Paul hurry!" says Elizabeth.  Elizabeth looks at Raxl. "Why should I guard this? What's so precious about a rabbit?"
Alison looks down at the lab table as Jean Paul rushes in. "What's wrong Alison?"  "The distillation I made from the poisonous plants from the Island It's gone." Alison tells him holding up a tray of test tubes.  "Alison you've been careless."  "It was right here in front of me. I saw it, I touched it. Then I felt this chill as if somebody had opened the door." She looks away towards the doorway. "When I turned back the test tube had disappeared."
Raxl stands and gives Elizabeth an angry look.  "Why are you staring at me?" asks Elizabeth.  "We cannot change our Master's commands, we do not have the power. But Madame if you would give Quito the rabbit then he can take it back to where it belongs."  Elizabeth hands the rabbit to Quito. "Why not? I don't like the animal anyway." she says brushing herself off. 
Jean Paul is opening cupboard doors in the lab. "Were you here alone?"  "Yes and the door was locked. The contents in that test tube are more poisonous than the cyanide. It should not be out of our hands." Alison tells Jean Paul.  The tinkling of chimes are heard in the room. "What's that?" Alison asks. The door closes. "Is someone there?" asks Alison.  Jean Paul rushes over to the door. He opens it and checks outside in the hallway. "There's no one there."  Alison looks at the lab table and gasps. She picks up the holder with the test tubes. "It's come back!" says Alison.  Jean Paul rushes over to the table. "But it's empty." She says holding up a test tube. 
Elizabeth paces in the Great Hall. She stops and looks at Jacques’ portrait. Jean Paul enters the room. "Is she all right?" Elizabeth asks.  "She thought something was missing." Jean Paul says turning towards her. "The rabbit! What have you done with it? Jean Paul asks.  "I gave it to Quito."  "You fool! I told you to guard it!" Jean Paul shouts at her.  "Haven't I had to endure enough on this Island without playing a house keeper for a ...!"  "Will you get out of here! Get out!" Jean Paul says angrily as he point for her to leave.  After Elizabeth leaves Jean Paul spins around. "Jacques! Help me! We must bring Erica back now! They are preparing a sacrifice! There will be death on this Island! You must help me now!"  Darkness covers the room, the heartbeat pounds and the green glow covers everything. The mark appears on Jacques portrait. "They must not be allowed to make this sacrifice. Go to the crypt. That is their entrance to their Temple."
In the crypt Raxl tells Quito. "The sacrifice to the gods must be made if we are to save Maljardin."  Holding the rabbit Quito opens the door to the sacred Temple.  "Stop!" Jean Paul runs up to them. "So this is the way to your Temple, is it? Well you can close the door Quito, there will be no bloodbath today."  "No!" Raxl shouts.  "You dare to defy me Raxl!" Jean Paul asks as he turns towards her.  Raxl lowers her head. "We are here to serve you and your family as we have for centuries. Served you and protected you." Raxl looks up at Jean Paul. But if it means we must disobey you for your own safety it will be allowed!"  "No this a matter beyond you." he turns to Quito. "Give me the animal."  "No!" Raxl tells Quito.  "Give it to me!" Jean Paul shouts and reaches to take the rabbit away from Quito.  "No!" Raxl tells Jean Paul.  Jean Paul turns to Raxl. Raxl holds her hand up in front of Jean Paul. Jean Paul freezes in a trance.  "Hurry, the temple. The Temple Quito, this spell will not last very long."  Raxl walks around Jean Paul. Slowly he turns towards her.
In the Great Hall the mark appears on Jacques portrait. "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes. Break the hold that is on the Master of Maljardin."  "I obey. I obey." Jacques answers.
Jean Paul stands staring at Raxl as she enters the Sacred temple. She closes the door with Jean Paul standing on the outside.  Jean Paul snaps out of the trance and starts pushing against the stones of the wall.  "To late Jean Paul. But we still may be able to stop them. The Great Hall, quickly!" Jacques calls out to Jean Paul.
Jean Paul rushes up the stairs to the Great Hall., then rushes towards Jacques portrait, stopping at the liquor table.  The room darkens, the green glow appears. And the heartbeat is heard. The mark appears on Jacques portrait. "We have no time to lose if you would see your wife again. You must do exactly as you are told without question."  "I obey." says Jean Paul.  "Place an empty glass on the center of the of the table, hurry. Every second is important."  Jean Paul moves the tray of drinks as he places the glass in the center of the table, then looks up.  "Now do you remember your oath. That you would dare anything, give anything to have Erica returned to you?"  Jean Paul nods his head. "I remember and I swear I will keep my word."  "Now look at the glass. Concentrate on it."  Jean Paul watches as green liquid fills the bottom of it.  "Yes it is the poison from the test tubes. Pick up the glass."  Jean Paul looks down at it.
"In the Sacred Temple Quito has placed the rabbit on the altar.  Raxl is wearing ceremonial robes. "We are prepared now. Oh Gods I offer this sacrifice of evil." Raxl says holding her arms outward in front of her. Then she extends them out from her sides. "For this we beg protection for all on this Island." She crosses her arms as she bows. "It is in your hands now Quito.  Quito unsheathes a knife.
In the Great Hall Jean Paul looks up at Jacques’ portrait.  "Take up the glass and drink it Jean Paul!"  Jean Paul glances at the poison then looks again at the portrait. "I am mortal and this is deadly poison."  "You must drink it. You must take into yourself the essence of all the evil of the Island. Hurry!"  Jean Paul reaches out his hand.  "Hurry! Danger surrounds us." 
As Jean Paul lifts the glass to his mouth Quito raises the knife. Jean Paul drinks it as Quito slashes downward.
The knife hits an empty alter. Smoke drifts away from it. Quito backs away. Raxl is shaking her head as Jacques laughter fills the Temple.  "We're to late! We are to late!" Raxl cries out.
Jean Paul lowers the glass.  "Good Jean Paul. You have performed your task well. You are now one with us. Look at the palm of your hand."  Jean Paul turns his hand over. On his palm is the same sign that appears on Jacques’ portrait.  "This is the sign, when ever it appears , no matter where you are you will know that we are with you."  Jean Paul closes his hand and looks up. "But Erica?" Chimes sound in the room.  "She comes."  Jean Paul smiles as the room is once again light. "Erica." Jean Paul calls as he walks across the Great hall following the chimes. "Have you come? My darling, my dearest. Where are you?"  The doors swing open. Erica stands in the doorway. She walks towards him. "Jean Paul, Jean Paul my love."  Jean Paul slowly walks towards her then sweeps her into his arms and kisses her.  
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 53