Strange Paradise:  Episode 50
Episode 50:  Slideshow
Dan Forrest:  “The haunted island of Maljardin.  On this stormy night, Jean Paul, the master of the island, has commanded his unwilling guests to join him in calling forth the ghost of his dead wife, but the séance ends with the mysterious death of Vangie, the medium, and in her lifeless hand was found the pearl that had belonged to the dead mistress of Maljardin.”
Raxl brings the pearl to Jean Paul. "Surely you recognize it, Master."  Jean Paul holds the locket in his hand, he opens it. "But it was in the locket.." He picks up the pearl from Raxl's hand. "Erica was here. It's a sign that she isn't dead. Do you believe me?"  Holly sits with her eyes closed. "I. I..." then she collapses. Tim grabs her as she falls to the side of her chair. "Holly! Doctor Carr I think she fainted."  Alison rushes over to Holly. Elizabeth stands next to Tim.  Jean Paul lays the pearl on the table. "Erica is alive. She has come back to me." says Jean Paul as he stands then rushes to the crypt.  Alison goes after him. Raxl grabs her arm and Alison shakes her off. Raxl looks away worriedly.
Jean Paul enters the crypt. He walks over to Erica's capsule. "Oh Erica did you think I didn't believe you my darling. Soon we'll be together again. We will never be separated." Jean Paul says as he reaches for the controls and the locks on the capsule.  "So you're going to open the capsule." Alison says behind him. Alison rushes to his side.  "Please, please I must be alone."  "Why did you pull back? Are you afraid of what you'll see?" Alison asks.  Jean Paul looks at Alison, then walks to the side of the capsule. "Alison, you heard her. She was here. The only way I can get her back is to open the capsule."   "Well go on. Why do you hesitate?"  Jean Paul turns away and leans on the tank with the gauges. "Because you said if we heard her this experiment would be a failure. That only the dead could speak to us in a séance."  "Then why did she tell you to open the capsule?"  "I don't know! Alison as long as she is in here she is safe. The corruption of our world, the air we breath will not touch her. Not while she is in here. But if I open it, well you heard her tell me to open it."  "Yes I heard her."  "Through Holly. Why her? A girl that Erica never knew." Jean Paul looks at Alison. "Is this some kind of trick you're playing."  "We both know Erica's voice. I heard my sister speak."  "You wanted her dead! Dead and buried, you always wanted me to open this capsule. Is this some kind of scheme, some conspiracy that you and Vangie and Holly are all playing a part in?"  "Well you won't know until you open the capsule. The choice is yours Jean Paul" Alison tells him then leaves the crypt.  Jean Paul kneels next to Erica's capsule. "Oh Erica if my choice is wrong, I've lost everything. I'll never see you again. I can't bear that my darling. I can't bear it." Jean Paul says as he lays his forehead against the capsule.
Holly is in her room laying on her bed unconscious. Elizabeth and Tim are with her. Holly opens her eyes. "I feel better now." Holly says as she tries to sit up. "I just felt so faint."  "Should I get Doctor Carr?" Elizabeth asks sitting on the edge of Holly's bed. "She can give you something."  "No thank you. I don't need a doctor." Holly says sitting up, leaning against the headboard. She turns away. "Goodnight mother."  "I’m just down the hall if you want me Holly." Elizabeth says touching Holly's hand. Holly doesn't look at her. Elizabeth stands. "Goodnight Holly." she says as she leaves the room.  Tim glances at the doorway as Elizabeth leaves.  "Do you believe that if I want her? I think she's about fifteen years to late." says Holly."  "She was scared Holly we all were."  "Tim what happened?"  "Don't you remember?"  "I remember we were holding hands and Vangie was starting the séance. Then all of a sudden I felt like I wasn't there. I could feel myself breathing and I could feel the touch of hands. But everything seemed so far away."  "Holly, Erica spoke through you."  Holly turns and looks at Tim. "Tim the séance worked." She hugs her arms around herself. "I want you to hold me for a minute.'  Tim puts his arms around her. "Nothing more is going to happen to you. Look there will be no more séances with Vangie dead."  "Tim, what was she like? Erica , what did she say?"  "She was very gentle, loving. She promised to come back."  Holly turns away shivering.   "Holly are you sure you're all right?"  "All of a sudden I felt so cold, as if someone opened a window somewhere."  "Well there is nobody here and I haven't moved." Tim tells Holly.  "Tim, the séance is over but that's how I felt at the beginning of it. It's all over isn't it?" Holly looks at Tim. "Tim you said Vangie is dead!" 
In the Great hall Raxl covers Vangie's body with a sheet. "You will take Vangie's body to the Conjure burial." Raxl tells Quito who is standing next to Raxl holding a candelabra. "Now we must protect the living. You feel it to, the danger that has come into the house with the rabbit of evil. But where has it gone? Who is it seeking?"
The black rabbit is sitting in it's basket in Holly's room.  "Holly, look." Tim says.  Holly looks over the end of the bed. "Tim, the rabbit has come back somehow." They both look down at it. 
Dan is looking at his watch in the Great Hall. Tim comes down the staircase, Dan walks over to him. "How's Holly?"  "She's better. I think she is going to try to sleep now. It might be a good idea for us all." Tim says to Dan.  "Not for me. I figure the tide will be in the right condition again. Just before dawn."  "You're still not going to try to cross the channel?"  "With Vangie's death it's more important than ever now. We are all still prisoners here. Come on Tim, two of us have a better chance of making it than just one." Dan tells Tim.  "I can't Dan. I have to stay here."  "Don't you see..." Dan starts to say.  "No listen, there is nobody else that Holly can trust. Not that I'm able to help much." Tim says turning away.  Dan follows Tim. Tim is looking at a paper.  "What's that?" Dan asks.  "It was a sketch I did of Erica at the cafe. Seems like years ago. Could it happen Dan? Could she come back."
Raxl and Quito are in the crypt next to Erica's capsule. "Mistress you can not wish evil for this house. Yet it is here, I can feel it. Tonight when the great door burst open. It was all around like a perfume. How can I stop it? How?"
Elizabeth is in the lab looking at bottles on the shelves . Matt walk in. He walks over to her. "I wondered who could be in the lab at this hour of the night."  "I couldn't sleep. I thought perhaps Alison could give me something." Elizabeth tells him.  Matt turns away. "She isn't in her room?"  Elizabeth shakes her head no then walks over to him. "This séance tonight, we could have been just tricked couldn't we?"  Matt looks at her. "By whom?"  "Holly."  "Are you that suspicious of her?"  "No but why would Erica pick my daughter? This is more your field than mine Matt. Can't you exercise spirits?"  "There are rituals. But we're not dealing with a spirit."  "Either someone spoke through Holly tonight or they didn't. Now which is it?"  "I don't know! Each day on this Island I grow less and less sure of what I do know, what I can believe."  "Not much help for my daughter."  "One thing we should remember though." Matt touches Elizabeth's shoulders. "There can be good spirits as well as bad."
In the Great hall Raxl is carrying a T shaped tool. "Where is it oh spirit. Guide me, guide your Priestess where evil lies in this house." Raxl turns. "No, no do not desert me. Guide me, show me where the rabbit is. It will be sacrificed on the alter of the Sacred Temple I vow it!" Again Raxl holds and follows the T shapes powers. It leads her up the staircase.
Holly is sitting on her bed petting the rabbit. "I think you like me. What are you frightened of? You're trembling so much." Holly sits up and looks around the room. She picks up the rabbit and places him back in his basket. She walks to the door and opens it. She gasps. Raxl walks in.  "Is there something I can do for you Miss Holly?" Raxl asks.  "No thank you."  "There's no need to be afraid of me."  "I'm not afraid of you." Holly says hugging her arms against herself. "All of a sudden I'm so cold." Holly says as she turns away.  "I'll close the drapes." Raxl says walking across the room and pulling the drapes closed. "Shall I take this out of the room?" Raxl asks picking up the basket.  "The basket? No leave it, the rabbit came back." Holly says rushing over to Raxl.  They look down into the basket. "He was in there. Raxl tell me. A black rabbit is not a very common animal is it? I mean I don't think I've ever seen one before."  "Some people think they bring death to a house. And the only way to prevent it is to sacrifice the animal."  "Kill it! A harmless animal?"  "All people have beliefs Miss Holly. Some stronger than others. Do you not in your world touch wood or take a pinch of spirit salt and throw it over your shoulder to prevent bad luck."  "But that's silly superstition. It doesn't mean anything."  "On Maljardin you will find there is nothing without meaning. If you find the rabbit Miss Holly will you keep it here till I come? Goodnight." Raxl says carrying the basket from the room. Holly closes the door.
Jean Paul walks into the Great hall. He looks at Jacques portrait. "Why aren't you laughing now? Have you been called back into hell my ancestor? Or are you at last frightened into silence?"  "Master I have been searching for you." Raxl calls as she walks down the staircase. Still carrying the basket she walks over to him.  "I've been out at the cliffs, I needed time to think."  "And the cryo capsule?" Raxl asks.  "Still unopened."  "It must remain that way." Raxl tells Jean Paul.  "That's a decision I must make Raxl!"  "Oh please Master listen to me. At the séance tonight evil entered this house."  "How can you dare to say such a thing! You heard the voice of my Erica!"  "I heard her. But I also say death came into the house."  "Silence woman! My Erica would cause death to no one! You knew her. Gentle. Smiling, she would not harm anyone. Vangie perhaps, the strain was too much for her heart. Knowing she was on this Island having predicted that she would die here. Erica had nothing to do with that. You must see that."  "Then you will open the capsule?" asks Raxl.  Jean Paul turns away. "I don't know."  "Could you grant me one favor? My people have a way of purifying the spirit, cleansing them of all harmful and evil influences."  "No." Jean Paul tells her.  "A little time that's all I need."  "Time! when my darling is down in the crypt waiting for me to free her. I'm the only one that can do it Raxl. You know that."  "Please Master."  "No, leave me alone." Jean Paul says turning away. "I must decide if I dare." Jean Paul walks over to a chair, gripping the back with his hands..  Raxl watches Jean Paul, then leaves the room.
In the crypt Quito is checking the gauges. He walks over to the capsule and looks it over. He hears someone on the stairs, turning he sees Raxl coming down.  "We haven't much time Quito, we must find the rabbit before that capsule is opened. We must find it and sacrifice it on the alter of the Great Serpent. Search for it and find it." Quito nods his head and rushes up the stairs. Raxl follows. The rabbit is in the crypt sitting next to Erica's capsule.
Jean Paul is standing in front of Jacques portrait. "What trick of the devil have you plotted against me tonight?" Jean Paul asks pointing at Jacques. "It's torture, I know that voice but was it really Erica. Answer me!" Jean Paul shouts, then turns away from the portrait. He start walking around the room trying to come to a decision. (the next conversation takes part in Jean Paul’s mind silently) 'Oh my darling, do I dare risk the end of everything? But it might be one of his tricks.' Jean Paul turns and looks at Jacques portrait. 'If I could only be sure. soon it will be dawn and I must decide. Will I find you alive my darling Erica or would you be forever dead?' Jean Paul sits down. "You would like that wouldn't you?" Jean Paul says aloud. "To taunt me forever. To continue this evil farce." Again he thinks to himself silently. 'What am I to do? I must decide before it drives me mad.' He lowers his head.
In the lab Dan is talking to Alison. "I'm going to make a break for it Alison. I'm going to try to reach the Mainland. before dawn."  Alison rushes over to him and touches his arm. "No Dan don't risk it. Even if you get past the first whirlpool you don't know if you'll be able to free yourself from the tides the rest of the way."  "I think I can. Alison will you come with me?" Dan asks turning towards her.  Alison shakes her head, then takes a couple of steps away from him. "No Dan."  "It's because of Jean Paul?" Dan asks.  "And Erica." says Alison.  "I see."  Alison turns to Dan. "Dan please, please do me a favor. Please wait until we find out what he's going to do about the capsule. It can't take much longer." 
Jean Paul raises his head. "Oh if you can show me some other sign Erica. To know that you were here. Show me I beg you."  Chimes sound in the room as Erica's pearl rolls to Jean Paul's hand. "Erica, Erica it is you! You are here!" Jean Paul stands and rushes to the crypt.
Raxl and Quito enter the Great Hall, they see Jean Paul heading for the crypt stairs. "He would not listen. Will he be able to stand what must happen now?" Raxl asks as she looks at Quito.
Jean Paul rushes to the capsule. "Okay my darling, it could only be you because the pearl I put in your locket was around your neck. My darling only you could know but you have given me the sign. Now give me the courage." Jean Paul turns the knobs to stop the pressure and freezing chemicals from entering the cryonics capsule.
"I tell you Alison I've got it all figured out. As soon as I figure the tides are right I'm going to get into that..." A warning ringing is heard through the lab.   "What's that?" Alison asks.
Jean Paul turns more knobs breaking the seal. Reaching down he starts pulling the door and the capsule bed out. Inside laying on the bed is the conjure doll and silver pin.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 51